Uses of Interface

Packages that use ILogger   

Uses of ILogger in

Subinterfaces of ILogger in
 interface IDataComponent
          The data component interface extends component, and adds a single method - getResultSet().
 interface IPreparedComponent
          The prepared component interface extends component, allowing components to go into a prepared state vs.

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.api.engine

Subinterfaces of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.api.engine
 interface IComponent
          A Component is the smallest module in the platform architecture and represents a unit of work, or an action to be performed.
 interface IContentGenerator
 interface IPentahoSession
          Provides an overall representation of the concept of a session.
 interface IRuntimeContext
          This interface defines methods and constants that are used during action execution to resolve parameters, inputs and outputs, resources, and persist the runtime data.
 interface ISolutionEngine
          The Solution Engine handles loading and launching execution of solutions and action sequences.

Methods in org.pentaho.platform.api.engine with parameters of type ILogger
 void IFileInfoGenerator.setLogger(ILogger logger)

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.api.repository

Subinterfaces of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.api.repository
 interface IRuntimeRepository
 interface ISolutionRepository
          Defines methods for getting information out of a location holding the Pentaho solutions.

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.engine.core.audit

Methods in org.pentaho.platform.engine.core.audit with parameters of type ILogger
static void AuditHelper.audit(IRuntimeContext runtimeContext, IPentahoSession session, String messageType, String message, String value, float duration, ILogger logger)
static void AuditHelper.audit(String instanceId, String userId, String actionName, String objectType, String processId, String messageType, String message, String value, float duration, ILogger logger)

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.engine.core.system

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.engine.core.system that implement ILogger
 class BasePublisher
 class BaseSession
 class GlobalListsPublisher
 class PathBasedSystemSettings
          Behavior is identical to SystemSettings except that the settings for PentahoSystem can live in an arbitrary location in the file system (i.e.
 class PentahoBase
 class SettingsPublisher
 class StandaloneSession
 class SystemSettings
          Provides system settings data for system configuration files located in the system folder of the repository.
 class SystemStartupSession
          This class represents the system startup session.
 class UserSession

Methods in org.pentaho.platform.engine.core.system with parameters of type ILogger
static Object PentahoSystem.createObject(String className, ILogger logger)
 void IPentahoLoggingConnection.setLogger(ILogger logger)

Uses of ILogger in

Classes in that implement ILogger
 class TrustedSystemStartupSession
          A "bootstrap" session used to initialize the platform.

Uses of ILogger in

Classes in that implement ILogger
 class PentahoMessenger

Uses of ILogger in

Methods in with parameters of type ILogger
static IActionSequence SequenceDefinition.ActionSequenceFactory(Document document, String actionName, String solutionPath, String solutionName, ILogger logger, IApplicationContext applicationContext, int loggingLevel)

Constructors in with parameters of type ILogger
ActionDefinition(Node actionRootNode, ILogger logger)

Uses of ILogger in

Methods in with parameters of type ILogger
static IPentahoConnection PentahoConnectionFactory.getConnection(String datasourceType, IPentahoSession session, ILogger logger)
static IPentahoConnection PentahoConnectionFactory.getConnection(String datasourceType, Properties properties, IPentahoSession session, ILogger logger)
static IPentahoConnection PentahoConnectionFactory.getConnection(String datasourceType, String connectStr, IPentahoSession session, ILogger logger)
static IPentahoConnection PentahoConnectionFactory.getConnection(String datasourceType, String driver, String location, String userName, String password, IPentahoSession session, ILogger logger)

Uses of ILogger in

Classes in that implement ILogger
 class MetadataPublisher

Uses of ILogger in

Classes in that implement ILogger
 class MapParameterResolver
          This is a utility class that implements the IParameterResolver and resolves parameters based on a lookup map provided.
 class RuntimeContext
 class RuntimeContext_new
 class RuntimeContextBase
 class SimpleRuntimeElement

Uses of ILogger in

Classes in that implement ILogger
 class ActionSequenceContentGenerator
 class ActionSequenceXMLParamsContentGenerator
 class BaseContentGenerator
 class ComponentBase
 class PojoComponent
 class SolutionEngine
 class SolutionPublisher

Methods in with parameters of type ILogger
static IRuntimeContext SolutionHelper.doAction(String solutionName, String actionPath, String actionName, String processId, IParameterProvider parameterProvider, IPentahoSession userSession, ArrayList messages, ILogger logger)
          doAction executes an action within the bi platform and returns the runtime context.
static boolean SolutionHelper.doAction(String solutionName, String actionPath, String actionName, String processId, IParameterProvider parameterProvider, OutputStream outputStream, IPentahoSession userSession, ArrayList messages, ILogger logger)
          doAction executes an action within the bi platform and returns true if successful.
 void ActionSequenceFileInfo.setLogger(ILogger logger)

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.builtin

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.builtin that implement ILogger
 class ContentRepositoryCleaner
 class EmailComponent
 class InstanceEnd
 class PrintComponent
          Implements a PrintComponent class that will send a attached print file to a specified printer.
 class SecureFilterComponent
          The secure filter component has two separate but related functions.
 class SubActionComponent
 class TemplateComponent
 class TestComponent

Methods in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.builtin with parameters of type ILogger
 void ILoggablePojo.setLogger(ILogger logger)

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.datatransforms

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.datatransforms that implement ILogger
 class ResultSetCompareComponent
 class ResultSetCrosstabComponent
 class ResultSetExportComponent
          Implements a PrintComponent class that will send a attached print file to a specified printer.
 class ResultSetFlattenerComponent
          This class flattens an IPentahoResultSet by looking at a particular column.

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.deprecated

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.deprecated that implement ILogger
 class ContentOutputComponent
          This component takes an input, and writes the output into the current output handler.
 class UtilityComponent
          Provides utilities to help manipulate parameters used in action sequences.

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.eclipsebirt

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.eclipsebirt that implement ILogger
 class BIRTReportComponent

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.examples

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.examples that implement ILogger
 class ComponentImplementationExample
 class HelloWorldComponent

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.hql

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.hql that implement ILogger
 class HQLBaseComponent
 class HQLDataComponent
 class HQLLookupRule

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.jasperreports

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.jasperreports that implement ILogger
 class JasperReportsComponent

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.javascript

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.javascript that implement ILogger
 class JavascriptRule

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.jfreechart

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.jfreechart that implement ILogger
 class ChartComponent

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.jfreereport

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.jfreereport that implement ILogger
 class AbstractJFreeReportComponent
 class JFreeReportComponent
          The JFreeReportComponent provides a simple-to-use frontend for the reporting process.
 class JFreeReportGeneratorComponent
 class ReportWizardSpecComponent
          The report-wizard component generates a report definition from a report-spec file.

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.jfreereport.components

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.jfreereport.components that implement ILogger
 class JFreeReportConfigParameterComponent
 class JFreeReportDataComponent
 class JFreeReportGenerateDefinitionComponent
 class JFreeReportLoadComponent
          Deprecated. This code has known bugs and it is highly recommended that it not be used by any sane person
 class JFreeReportParametersComponent
 class JFreeReportValidateParametersComponent
          Creation-Date: 07.07.2006, 16:26:25

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.jfreereport.outputs

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.jfreereport.outputs that implement ILogger
 class AbstractGenerateContentComponent
          The base class for all content generating components.
 class AbstractGenerateStreamContentComponent
          Creation-Date: 07.07.2006, 20:50:22
 class JFreeReportAllContentComponent
          Creation-Date: 07.07.2006, 21:01:58
 class JFreeReportCSVComponent
          Creation-Date: 07.07.2006, 20:42:17
 class JFreeReportDirectoryHtmlComponent
          Creation-Date: 07.07.2006, 20:42:17
 class JFreeReportExcelComponent
          Creation-Date: 07.07.2006, 20:42:17
 class JFreeReportHtmlComponent
          Creation-Date: 07.07.2006, 20:42:17
 class JFreeReportPdfComponent
          Creation-Date: 07.07.2006, 20:42:17
 class JFreeReportPreviewSwingComponent
          Creation-Date: 07.07.2006, 14:06:43
 class JFreeReportPrintComponent
          Creation-Date: 07.07.2006, 20:06:56
 class JFreeReportRTFComponent
          Creation-Date: 07.07.2006, 20:42:17
 class JFreeReportStreamHtmlComponent
          Creation-Date: 07.07.2006, 20:42:17
 class JFreeReportXmlComponent
          Creation-Date: 07.07.2006, 20:42:17
 class JFreeReportZipHtmlComponent
          Creation-Date: 07.07.2006, 20:42:17

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.kettle

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.kettle that implement ILogger
 class Custom1
 class KettleComponent
          KettleComponent shows a list of available transformations in the root of the choosen repository.

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.mdx

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.mdx that implement ILogger
 class MDXBaseComponent
 class MDXDataComponent
 class MDXLookupRule

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.mondrian

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.mondrian that implement ILogger
 class AnalysisSaver
          Utility class used to save an analysis action sequence from a JPivot view.
 class MondrianCachePublisher
 class MondrianModelComponent
 class PivotViewComponent

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.pentahometadata

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.pentahometadata that implement ILogger
 class MQLRelationalDataComponent

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.sql

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.sql that implement ILogger
 class SQLBaseComponent
          SQLBaseComponent is the base class for SQLExecute and SQLLookupRule.
 class SQLDataComponent
 class SQLDdlComponent
 class SQLExecute
 class SQLLookupRule

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.versionchecker

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.versionchecker that implement ILogger
 class PentahoVersionCheckComponent
          Version Check Component This component makes a call to pentaho's server to see if a new version is a vailable.

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.xml.webservice

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.xml.webservice that implement ILogger
 class WebServiceLookupRule
          Performs the action of processing a webservice call in an action by doing the same functionality as the XQuery action (but not trying to retrieve the column types).

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.xml.xquery

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.xml.xquery that implement ILogger
 class XQueryBaseComponent
          XQueryBaseComponent provides a mechanism to run xqueries within the Pentaho BI Platform.
 class XQueryLookupRule

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.xmla

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.action.xmla that implement ILogger
 class XMLABaseComponent
 class XMLADataComponent
 class XMLALookupRule

Uses of ILogger in

Methods in with parameters of type ILogger
 void HQLConnection.setLogger(ILogger logger)

Uses of ILogger in

Methods in with parameters of type ILogger
 void MDXConnection.setLogger(ILogger logger)

Constructors in with parameters of type ILogger
MDXConnection(String connectStr, ILogger logger)

Uses of ILogger in

Methods in with parameters of type ILogger
 void SQLConnection.setLogger(ILogger logger)

Constructors in with parameters of type ILogger
SQLConnection(String driverName, String location, String userName, String password, ILogger logger)

Uses of ILogger in

Methods in with parameters of type ILogger
 void XQConnection.setLogger(ILogger logger)

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.repository

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.repository that implement ILogger
 class SimpleRuntimeRepository

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.repository.content

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.repository.content that implement ILogger
 class ContentItem
 class ContentItemFile
 class ContentLocation
 class ContentRepository

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.repository.runtime

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.repository.runtime that implement ILogger
 class RuntimeElement
 class RuntimeRepository

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.repository.solution

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.repository.solution that implement ILogger
 class CleanRepoPublisher
 class SolutionRepositoryBase

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.repository.solution.dbbased

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.repository.solution.dbbased that implement ILogger
 class DbBasedSolutionRepository
 class ExtensionDbBasedSolutionRepository

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.repository.solution.filebased

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.repository.solution.filebased that implement ILogger
 class ExtensionFileBasedSolutionRepository
 class FileBasedSolutionRepository

Constructors in org.pentaho.platform.repository.solution.filebased with parameters of type ILogger
FileInfo(Element node, ILogger logger)
FileIterator(List nodeList, ILogger logger)

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.repository.subscription

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.repository.subscription that implement ILogger
 class SubscriptionExecute
 class SubscriptionPublisher

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.scheduler

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.scheduler that implement ILogger
 class QuartzExecute
 class SchedulerAdminUIComponent
          API description: Base URL is: http://://SchedulerAdmin or http://localhost:8080/pentaho/SchedulerAdmin deleteJob: schedulerAction=deleteJob&jobName=PentahoSystemVersionCheck&jobGroup=DEFAULT executeJobNow: schedulerAction=executeJob&jobName=PentahoSystemVersionCheck&jobGroup=DEFAULT getJobNames: schedulerAction=getJobNames isSchedulerPaused: schedulerAction=isSchedulerPaused pauseAll: schedulerAction=suspendScheduler pauseJob: schedulerAction=pauseJob&jobName=PentahoSystemVersionCheck&jobGroup=DEFAULT resumeAll: schedulerAction=resumeScheduler resumeJob: schedulerAction=resumeJob&jobName=PentahoSystemVersionCheck&jobGroup=DEFAULT TODO sbarkdull, add API for create and update NOTE: the term "Job" is somewhat misused in much of this file.

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.scheduler.action

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.scheduler.action that implement ILogger
 class JobSchedulerComponent
 class SchedulerAdminComponent

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.uifoundation.chart

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.uifoundation.chart that implement ILogger
 class AbstractChartComponent
 class AbstractJFreeChartComponent
 class CategoryDatasetChartComponent
 class DashboardWidgetComponent
          This class is a Pentaho user interface component.
 class DialChartComponent
 class FlashChartComponent
 class PieDatasetChartComponent
 class TimeSeriesCollectionChartComponent
 class XYSeriesCollectionChartComponent
 class XYZSeriesCollectionChartComponent

Methods in org.pentaho.platform.uifoundation.chart with parameters of type ILogger
static boolean ChartHelper.doChart(String solutionName, String actionPath, String chartName, IParameterProvider parameterProvider, StringBuffer outputStream, IPentahoSession userSession, ArrayList messages, ILogger logger)
          doChart generates the images and html necessary to render various charts within a web page.
static boolean ChartHelper.doDial(String solutionName, String actionPath, String chartName, IParameterProvider parameterProvider, StringBuffer outputStream, IPentahoSession userSession, ArrayList messages, ILogger logger)
          Deprecated. use doChart() instead
static boolean FlashChartHelper.doFlashChart(String solutionName, String actionPath, String chartName, IParameterProvider parameterProvider, StringBuffer outputStream, IPentahoSession userSession, ArrayList messages, ILogger logger)
          doFlashChart generates a flash media player chart.
static boolean FlashChartHelper.doFlashDial(String solutionName, String actionPath, String actionName, IParameterProvider parameterProvider, StringBuffer outputStream, IPentahoSession userSession, ArrayList messages, ILogger logger)
          doFlashDial generates a flash media player dial.
static boolean ChartHelper.doPieChart(String solutionName, String actionPath, String chartName, IParameterProvider parameterProvider, StringBuffer outputStream, IPentahoSession userSession, ArrayList messages, ILogger logger)
          Deprecated. use doChart instead
static JFreeChart JFreeChartEngine.getChart(Dataset dataset, String title, String units, int width, int height, ILogger logger)
          Create a chart-object using dataset object.
static void JFreeChartEngine.saveChart(Dataset dataset, String title, String units, String fileName, int width, int height, int outputType, PrintWriter writer, ChartRenderingInfo info, ILogger logger)
          Create an image file using dataset object.
static void JFreeChartEngine.saveChart(Dataset dataset, String title, String units, String fileName, int width, int height, int outputType, PrintWriter writer, ILogger logger)
          Create an image file using dataset object.

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.uifoundation.component

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.uifoundation.component that implement ILogger
 class ActionComponent
 class BaseUIComponent
 class HtmlComponent

Constructors in org.pentaho.platform.uifoundation.component with parameters of type ILogger
ActionFilterDefinition(Element node, IPentahoSession session, ILogger logger)
GlobalFilterDefinition(Element node, IPentahoSession session, ILogger logger)
SessionFilterDefinition(Element node, IPentahoSession session, ILogger logger)
StaticFilterDefinition(Element node, IPentahoSession session, ILogger logger)

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.uifoundation.component.xml

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.uifoundation.component.xml that implement ILogger
 class FilterPanelComponent
          This class provides a user interface that lets users select items from lists or radio buttons.
 class InputFormComponent
 class LoadDBRepositoryUIComponent
 class NavigationComponent
 class PMDUIComponent
 class PropertiesEditorUIComponent
 class PropertiesPanelUIComponent
          TODO mlowery Need to remove direct references to PentahoAclEntry permission constants.
 class SolutionTreeUIComponent
 class WidgetGridComponent
 class XmlComponent

Methods in org.pentaho.platform.uifoundation.component.xml with parameters of type ILogger
static FilterDefinition FilterDefinitionFactory.create(Element node, IPentahoSession session, ILogger logger)

Constructors in org.pentaho.platform.uifoundation.component.xml with parameters of type ILogger
FilterPanel(IPentahoSession session, Document document, ILogger logger)

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.uifoundation.contentgen

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.uifoundation.contentgen that implement ILogger
 class AdminContentGenerator
 class BaseXmlContentGenerator
 class ChartContentGenerator
 class NavigationContentGenerator

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.util.logging

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.util.logging that implement ILogger
 class SimpleLogger

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.web.http.session

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.web.http.session that implement ILogger
 class PentahoHttpSession

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.web.portal

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.web.portal that implement ILogger
 class ActionPortlet
 class BasePortlet
 class FilterPanelPortlet
 class HtmlPortlet
 class NavigationPortlet
 class PentahoPortletSession
 class ViewPortlet
 class WidgetGridPortlet
 class WidgetPortlet

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.web.portal.chart

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.web.portal.chart that implement ILogger
 class AbstractDatasetChartPortlet
 class CategoryDatasetChartPortlet
 class PieDatasetChartPortlet
 class TimeSeriesCollectionChartPortlet
 class XYSeriesCollectionChartPortlet
 class XYZSeriesCollectionChartPortlet

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.web.refactor

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.web.refactor that implement ILogger
 class SolutionManagerUIComponent
 class SubscriptionAdminUIComponent
 class UserFilesComponent

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.platform.web.servlet

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.web.servlet that implement ILogger
 class AdhocWebService
          Servlet Class web.servlet name="ViewAction" display-name="Name for ViewAction" description="Description for ViewAction" web.servlet-mapping url-pattern="/ViewAction" web.servlet-init-param name="A parameter" value="A value"
 class AnalysisViewService
 class GenericServlet
 class GetContent
 class GetImage
 class GetMondrianModel
 class GetResource
 class HttpWebService
          Servlet Class web.servlet name="ViewAction" display-name="Name for ViewAction" description="Description for ViewAction" web.servlet-mapping url-pattern="/ViewAction" web.servlet-init-param name="A parameter" value="A value"
 class MondrianCatalogPublisher
 class ProxyServlet
          This servlet is used to Proxy a Servlet request to another server for processing and returns that result to the caller as if this Servlet actiually serviced it.
 class RepositoryFilePublisher
 class ServletBase
 class ShowTestResult
 class SolutionEngineInteractivityService
 class SolutionRepositoryService
 class SubscriptionAdminServlet
 class SubscriptionUserCleanup
          Provides a web interface for the management of users.
 class UIServlet
 class ViewAction
          Servlet Class web.servlet name="ViewAction" display-name="Name for ViewAction" description="Description for ViewAction" web.servlet-mapping url-pattern="/ViewAction" web.servlet-init-param name="A parameter" value="A value"
 class ViewActionExperimental
          Servlet Class web.servlet name="ViewAction" display-name="Name for ViewAction" description="Description for ViewAction" web.servlet-mapping url-pattern="/ViewAction" web.servlet-init-param name="A parameter" value="A value"

Uses of ILogger in org.pentaho.test.platform.engine.core

Classes in org.pentaho.test.platform.engine.core that implement ILogger
 class BaseTest
          A Base class for platform integration tests.
 class TestManager