Class AbstractRootLevelBand

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractRootLevelBand

        protected AbstractRootLevelBand()
        Constructs a new band (initially empty).
      • AbstractRootLevelBand

        protected AbstractRootLevelBand​(boolean pagebreakBefore,
                                        boolean pagebreakAfter)
        Constructs a new band with the given pagebreak attributes. Pagebreak attributes have no effect on subbands.
        pagebreakAfter - defines, whether a pagebreak should be done after that band was printed.
        pagebreakBefore - defines, whether a pagebreak should be done before that band gets printed.
    • Method Detail

      • getSubReportCount

        public int getSubReportCount()
        Returns the number of subreports attached to this root level band.
        Specified by:
        getSubReportCount in interface RootLevelBand
        the number of subreports.
      • clone

        public AbstractRootLevelBand clone()
        Clones this band and all elements contained in this band. After the cloning the band is no longer connected to a report definition.
        Specified by:
        clone in interface DataTarget
        clone in class Band
        the clone of this band.
      • derive

        public AbstractRootLevelBand derive​(boolean preserveElementInstanceIds)
        Creates a deep copy of this element and regenerates all instance-ids.
        derive in class Band
        preserveElementInstanceIds - defines whether this call generates new instance-ids for the derived elements. Instance-IDs are used by the report processor to recognize reoccurring elements and must not changed within the report run. Outside of the report processors new instance ids should be generated at all times to separate instances and to make them uniquely identifiable.
        the copy of the element.
      • getSubReport

        public SubReport getSubReport​(int index)
        Returns the subreport at the given index-position.
        Specified by:
        getSubReport in interface RootLevelBand
        index - the index
        the subreport stored at the given index.
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if there is no such subreport.
      • addSubReport

        public void addSubReport​(int index,
                                 SubReport element)
        Attaches a new subreport at the end of the list.
        index -
        element - the subreport, never null.
      • addSubReport

        public void addSubReport​(SubReport element)
        Attaches a new subreport at the end of the list.
        element - the subreport, never null.
      • removeSubreport

        public void removeSubreport​(SubReport e)
        Removes the given subreport from the list of attached sub-reports.
        e - the subreport to be removed.
      • getSubReports

        public SubReport[] getSubReports()
        Returns all sub-reports as array.
        Specified by:
        getSubReports in interface RootLevelBand
        the sub-reports as array.