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WhitespaceClassificationProducer - Class in org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.fonts.text.classifier
Creation-Date: 26.06.2006, 16:36:50
WhitespaceClassificationProducer() - Constructor for class org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.fonts.text.classifier.WhitespaceClassificationProducer
WhiteSpaceFilter - Interface in org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.fonts.text.whitespace
Creation-Date: 11.06.2006, 19:19:44
WordBreakProducer - Class in org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.fonts.text.breaks
This is the standard behaviour for HTML.It breaks texts at word boundaries.
WordBreakProducer() - Constructor for class org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.fonts.text.breaks.WordBreakProducer
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.fonts.encoding.EncodedOutputStreamWriter
Write a portion of an array of characters.
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