Class SerializerHelper

  • public class SerializerHelper
    extends Object
    The SerializeHelper is used to make implementing custom serialization handlers easier. Handlers for certain object types need to be added to this helper before this implementation is usable.
    Thomas Morgner
    • Constructor Detail

      • SerializerHelper

        public SerializerHelper()
        Creates a new SerializerHelper.
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static SerializerHelper getInstance()
        Returns or creates a new SerializerHelper. When a new instance is created by this method, all known SerializeMethods are registered.
        the SerializerHelper singleton instance.
      • registerMethod

        public void registerMethod​(SerializeMethod method)
        Registers a new SerializeMethod with this SerializerHelper.
        method - the method that should be registered.
      • registerMethods

        protected void registerMethods()
        Traverses the configuration and registers all serialization handlers in this factory.
      • unregisterMethod

        public void unregisterMethod​(SerializeMethod method)
        Deregisters a new SerializeMethod with this SerializerHelper.
        method - the method that should be deregistered.
      • getMethods

        protected HashMap getMethods()
        Returns the collection of all registered serialize methods.
        a collection of the registered serialize methods.
      • getComparator

        protected ClassComparator getComparator()
        Returns the class comparator instance used to find correct super classes.
        the class comparator.
      • getSerializer

        protected SerializeMethod getSerializer​(Class c)
        Looks up the SerializeMethod for the given class or null if there is no SerializeMethod for the given class.
        c - the class for which we want to lookup a serialize method.
        the method or null, if there is no registered method for the class.
      • getSuperClassObjectDescription

        protected SerializeMethod getSuperClassObjectDescription​(Class d)
        Looks up the SerializeMethod for the given class or null if there is no SerializeMethod for the given class. This method searches all superclasses.
        d - the class for which we want to lookup a serialize method.
        the method or null, if there is no registered method for the class.
      • writeObject

        public void writeObject​(Object o,
                                ObjectOutputStream out)
                         throws IOException
        Writes a serializable object description to the given object output stream. This method selects the best serialize helper method for the given object.
        o - the to be serialized object.
        out - the outputstream that should receive the object.
        IOException - if an I/O error occured.
      • isSerializable

        public boolean isSerializable​(Object o)
      • readObject

        public Object readObject​(ObjectInputStream in)
                          throws IOException,
        Reads the object from the object input stream. This object selects the best serializer to read the object.

        Make sure, that you use the same configuration (library and class versions, registered methods in the SerializerHelper) for reading as you used for writing.

        in - the object input stream from where to read the serialized data.
        the generated object.
        IOException - if reading the stream failed.
        ClassNotFoundException - if serialized object class cannot be found.