Uses of Class

Packages that use AuditException

Uses of AuditException in org.pentaho.platform.api.engine

Methods in org.pentaho.platform.api.engine that throw AuditException
 void IAuditEntry.auditAll(String jobId, String instId, String objId, String objType, String actor, String messageType, String messageName, String messageTxtValue, BigDecimal messageNumValue, double duration)
          This method will save the information passed as parameters to the audit storage location.

Uses of AuditException in org.pentaho.platform.engine.core.audit

Methods in org.pentaho.platform.engine.core.audit that throw AuditException
static void AuditEntry.auditAll(String jobId, String instId, String objId, String objType, String actor, String messageType, String messageName, String messageTxtValue, BigDecimal messageNumValue, float duration)
static void AuditEntry.auditJobDuration(String jobId, String instId, String objId, String objType, String actor, String messageType, String messageName, String messageTxtValue, float duration)
static void AuditEntry.auditJobNumValue(String jobId, String instId, String objId, String objType, String actor, String messageType, String messageName, BigDecimal messageNumValue)
static void AuditEntry.auditJobTxtValue(String jobId, String instId, String objId, String objType, String actor, String messageType, String messageName, String messageTxtValue)

Uses of AuditException in

Methods in that throw AuditException
 void AuditFileEntry.auditAll(String jobId, String instId, String objId, String objType, String actor, String messageType, String messageName, String messageTxtValue, BigDecimal messageNumValue, double duration)
 void AuditSQLEntry.auditAll(String jobId, String instId, String objId, String objType, String actor, String messageType, String messageName, String messageTxtValue, BigDecimal messageNumValue, double duration)