Class ResultSetTableModelFactory

  • public final class ResultSetTableModelFactory
    extends Object
    Creates a TableModel which is backed up by a ResultSet. If the ResultSet is scrollable, a ScrollableResultSetTableModel is created, otherwise all data is copied from the ResultSet into a DefaultTableModel.

    The creation of a DefaultTableModel can be forced if the system property "org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.modules.misc.tablemodel.TableFactoryMode" is set to "simple".

    Thomas Morgner
    • Field Detail


        public static final String COLUMN_NAME_MAPPING_KEY
        The configuration key defining how to map column names to column indices.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String RESULTSET_FACTORY_MODE
        The 'ResultSet factory mode'.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • createTableModel

        public CloseableTableModel createTableModel​(ResultSet rs,
                                                    boolean columnNameMapping,
                                                    boolean closeStatement)
                                             throws SQLException
        Creates a table model by using the given ResultSet as the backend. If the ResultSet is scrollable (the type is not TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY), an instance of ScrollableResultSetTableModel is returned. This model uses the extended capabilities of scrollable result sets to directly read data from the database without caching or the need of copying the complete ResultSet into the programs memory.

        If the ResultSet lacks the scrollable features, the data will be copied into a DefaultTableModel and the ResultSet gets closed.

        rs - the result set.
        columnNameMapping - defines, whether to use column names or column labels to compute the column index. If true, then we map the Name. If false, then we map the Label
        closeStatement - a flag indicating whether closing the resultset should also close the statement.
        a closeable table model.
        SQLException - if there is a problem with the result set.
      • generateDefaultTableModel

        public CloseableTableModel generateDefaultTableModel​(ResultSet rs,
                                                             boolean columnNameMapping)
                                                      throws SQLException
        Generates a TableModel that gets its contents filled from a ResultSet. The column names of the ResultSet will form the column names of the table model.

        Hint: To customize the names of the columns, use the SQL column aliasing (done with SELECT nativecolumnname AS "JavaColumnName" FROM ....

        rs - the result set.
        columnNameMapping - defines, whether to use column names or column labels to compute the column index. If true, then we map the Name. If false, then we map the Label
        a closeable table model.
        SQLException - if there is a problem with the result set.
      • map

        public static ImmutableDataAttributes[] map​(org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.xmlns.common.AttributeMap[] data)
      • getInstance

        public static ResultSetTableModelFactory getInstance()
        Returns the singleton instance of the factory.
        an instance of this factory.