Uses of Class

Packages that use DatasourceServiceException   

Uses of DatasourceServiceException in

Methods in that throw DatasourceServiceException
 DataSource IDatasourceService.getDataSource(String dsName)
          Since JNDI is supported different ways in different app servers, it's nearly impossible to have a ubiquitous way to look up a datasource.
 String IDatasourceService.getDSBoundName(String dsName)
          Since JNDI is supported different ways in different app servers, it's nearly impossible to have a ubiquitous way to look up a datasource.

Uses of DatasourceServiceException in

Methods in that throw DatasourceServiceException
 DataSource JndiDatasourceService.getDataSource(String dsName)
          Since JNDI is supported different ways in different app servers, it's nearly impossible to have a ubiquitous way to look up a datasource.
 DataSource NonPooledDatasourceService.getDataSource(String dsName)
          Since JNDI is supported different ways in different app servers, it's nearly impossible to have a ubiquitous way to look up a datasource.
 DataSource NonPooledOrJndiDatasourceService.getDataSource(String dsName)
          Since JNDI is supported different ways in different app servers, it's nearly impossible to have a ubiquitous way to look up a datasource.
 DataSource PooledDatasourceService.getDataSource(String dsName)
          Since JNDI is supported different ways in different app servers, it's nearly impossible to have a ubiquitous way to look up a datasource.
 DataSource PooledOrJndiDatasourceService.getDataSource(String dsName)
          Since JNDI is supported different ways in different app servers, it's nearly impossible to have a ubiquitous way to look up a datasource.
 String BaseDatasourceService.getDSBoundName(String dsName)
          Since JNDI is supported different ways in different app servers, it's nearly impossible to have a ubiquitous way to look up a datasource.
 String NonPooledDatasourceService.getDSBoundName(String dsName)
          Since JNDI is supported different ways in different app servers, it's nearly impossible to have a ubiquitous way to look up a datasource.
 String PooledDatasourceService.getDSBoundName(String dsName)
          Since JNDI is supported different ways in different app servers, it's nearly impossible to have a ubiquitous way to look up a datasource.
static PoolingDataSource PooledDatasourceHelper.setupPooledDataSource(IDatasource datasource)