Class XmlWriterSupport


public class XmlWriterSupport extends Object
A support class for writing XML files.
Thomas Morgner
  • Field Details


      public static final int OPEN_TAG_INCREASE
      A constant for controlling the indent function.
      See Also:

      public static final int CLOSE_TAG_DECREASE
      A constant for controlling the indent function.
      See Also:

      public static final int INDENT_ONLY
      A constant for controlling the indent function.
      See Also:
    • CLOSE

      public static final boolean CLOSE
      A constant for close.
      See Also:
    • OPEN

      public static final boolean OPEN
      A constant for open.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • XmlWriterSupport

      public XmlWriterSupport()
      Default Constructor. The created XMLWriterSupport will not have no safe tags and starts with an indention level of 0.
    • XmlWriterSupport

      public XmlWriterSupport(TagDescription safeTags, String indentString)
      Creates a new support instance.
      safeTags - the tags that are safe for line breaks.
      indentString - the indent string.
    • XmlWriterSupport

      public XmlWriterSupport(TagDescription safeTags, String indentString, String lineseparator)
      Create a new XmlWriterSupport instance.
      safeTags - the tags that are safe for line breaks.
      indentString - the indent string.
      lineseparator - the lineseparator that should be used for writing XML files.
  • Method Details

    • isHtmlCompatiblityMode

      public boolean isHtmlCompatiblityMode()
      Checks, whether the HTML compatibility mode is enabled. In HTML compatibility mode, closed empty tags will have a space between the tagname and the close-indicator.
      true, if the HTML compatiblity mode is enabled, false otherwise.
    • setHtmlCompatiblityMode

      public void setHtmlCompatiblityMode(boolean htmlCompatiblityMode)
      Enables or disables the HTML Compatibility mode. In HTML compatibility mode, closed empty tags will have a space between the tagname and the close-indicator.
      htmlCompatiblityMode - true, if the HTML compatiblity mode is enabled, false otherwise.
    • isAlwaysAddNamespace

      public boolean isAlwaysAddNamespace()
      Checks, whether the XML writer should always add a namespace prefix to the attributes. The XML specification leaves it up to the application on how to handle unqualified attributes. If this mode is enabled, all attributes will always be fully qualified - which removed the ambugity but may not be compatible with simple, non namespace aware parsers.
      true, if all attributes should be qualified, false otherwise.
    • setAlwaysAddNamespace

      public void setAlwaysAddNamespace(boolean alwaysAddNamespace)
      Defines, whether the XML writer should always add a namespace prefix to the attributes. The XML specification leaves it up to the application on how to handle unqualified attributes. If this mode is enabled, all attributes will always be fully qualified - which removed the ambuigity but may not be compatible with simple, non namespace aware parsers.
      alwaysAddNamespace - set to true, if all attributes should be qualified, false otherwise.
    • getAdditionalIndent

      public int getAdditionalIndent()
      Returns the indent level that should be added to the automaticly computed indentation.
      the indent level.
    • setAdditionalIndent

      public void setAdditionalIndent(int additionalIndent)
      Defines the indent level that should be added to the automaticly computed indentation.
      additionalIndent - the indent level.
    • getLineSeparator

      public String getLineSeparator()
      Returns the line separator.
      the line separator.
    • writeXmlDeclaration

      public void writeXmlDeclaration(Writer writer, String encoding) throws IOException
      Writes the XML declaration that usually appears at the top of every XML file.
      encoding - the encoding that should be declared (this has to match the encoding of the writer, or funny things may happen when parsing the xml file later).
      IOException - if there is a problem writing to the character stream.
    • setEncoding

      public void setEncoding(String encoding)
    • writeTag

      public void writeTag(Writer w, String namespaceUri, String name) throws IOException
      Writes an opening XML tag that has no attributes.
      w - the writer.
      namespaceUri - the namespace URI for the element.
      name - the tag name.
      IOException - if there is an I/O problem.
    • writeCloseTag

      public void writeCloseTag(Writer w) throws IOException
      Writes a closing XML tag.
      w - the writer.
      IOException - if there is an I/O problem.
    • writeNewLine

      public void writeNewLine(Writer writer) throws IOException
      Writes a linebreak to the writer.
      writer - the writer.
      IOException - if there is a problem writing to the character stream.
    • isLineEmpty

      public boolean isLineEmpty()
      Checks, whether the currently generated line of text is empty.
      true, if the line is empty, false otherwise.
    • setLineEmpty

      public void setLineEmpty(boolean lineEmpty)
      A marker flag to track, wether the current line is empty. This influences the indention.
      lineEmpty - defines, whether the current line should be treated as empty line.
    • writeTag

      public void writeTag(Writer w, String namespace, String name, String attributeName, String attributeValue, boolean close) throws IOException
      Writes an opening XML tag with an attribute/value pair.
      w - the writer.
      namespace - the namespace URI for the element
      name - the tag name.
      attributeName - the attribute name.
      attributeValue - the attribute value.
      close - controls whether the tag is closed.
      IOException - if there is an I/O problem.
    • addImpliedNamespace

      public void addImpliedNamespace(String uri, String prefix)
      Adds an implied namespace to the document. Such a namespace is not explicitly declared, it is assumed that the xml-parser knows the prefix by some other means. Using implied namespaces for standalone documents is almost always a bad idea.
      uri - the uri of the namespace.
      prefix - the defined prefix.
    • copyNamespaces

      public void copyNamespaces(XmlWriterSupport writerSupport)
      Copies all currently declared namespaces of the given XmlWriterSupport instance as new implied namespaces into this instance.
      writerSupport - the Xml-writer from where to copy the declared namespaces.
    • isNamespaceDefined

      public boolean isNamespaceDefined(String uri)
      Checks, whether the given URI is defined as valid namespace.
      uri - the uri of the namespace.
      true, if there's a namespace defined, false otherwise.
    • isNamespacePrefixDefined

      public boolean isNamespacePrefixDefined(String prefix)
      Checks, whether the given namespace prefix is defined.
      prefix - the namespace prefix.
      true, if the prefix is defined, false otherwise.
    • getNamespaces

      public Properties getNamespaces()
      Returns all namespaces as properties-collection. This reflects the currently defined namespaces, therefore calls to writeOpenTag(..) might cause this method to return different collections.
      the defined namespaces.
    • computeNamespaces

      protected DeclaredNamespaces computeNamespaces()
      Computes the current collection of defined namespaces.
      the namespaces declared at this writing position.
    • writeTag

      public void writeTag(Writer w, String namespaceUri, String name, AttributeList attributes, boolean close) throws IOException
      Writes an opening XML tag along with a list of attribute/value pairs.
      w - the writer.
      namespaceUri - the namespace uri for the element (can be null).
      name - the tag name.
      attributes - the attributes.
      close - controls whether the tag is closed.
      IOException - if there is an I/O problem.
    • normalizeLocal

      public String normalizeLocal(String s, boolean transformNewLine) throws IOException
      Normalizes the given string using a shared buffer.
      s - the string that should be XML-Encoded.
      transformNewLine - a flag controling whether to transform newlines into character-entities.
      the transformed string.
    • writeTextNormalized

      public void writeTextNormalized(Writer writer, String s, boolean transformNewLine) throws IOException
      Normalizes the given string and writes the result directly to the stream.
      writer - the writer that should receive the normalized content.
      s - the string that should be XML-Encoded.
      transformNewLine - a flag controling whether to transform newlines into character-entities.
      IOException - if writing to the stream failed.
    • normalize

      public static String normalize(String s, boolean transformNewLine)
      Normalises a string, replacing certain characters with their escape sequences so that the XML text is not corrupted.
      s - the string.
      transformNewLine - true, if a newline in the string should be converted into a character entity.
      the normalised string.
    • indent

      public void indent(Writer writer) throws IOException
      Indent the line. Called for proper indenting in various places.
      writer - the writer which should receive the indentention.
      IOException - if writing the stream failed.
    • indentForClose

      public void indentForClose(Writer writer) throws IOException
      Indent the line. Called for proper indenting in various places.
      writer - the writer which should receive the indentention.
      IOException - if writing the stream failed.
    • getTagDescription

      public TagDescription getTagDescription()
      Returns the list of safe tags.
      The list.
    • writeComment

      public void writeComment(Writer writer, String comment) throws IOException
      Writes a comment into the generated xml file.
      writer - the writer.
      comment - the comment text
      IOException - if there is a problem writing to the character stream.
    • isAssumeDefaultNamespace

      public boolean isAssumeDefaultNamespace()
      Checks, whether attributes of the same namespace as the current element should be written without a prefix. Attributes without a prefix are considered to be not in any namespace at all. How to treat such attributes is implementation dependent. (Appendix A; Section 6.2 of the XmlNamespaces recommendation)
      true, if attributes in the element's namespace should be written without a prefix, false to write all attributes with a prefix.
    • setAssumeDefaultNamespace

      public void setAssumeDefaultNamespace(boolean assumeDefaultNamespace)
      Defines, whether attributes of the same namespace as the current element should be written without a prefix. Attributes without a prefix are considered to be not in any namespace at all. How to treat such attributes is implementation dependent. (Appendix A; Section 6.2 of the XmlNamespaces recommendation)
      assumeDefaultNamespace - true, if attributes in the element's namespace should be written without a prefix, false to write all attributes with a prefix.
    • getCurrentIndentLevel

      public int getCurrentIndentLevel()
      Returns the current indention level.
      the indention level.
    • setWriteFinalLinebreak

      public void setWriteFinalLinebreak(boolean writeFinalLinebreak)
      Defines, whether the written XML file should end with an empty line.
      writeFinalLinebreak - true, if an linebreak should be added at the end of the file, false otherwise.
    • isWriteFinalLinebreak

      public boolean isWriteFinalLinebreak()
      Checks, whether the written XML file should end with an empty line.
      true, if an linebreak should be added at the end of the file, false otherwise.