All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractBaseCell |
AbstractBaseCommandExecutor |
AbstractFileErrorHandler |
AbstractFileValidator |
AbstractMeta |
AbstractRepository |
Implementing convenience methods that can be described in terms of other methods in the interface
AbstractStep |
AbstractStepMeta |
AddClosureArrayList<T> |
AddExportServlet |
Deprecated. |
AddJobServlet |
AddTransServlet |
AddUndoPositionInterface |
AESSymmetricCrypto |
Symmetric algorithm
AfterInjection |
Aggregate |
AgileMartUtil |
AllocateServerSocketServlet |
This servlet allows a client (TransSplitter in our case) to ask for a port number.
This port number will be allocated in such a way that the port number is unique for a given hostname.
This in turn will ensure that all the slaves will use valid port numbers, even if multiple slaves run on the same
AndValidator |
Boolean ANDs the results of all validators.
AreaOwner |
When we draw something in Spoon (TransPainter) we keep a list of all the things we draw and the object that's behind
AreaOwner.AreaType |
Assert |
AsyncDatabaseAction |
Static methods for asynchronous execution of actions on a Database ,
with a set timeout for the async thread.
AttributesUtil |
AuthenticationConsumer<ReturnType,ConsumedType> |
AuthenticationConsumerFactory<ReturnType,CreateArgType,ConsumedType> |
AuthenticationConsumerInvocationHandler |
AuthenticationConsumerPlugin |
This annotation signals to the plugin system that the class is an authentication provider plugin.
AuthenticationConsumerPluginType |
This class represents the authentication plugin type.
AuthenticationConsumerType |
The AuthenticationProvider interface specifies the operations needed to interact with an authentication method.
AuthenticationConsumptionException |
AuthenticationFactoryException |
AuthenticationManager |
AuthenticationPerformer<ReturnType,CreateArgType> |
AuthenticationPerformerFactory |
AuthenticationPersistenceManager |
AuthenticationProvider |
AuthenticationProviderPlugin |
This annotation signals to the plugin system that the class is an authentication provider plugin.
AuthenticationProviderPluginType |
This class represents the authentication plugin type.
AuthenticationProviderType |
The AuthenticationProvider interface specifies the operations needed to interact with an authentication method.
BaseCartePlugin |
BaseDatabaseStep |
Base step extension that is responsible for Database connection and datasource management
for steps that require it.
BaseDatabaseStepData |
BaseDatabaseStepMeta |
BaseFileErrorHandling |
Block for error handling settings.
BaseFileField |
Describes a single field in a text file
BaseFileInputAdditionalField |
Additional fields settings.
BaseFileInputFiles |
Input files settings.
BaseFileInputMeta<A extends BaseFileInputAdditionalField,I extends BaseFileInputFiles,F extends BaseFileField> |
Base meta for file-based input steps.
BaseFileInputStep<M extends BaseFileInputMeta<?,?,?>,D extends BaseFileInputStepData> |
This class contains base functionality for file-based input steps.
BaseFileInputStepData |
Some base data for file-based input steps.
BaseFileInputStepUtils |
Utils for file-based input steps.
BaseFileMeta |
A base parent class for all file based metas.
BaseFileOutputMeta |
A base implementation for all output file based metas.
BaseHopMeta<T> |
This class defines a base hop from one job entry copy to another, or from one step to another.
BaseHttpServlet |
BaseImportRule |
BaseJobServlet |
BaseLogTable |
BaseMeta |
Common methods of StepMeta and JobEntryCopy.
BasePainter<Hop extends BaseHopMeta<?>,Part extends BaseMeta> |
BasePartitioner |
Implements common functionality needed by partitioner plugins.
BaseRepositoryMeta |
BaseRepositorySecurityProvider |
BaseSerializingMeta |
Handles serialization of meta by implementing getXML/loadXML, readRep/saveRep.
BaseStep |
This class can be extended for the actual row processing of the implemented step.
BaseStepData |
This class is the base class for the StepDataInterface and contains the methods to set and retrieve the status of the
step data.
BaseStepData.StepExecutionStatus |
The Enum StepExecutionStatus.
BaseStepMeta |
This class is responsible for implementing common functionality regarding step meta, such as logging.
BaseStepMetaInjection |
BaseStreamStep |
BaseStreamStepMeta |
BatchFolderIterator |
BeanInjectionInfo |
Storage for bean annotations info for Metadata Injection and Load/Save.
BeanInjector |
Engine for get/set metadata injection properties from bean.
BeanLevelInfo |
Storage for one step on the bean deep level.
BeanLevelInfo.DIMENSION |
BlockingQueueStreamSource<T> |
Implementation of StreamSource which handles pause/resume logic, as well as creation of .rows() which generates a
blocking iterable.
BodyHttpServlet |
BOMDetector |
Detector of BOM prefix in file.
BOMDetector.BOMMark |
BooleanPluginProperty |
BreakPointListener |
BufferedInputStreamReader |
Wraps an InputStreamReader with a BufferedReader enabling mark/reset and other buffered features while still being
able to report the original encoding.
BufferedOutputStreamWithCloseDetection |
Workaround for stream close issue under Java 8.
CachedItem |
Calculator |
Calculate new field values using pre-defined functions.
CalculatorData |
CalculatorMeta |
Contains the meta-data for the Calculator step: calculates predefined formula's
CalculatorMetaFunction |
CanLimitDirs |
Carte |
Carte.CarteCommandException |
Exception generated when command line fails
CarteDelegationHandler |
A handler for registering sub-jobs and sub-transformations on the carte maps.
CarteObjectEntry |
A carte object entry in the transformation or job maps
CartePluginInterface |
CartePluginType |
This class represents the carte plugin type.
CarteRequestHandler |
CarteRequestHandler.CarteRequest |
CarteRequestHandler.CarteResponse |
CarteRequestHandler.OutputStreamResponse |
CarteRequestHandler.WriterResponse |
CarteResource |
CarteServlet |
This annotation signals to the Kettle plugin registry that it needs to consider the annotated class as a carte
servlet plugin.
CarteServlet |
CarteServletInterface |
CarteSingleton |
CarteStatusCache |
CellDataSet |
CellSetFormatter |
ChangedFlag |
ChangedFlagInterface |
ChannelLogTable |
This class describes a logging channel logging table
ChannelLogTable.ID |
CheckStepsExtension |
ClassloaderBridgingAuthenticationPerformer<ReturnType,CreateArgType,ConsumedType> |
CleanupTransServlet |
ClusterSchema |
A cluster schema combines a list of slave servers so that they can be set altogether.
CollectionPredicates |
CommandExecutorCodes |
CommandExecutorCodes.Kitchen |
CommandExecutorCodes.Pan |
CommandLineOption |
This class allows you to define command-line options.
CompletionProposal |
ComplexType |
A ComplexType contians a map of the elementName -> elementXmlType of all the elements in a named complex type.
CompositeFileErrorHandler |
CompressionInputStream |
CompressionOutputStream |
CompressionPlugin |
This annotation signals to the plugin system that the class is a compression provider plugin.
CompressionPluginType |
This class represents the compression plugin type.
CompressionProvider |
The CompressionProvider interface specifies the operations needed to interact with a stream whose data is compressed
on output and decompressed on input.
CompressionProviderFactory |
CompressionProviderFactoryInterface |
ConcurrentMapProperties |
Thread Safe version of Java Properties class.
ConfigHelper |
Helper class for converting Config info between maps <=> lists
ConfigurableStreamLogger |
ConnectionUtil |
Utility for managing embedded named connections
Constant |
Generates a number of (empty or the same) rows
ConstantData |
ConstantMeta |
ContainsKeyToRowSetMap |
ContentChangedAdapter |
ContentChangedListener |
This listener will be called by the parent object when its content changes.
ControlWsdlLocator |
Implementation of WSDLLocator for Beehive controls.
CreditCardValidator |
Check if a Credit Card is valid *
CreditCardValidatorData |
CreditCardValidatorMeta |
CreditCardVerifier |
CrLfMatcherInterface |
CryptoException |
Symmetric algorithm
CryptoKeyException |
Symmetric algorithm
CsvInput |
Read a simple CSV file Just output Strings found in the file...
CsvInputAwareMeta |
CsvInputData |
CsvInputMeta |
CurrentDirectoryChangedListener |
Listens for changes in Internal.Entry.Current.Directory
CurrentDirectoryResolver |
This class resolve and update system variables
DatabaseConfigurationImportRule |
DatabaseImpact |
DatabaseJoin |
Use values from input streams to joins with values in a database.
DatabaseJoinData |
DatabaseJoinMeta |
DatabaseLookup |
Looks up values in a database using keys from input streams.
DatabaseLookupData |
DatabaseLookupData.Cache |
Cache for DatabaseLookup step.
DatabaseLookupMeta |
DataCell |
DataGrid |
Generates a number of (empty or the same) rows
DataGridData |
DataGridMeta |
DataGridMetaInjection |
To keep it simple, this metadata injection interface only supports the fields in the spreadsheet for the time being.
DataTypeConverter |
Converter for field types.
DBProc |
Retrieves values from a database by calling database stored procedures or functions
DBProcData |
DBProcMeta |
DefaultAuthenticationConsumerFactory |
DefaultAuthenticationPerformer<ReturnType,CreateArgType,T extends AuthenticationProvider> |
DefaultAuthenticationPerformerFactory |
DefaultCache |
DefaultWebServerShutdownHandler |
DelegationAdapter |
DelegationListener |
Delete |
Delete data in a database table.
DeleteData |
DeleteMeta |
This class takes care of deleting values in a table using a certain condition and values for input.
DeleteMeta.KeyFields |
Denormaliser |
Denormalises data based on key-value pairs
DenormaliserData |
Data structure used by Denormaliser during processing
DenormaliserMeta |
The Denormaliser transformation step meta-data
DenormaliserMetaInjection |
To keep it simple, this metadata injection interface only supports the fields to denormalize for the time being.
DenormaliserTargetField |
Contains the properties of the target field, conversion mask, type, aggregation method, etc.
DESSymmetricCrypto |
Symmetric algorithm
DetectEmptyStream |
Detect empty stream.
DetectEmptyStreamData |
DetectEmptyStreamMeta |
DetectLastRow |
Detect last row in a stream
DetectLastRowData |
DetectLastRowMeta |
DimensionCache |
This class will act as a special purpose dimension Cache.
DimensionLookup |
Manages a slowly changing dimension (lookup or update)
DimensionLookupData |
DimensionLookupMeta |
DimensionLookupMeta.ReturnTypeCodeConverter |
DimensionLookupMeta.StartDateCodeConverter |
DimensionLookupMeta.UpdateTypeCodeConverter |
DomUtils |
Some DOM utility methods.
DummyTrans |
Do nothing.
DummyTransData |
DummyTransMeta |
DuplicateKeyException |
DynamicDatasource |
Interface for retrieving resources needed to establish a new datasource in the report engine.
DynamicSQLRow |
Run dynamic SQL.
DynamicSQLRowData |
DynamicSQLRowMeta |
EmailValidator |
EmbeddedMetaStore |
EmptyPatternMatcher |
EncodingType |
EncodingType |
EngineMetaInterface |
EnginePlugin |
Created by nbaker on 1/4/17.
EnginePluginType |
Plugin for interacting with Engine implementations.
EntryCurrentDirectoryChangedListener |
Updates directory references referencing Const.INTERNAL_VARIABLE_ENTRY_CURRENT_DIRECTORY
EntryCurrentDirectoryChangedListener.PathReference |
ExecProcess |
Execute a process *
ExecProcessData |
ExecProcessMeta |
ExecSQL |
Execute one or more SQL statements in a script, one time or parameterised (for every row)
ExecSQLData |
ExecSQLMeta |
Contains meta-data to execute arbitrary SQL, optionally each row again.
ExecSQLRow |
Execute one or more SQL statements in a script, one time or parameterised (for every row)
ExecSQLRowData |
ExecSQLRowMeta |
Contains meta-data to execute arbitrary SQL from a specified field.
ExecuteJobServlet |
ExecuteTransServlet |
ExecutionConfiguration |
ExecutorInterface |
ExportFeedback |
This class is used to write export feedback.
ExportFeedback.Status |
ExportFeedback.Type |
FieldHelper |
FieldIndex |
Class used to hold operating field index, intermediate data and final results for a stats calculation.
FieldnameLineage |
This describes how a field gets renamed in a certain step.
It helps us to do the complete lineage from source to target and back.
FieldsChangeSequence |
Add sequence to each input row.
FieldsChangeSequenceData |
FieldsChangeSequenceMeta |
FieldsMapping |
FieldSplitter |
Split a single String fields into multiple parts based on certain conditions.
FieldSplitterData |
FieldSplitterMeta |
FileDoesNotExistValidator |
Fails if a field's value is a filename and the file does not exist.
FileErrorHandler |
FileErrorHandlerContentLineNumber |
FileErrorHandlerMissingFiles |
FileExists |
Check if a table exists in a Database *
FileExistsData |
FileExistsMeta |
FileExistsValidator |
Fails if a field's value is a filename and the file does not exist.
FileLocked |
Check if a file is locked *
FileLockedData |
FileLockedMeta |
Check if a file is locked *
FilenameChangedListener |
A listener that will signal when the filename of an object changes.
FilePlayList |
FilePlayListAll |
FilePlayListReplay |
FilePlayListReplayErrorFile |
FilePlayListReplayFile |
FilesFromResult |
Reads results from a previous transformation in a Job
FilesFromResultData |
FilesFromResultMeta |
FilesToResult |
Writes filenames to a next job entry in a Job
FilesToResultData |
FilesToResultMeta |
FileUtil |
FilterRows |
Filters input rows base on conditions.
FilterRowsData |
FilterRowsMeta |
FixedFileInputField |
FixedInput |
Read a simple fixed width file Just output fields found in the file...
FixedInputData |
FixedInputMeta |
FixedInputMetaInjection |
Metadata injection interface for the Fixed File Input step.
FixedTimeStreamWindow<I extends List> |
A StreamWindow implementation which buffers rows of I by a fixed amount of time and size, executing each batch in a
Flattener |
Pivots data based on key-value pairs
FlattenerData |
FlattenerMeta |
The flattener step meta-data
FlattenerTargetField |
Formula |
Calculate new field values using pre-defined functions.
FormulaData |
FormulaEvaluator |
FormulaMessage |
FormulaMeta |
Contains the meta-data for the Formula step: calculates ad-hoc formula's Powered by Pentaho's "libformula"
Created on 22-feb-2007
FormulaMetaFunction |
FTPSConnection |
FunctionDescription |
FunctionExample |
Describes a lib formula function example in a generic way.
FunctionLib |
FuzzyMatch |
Performs a fuzzy match for each main stream field row An approximative match is done in a lookup stream
FuzzyMatchData |
FuzzyMatchMeta |
GCInterface |
GenericStepData |
GetFileNames |
Read all sorts of text files, convert them to rows and writes these to one or more output streams.
GetFileNamesData |
GetFileNamesMeta |
GetFilesRowsCount |
Read all files, count rows number
GetFilesRowsCountData |
GetFilesRowsCountMeta |
GetJobImageServlet |
GetJobStatusServlet |
GetPropertiesServlet |
GetRepositoryNames |
Read all sorts of text files, convert them to rows and writes these to one or more output streams.
GetRepositoryNamesData |
GetRepositoryNamesMeta |
GetRootServlet |
GetSlaveSequence |
Adds a sequential number to a stream of rows.
GetSlaveSequenceData |
GetSlaveSequenceMeta |
Meta data for the Add Sequence step.
GetSlavesServlet |
GetStatusServlet |
GetSubFolders |
Read all subfolder inside a specified folder and convert them to rows and writes these to one or more output streams.
GetSubFoldersData |
GetSubFoldersMeta |
GetTableNames |
Return tables name list from Database connection *
GetTableNamesData |
GetTableNamesMeta |
GetTransImageServlet |
GetTransStatusServlet |
GetVariable |
Get information from the System or the supervising transformation.
GetVariableData |
GetVariableMeta |
GetVariableMeta.FieldDefinition |
This defines a GnuPG wrapper class.
GroupBy |
Groups informations based on aggregation rules.
GroupByData |
GroupByMeta |
Created on 02-jun-2003
GroupByMetaInjection |
This takes care of the external metadata injection into the GroupByMeta class
GUIFactory |
GZIPCompressionInputStream |
GZIPCompressionOutputStream |
GZIPCompressionProvider |
HadoopSnappyCompressionInputStream |
HadoopSnappyCompressionOutputStream |
HadoopSnappyCompressionProvider |
HasDatabasesInterface |
HasLogChannelInterface |
HasRepositoryDirectories |
Interface indicating that a step has repository references to another file(s).
HasRepositoryInterface |
HasSlaveServersInterface |
Retrieves data from an HTTP endpoint
HTTPData |
HTTPMeta |
Make a HTTP Post call
HTTPProtocol |
IBaseFileInputReader |
Content-based reader for file.
IBaseFileInputStepControl |
Interface for some step operations required for parse input file.
IfNull |
Sets a field value to a constant if it is null
IfNullData |
IfNullMeta |
IfNullMeta.Fields |
IfNullMeta.ValueTypes |
IMetaFileCache |
This cache lives for the runtime of the parent Job or Trans.
IMetaFileLoader<T> |
Import |
ImportRuleInterface |
ImportRulePlugin |
The best way to define import rules as plugins.
ImportRulePluginType |
This is the import rule plugin type.
ImportRules |
ImportRuleSubject |
ImportValidationFeedback |
ImportValidationResultType |
InfoStepDefinition |
Injection |
Field that support injection should be marked by this annotation.
InjectionDeep |
Bean inside metadata should be marked by this annotation for introspect it for injection annotations find.
InjectionSupported |
Metadata object should be marked by this annotation if it supports metadata injection.
Injector |
Executor class to allow a java program to inject rows of data into a transformation.
InjectorData |
Data class to allow a java program to inject rows of data into a transformation.
InjectorMeta |
Metadata class to allow a java program to inject rows of data into a transformation.
InputFileMetaInterface |
InsertUpdate |
Performs a lookup in a database table.
InsertUpdateData |
Stores data for the Insert/Update step.
InsertUpdateMeta |
InsertUpdateMeta.KeyField |
InsertUpdateMeta.UpdateField |
IntegerPluginProperty |
IntegerValidator |
Fails if a field's value is not an integer.
IParams |
IRepositoryExporter |
Handles exporting a repository.
IRepositoryExporterFeedback |
The only way this interface extends base IRepositoryExporter is to bring new functionality to objects
that implements original interface, not to break backward compatibility.
IRepositoryImporter |
Handles importing a repository.
IRepositoryService |
This is a marker interface for a service to identify itself as a repository service
ISubTransAwareMeta |
A step "meta" that contains a reference to a sub-transformation.
IUser |
Repository User object
IWebServerShutdownHandler |
Janino |
Calculate new field values using pre-defined functions.
JaninoData |
JaninoMeta |
Contains the meta-data for the Formula step: calculates ad-hoc formula's Powered by Pentaho's "libformula"
Created on 22-feb-2007
JaninoMetaFunction |
JaninoMetaInjection |
This takes care of the external metadata injection into the JaninoMeta class
JaninoMetaInjection.Entry |
JarfileGenerator |
JarPan |
Executes a transformation calls transformation.xml from within a jar file.
JavaFilter |
Calculate new field values using pre-defined functions.
JavaFilterData |
JavaFilterMeta |
Contains the meta-data for the java filter step: calculates conditions using Janino
Created on 30-oct-2009
JavaScriptUtils |
Job |
This class executes a job as defined by a JobMeta object.
JobAdapter |
Utility class to allow only certain methods of JobListener to be overridden.
JobConfiguration |
JobEntry |
An alternative when defining jobs entries.
JobEntryBase |
Base class for the different types of job-entries.
JobEntryCheckFilesLocked |
This defines a 'check files locked' job entry.
JobEntryColumnsExist |
This defines a column exists job entry.
JobEntryConnectedToRepository |
Job entry connected to repositoryb.
JobEntryCopy |
This class describes the fact that a single JobEntry can be used multiple times in the same Job.
JobEntryCopyFiles |
This defines a 'copy files' job entry.
JobEntryCopyMoveResultFilenames |
This defines a 'copymoveresultfilenames' job entry.
JobEntryCreateFile |
This defines a 'create file' job entry.
JobEntryCreateFolder |
This defines a 'create folder' job entry.
JobEntryDelay |
Job entry type to sleep for a time.
JobEntryDeleteFile |
This defines a 'delete file' job entry.
JobEntryDeleteFiles |
This defines a 'delete files' job entry.
JobEntryDeleteFolders |
This defines a 'delete folders' job entry.
JobEntryDeleteResultFilenames |
This defines a 'deleteresultfilenames' job entry.
JobEntryDialogFragmentType |
This class represents the job entry dialog fragment type.
JobEntryDialogInterface |
JobEntryDialogInterface is the Java interface that implements the settings dialog of a job entry plugin.
JobEntryDosToUnix |
This defines a 'Dos to Unix' job entry.
JobEntryEmpty |
JobEntryEval |
Job entry type to evaluate the result of a previous job entry.
JobEntryEvalFilesMetrics |
This defines a 'evaluate files metrics' job entry.
JobEntryEvalTableContent |
This defines a Table content evaluation job entry
JobEntryExecutionResult |
JobEntryExportRepository |
This defines a 'Export repository' job entry.
JobEntryFileCompare |
This defines a 'file compare' job entry.
JobEntryFileExists |
This defines an SQL job entry.
JobEntryFilesExist |
This defines a Files exist job entry.
JobEntryFolderIsEmpty |
This defines a 'create folder' job entry.
JobEntryFoldersCompare |
This defines a 'folder compare' job entry.
JobEntryFTP |
This defines an FTP job entry.
JobEntryFTPDelete |
This defines an FTP job entry.
JobEntryFTPPUT |
This defines an FTP put job entry.
JobEntryFTPSGet |
This defines an FTPS job entry.
This defines an FTPS put job entry.
JobEntryGetPOP |
This defines an get pop job entry.
JobEntryHTTP |
This defines an HTTP job entry.
JobEntryInterface |
JobEntryInterface is the main Java interface that a plugin implements.
JobEntryJob |
Recursive definition of a Job.
JobEntryJobRunner |
JobEntryListener |
JobEntryLogTable |
This class describes a job entry logging table
JobEntryLogTable.ID |
JobEntryMail |
Describes a Mail Job Entry.
JobEntryMailValidator |
Job entry mail validator.
JobEntryMoveFiles |
This defines a 'move files' job entry.
JobEntryMsgBoxInfo |
Job entry type to display a message box.
JobEntryMssqlBulkLoad |
This defines a MSSQL Bulk job entry.
JobEntryMysqlBulkFile |
This defines an MYSQL Bulk file job entry.
JobEntryMysqlBulkLoad |
This defines a MySQL job entry.
JobEntryPGPDecryptFiles |
This defines a 'PGP decrypt files' job entry.
JobEntryPGPEncryptFiles |
This defines a 'PGP decrypt files' job entry.
JobEntryPGPVerify |
This defines a PGP verify job entry.
JobEntryPing |
This defines a ping job entry.
JobEntryPluginType |
This plugin type handles the job entries.
JobEntryResult |
This class holds the result of a job entry after it was executed.
JobEntryRunConfigurableInterface |
JobEntrySendNagiosPassiveCheck |
This defines an SendNagiosPassiveCheck job entry.
JobEntrySetVariables |
This defines a 'Set variables' job entry.
JobEntrySFTP |
This defines a SFTP job entry.
This defines an SFTP put job entry.
JobEntryShell |
Shell type of Job Entry.
JobEntrySimpleEval |
This defines a 'simple evaluation' job entry.
JobEntrySNMPTrap |
This defines an SNMPTrap job entry.
JobEntrySpecial |
This class can contain a few special job entries such as Start and Dummy.
JobEntrySQL |
This defines an SQL job entry.
JobEntrySuccess |
Job entry type to success a job.
JobEntrySyslog |
This defines a Syslog job entry.
JobEntryTableExists |
This defines a table exists job entry.
JobEntryTalendJobExec |
This executes an exported Talend Job.
JobEntryTelnet |
This defines a Telnet job entry.
JobEntryTrans |
This is the job entry that defines a transformation to be run.
JobEntryTruncateTables |
This defines a Truncate Tables job entry.
JobEntryUnZip |
This defines a 'unzip' job entry.
JobEntryValidator |
The interface of a job entry validator.
JobEntryValidatorUtils |
Methods in this class are referenced in validator definitions within the validator resources file (e.g.
JobEntryWaitForFile |
This defines a 'wait for file' job entry.
JobEntryWaitForSQL |
This defines a Wait for SQL data job entry
JobEntryWebServiceAvailable |
This defines a webservice available job entry.
JobEntryWriteToFile |
This defines a 'write to file' job entry.
JobEntryWriteToLog |
Job entry type to output message to the job log.
JobEntryZipFile |
This defines a 'zip file' job entry.
JobEntryZipFile.ZipJobEntryPatternFileSelector |
Helper class providing pattern restrictions for
file names to be zipped
JobExecutionConfiguration |
JobExecutionExtension |
JobExecutionHistory |
This class is responsible for keeping track of the execution of a job.
JobExecutor |
Execute a job for every input row.
JobExecutorData |
JobExecutorMeta |
Meta-data for the Job executor step.
JobExecutorParameters |
The job to be executed in the transformation can receive parameters.
JobHasANoteImportRule |
JobHasDescriptionImportRule |
JobHasJobLogConfiguredImportRule |
This rule verifies that a job contains a certain job log table configuration.
JobHasNoDisabledHopsImportRule |
JobHopMeta |
This class defines a hop from one job entry copy to another.
JobListener |
JobLogTable |
This class describes a job logging table
JobLogTable.ID |
JobMap |
This is a map between the job name and the (running/waiting/finished) job.
JobMeta |
The definition of a PDI job is represented by a JobMeta object.
JobPainter |
JobPainterExtension |
JobResource |
JobStatus |
JobTracker |
Responsible for tracking the execution of a job as a hierarchy.
JoinRows |
Performs a cartesian product between 2 or more input streams.
JoinRowsData |
JoinRowsMeta |
JsonElement |
JsonElementType |
KDBRMetaStoreAttribute |
KDBRMetaStoreElement |
KDBRMetaStoreElementType |
KerberosAuthenticationProvider |
KerberosAuthenticationProvider.KerberosAuthenticationProviderType |
KerberosUtil |
KerberosUtil.PentahoLoginConfiguration |
A Login Configuration that is pre-configured based on our static configuration.
KettleAuthenticationException |
This exception is thrown when there was an authentication error, while connecting into a repository.
KettleConstants |
KettleDatabaseRepository |
This class handles interactions with a Kettle repository.
KettleDatabaseRepositoryBase |
KettleDatabaseRepositoryBaseDelegate |
KettleDatabaseRepositoryClusterSchemaDelegate |
KettleDatabaseRepositoryConditionDelegate |
KettleDatabaseRepositoryConnectionDelegate |
KettleDatabaseRepositoryCreationHelper |
KettleDatabaseRepositoryDatabaseDelegate |
KettleDatabaseRepositoryDirectoryDelegate |
KettleDatabaseRepositoryJobAttribute |
KettleDatabaseRepositoryJobDelegate |
KettleDatabaseRepositoryJobEntryDelegate |
KettleDatabaseRepositoryMeta |
KettleDatabaseRepositoryMetaStore |
KettleDatabaseRepositoryMetaStoreDelegate |
KettleDatabaseRepositoryNotePadDelegate |
KettleDatabaseRepositoryPartitionSchemaDelegate |
KettleDatabaseRepositorySecurityProvider |
KettleDatabaseRepositorySlaveServerDelegate |
KettleDatabaseRepositoryStepDelegate |
KettleDatabaseRepositoryTransAttribute |
KettleDatabaseRepositoryTransDelegate |
KettleDatabaseRepositoryUserDelegate |
KettleDatabaseRepositoryValueDelegate |
KettleDependencies |
KettleEnvironment |
The KettleEnvironment class contains settings and properties for all of Kettle.
KettleFileRepository |
KettleFileRepositoryMeta |
KettleFileRepositorySecurityProvider |
KettleLifecyclePlugin |
Defines a Kettle Lifecycle Plugin that will be invoked during Kettle Environment initialization and shutdown.
KettleLifecyclePluginType |
Defines a Kettle Environment lifecycle plugin type.
KettleLifecycleSupport |
A single point of contact for Kettle Lifecycle Plugin instances for invoking lifecycle methods.
KettleRepositoryLostException |
KettleRepositoryNotFoundException |
This exception is thrown when repository wasn't found.
KettleValidatorException |
KettleVariablesList |
KeyToRowSetMap |
KeyValue<T> |
KeyValue |
KeyValueFactory<T> |
KeyValueSet |
Kitchen |
KitchenCommandExecutor |
Kjube |
LastUsedFile |
LDIFInput |
Read all LDIF files, convert them to rows and writes these to one or more output streams.
LDIFInputData |
LDIFInputField |
Describes an LDIF field
LDIFInputMeta |
LetterPairSimilarity |
LifecyclePlugin |
LifecyclePluginType |
This class represents the repository plugin type.
LifecycleSupport |
ListServerSocketServlet |
LoadFileInput |
Read files, parse them and convert them to rows and writes these to one or more output streams.
LoadFileInputData |
LoadFileInputField |
Describes a field
LoadFileInputMeta |
LockFile |
LogChannelFileWriter |
This class takes care of polling the central log store for new log messages belonging to a certain log channel ID
(and children).
LoggingMetric |
Just a small wrapper class to allow us to pass a few extra details along with a metrics snapshot (like the batch id)
LoggingObjectInformationProvider |
LoginContextInvocationHandler<T> |
LogParentProvidedInterface |
LogTableInterface |
LogTablePlugin |
Classes painted with this annotation are logging table plugins
LogTablePluginInterface |
LogTablePluginInterface.TableType |
LogTablePluginType |
This class represents the logging plugin type.
LongValidator |
Mail |
Send mail step.
MailConnection |
MailConnection handles the process of connecting to, reading from POP3/IMAP.
MailConnectionMeta |
MailConnection handles the process of connecting to, reading from POP3/IMAP.
MailData |
Send mail step.
MailInput |
Read data from POP3/IMAP server and input data to the next steps.
MailInputData |
MailInputField |
Describes an Mail input field
MailInputMeta |
MailMeta |
Send mail step.
MailValidation |
MailValidationResult |
MailValidator |
Check if an email address is valid *
MailValidatorData |
MailValidatorMeta |
Management |
Mapping |
Execute a mapping: a re-usuable transformation
MappingData |
MappingInput |
Do nothing.
MappingInputData |
MappingInputMeta |
MappingIODefinition |
Helps to define the input or output specifications for the Mapping step.
MappingMeta |
Meta-data for the Mapping step: contains name of the (sub-)transformation to execute
MappingOutput |
Do nothing.
MappingOutputData |
MappingOutputMeta |
MappingParameters |
We need out mapping to be parameterized.
This we do with the use of environment variables.
That way we can set one variable to another, etc.
MappingValueRename |
Matrix |
MemberCell |
MemoryGroupBy |
Groups information based on aggregation rules.
MemoryGroupByData |
MemoryGroupByMeta |
Created on 02-jun-2003
MergeJoin |
Merge rows from 2 sorted streams and output joined rows with matched key fields.
MergeJoinData |
MergeJoinMeta |
MergeRows |
Merge rows from 2 sorted streams to detect changes.
MergeRowsData |
MergeRowsMeta |
MetadataRepositoryElement |
MetaFileCacheImpl |
MetaFileLoaderImpl<T> |
Unit tests for this class can be found in JobExecutorMetaTest, StepWithMetaMetaTest, JobEntryJobTest, and
MetaGenerator |
MetaXmlSerializer |
Converts StepMetaProps to/from an XML string using JAXB.
MetricsLogTable |
This class describes a logging channel logging table
MetricsLogTable.ID |
MetricsPainter |
MissingEntry |
MissingTrans |
MissingTransStep |
ModPartitioner |
MultiByteBigCrLfMatcher |
MultiByteLittleCrLfMatcher |
MultiBytePatternMatcher |
MultiMergeJoin |
Merge rows from 2 sorted streams and output joined rows with matched key fields.
MultiMergeJoinData |
MultiMergeJoinData.QueueComparator |
MultiMergeJoinData.QueueEntry |
MultiMergeJoinMeta |
MVSFileParser |
MVS Folder Listing Parser The purpose of this parser is to be able handle responses from an MVS z/OS mainframe FTP
NameChangedListener |
A listener that will signal when the name of an object changes.
NamedClusterEmbedManager |
This class provides centralized logic to embed NamedClusters used by transformations/jobs in the embeddedMetaStore.
NamedFieldsMapping |
NewLineCharacterConverter |
Converter for string representations of new line characters
NextSequenceValueServlet |
NoAuthenticationAuthenticationProvider |
NoneCompressionProvider |
NoneCompressionProvider.NoneCompressionInputStream |
NoneCompressionProvider.NoneCompressionOutputStream |
Normaliser |
Normalise de-normalised input data.
NormaliserData |
NormaliserMeta |
NormaliserMeta.NormaliserField |
NotBlankValidator |
Fails if the field's value is either null , an empty string, or a string containing only whitespace.
NotePadMeta |
Describes a note displayed on a Transformation, Job, Schema, or Report.
NotNullValidator |
Fails if a field's value is null .
NullIf |
NullIf step, put null as value when the original field matches a specific value.
NullIfData |
NullIfMeta |
NullIfMeta.Field |
NumberRange |
Business logic for the NumberRange
NumberRangeData |
+ * Data for the NumberRangePlugin + * + * @author + * +
NumberRangeMeta |
Configuration for the NumberRangePlugin
NumberRangeRule |
Contains one rule for a number range
NumberRangeSet |
This class assigns numbers into ranges
NVPair |
ObjectTypeSelection |
OlapData |
OlapHelper |
Olap4j Helper class ...
OlapInput |
Reads information from an OLAP datasource using MDX
OlapInputMeta |
OlapUtil |
Pan |
PanCommandExecutor |
Params |
Params.Builder |
ParGzipCsvInput |
Read a simple CSV file Just output Strings found in the file...
ParGzipCsvInputData |
ParGzipCsvInputMeta |
ParGzipCsvInputMetaInjection |
This takes care of the external metadata injection into the ParGzipCsvInputMeta class
Partitioner |
Defines methods needed for partitioner plugins.
PartitionerPlugin |
An alternate way of defining partiioners.
PartitionerPluginType |
This is the partitioner plugin type.
PartitionSchema |
A partition schema allow you to partition a step according into a number of partitions that run independendly.
PatternMatcherInterface |
PauseTransServlet |
PDIFTPClient |
This class should largely be able to be removed if the edtftp project accepts my change to replace dirDetails(".")
with dirDetails(null).
PDIObserver |
PerformanceLogTable |
This class describes a step performance logging table
PerformanceLogTable.ID |
PGPDecryptStream |
Decrypt a stream with GPG *
PGPDecryptStreamData |
PGPDecryptStreamMeta |
PGPEncryptStream |
Encrypt a stream with GPG *
PGPEncryptStreamData |
PGPEncryptStreamMeta |
PluginDialog |
An alternate way of defining plugin's dialog.
PluginDialog.PluginType |
PluginMessages |
Simple utility for messages.
PluginProperty |
PluginPropertyFactory |
PluginPropertyHandler |
PluginPropertyHandler.AbstractHandler |
PluginPropertyHandler.AppendXml |
PluginPropertyHandler.Fail |
PluginPropertyHandler.LoadXml |
PluginPropertyHandler.ReadFromPreferences |
PluginPropertyHandler.ReadFromRepository |
PluginPropertyHandler.SaveToPreferences |
PluginPropertyHandler.SaveToRepository |
PositionAndLength |
PrepareExecutionTransServlet |
PrioritizeStreams |
Prioritize INPUT Streams.
PrioritizeStreamsData |
PrioritizeStreamsMeta |
ProcessFiles |
Copy, move or delete file *
ProcessFilesData |
ProcessFilesMeta |
ProcessResult |
PropertyInput |
Read all Properties files (& INI files) , convert them to rows and writes these to one or more output streams.
PropertyInputData |
PropertyInputField |
Describes an Property field
PropertyInputMeta |
PropertyOutput |
Output rows to Properties file and create a file.
PropertyOutputData |
Output rows to Properties file and create a file.
PropertyOutputMeta |
Output rows to Properties file and create a file.
ProvidesDatabaseConnectionInformation |
An interface for transformation steps that connect to a database table.
ProvidesModelerMeta |
PutRowInterface |
RandomCCNumberGenerator |
Generate random credit card number.
RandomCCNumberGeneratorData |
Generate random credit card number.
RandomCCNumberGeneratorMeta |
Generate random credit card number.
RandomCreditCardNumberGenerator |
RandomValue |
Get random value.
RandomValueData |
RandomValueMeta |
Created on 08-07-2008
RandomValueMetaFunction |
ReadAllCache |
This is a read-only array-based cache to be used in
DatabaseLookup when "Load All Data In Cache"
checkbox is selected.
ReadAllCache.Builder |
ReconnectableRepository |
Allows to connect to repository multiple times (in case of timeout and etc).
RecordsFromStream |
RecordsFromStreamData |
RecordsFromStreamMeta |
RegexEval |
Use regular expression to validate a field or capture new fields out of an existing field.
RegexEvalData |
Runtime data for the RegexEval step.
RegexEvalMeta |
RegisterJobServlet |
RegisterPackageServlet |
RegisterSlaveServlet |
RegisterTransServlet |
RemoteStep |
Defines and handles communication to and from remote steps.
RemoveJobServlet |
RemoveTransServlet |
ReplaceString |
Search and replace in string.
ReplaceStringData |
ReplaceStringMeta |
RepoSerializer |
Writes/Reads StepMetaInterface to and from a Repository
RepoSerializer.Builder |
RepositoriesMeta |
Repository |
RepositoryCapabilities |
RepositoryCommonValidations |
RepositoryConnectionUtils |
Provides a utility method to connect to repository and return the repository object
RepositoryElementReadListener |
RepositoryExporter |
This class is used to read repository, load jobs and transformations, and export them into xml file.
RepositoryExporter.ExportType |
RepositoryExportSaxParser |
RepositoryExtended |
Deprecated. |
RepositoryImporter |
RepositoryImportFeedbackInterface |
RepositoryImportLocation |
This singleton keeps the location of a repository import.
RepositoryKeyValueInterface |
RepositoryMeta |
RepositoryObject |
Contains some common object details, extracted from a repository
RepositoryOperation |
RepositoryPlugin |
An alternate way of defining repository plugins.
RepositoryPluginType |
This class represents the repository plugin type.
RepositorySecurityManager |
This interface defines any security management related APIs that are required for a repository.
RepositorySecurityProvider |
This is the interface to the security provider for the repositories out there.
RepositorySecurityUserValidator |
RepositoryValueInterface |
ReservoirSampling |
ReservoirSamplingData |
Holds temporary data (i.e.
ReservoirSamplingData.PROC_MODE |
ReservoirSamplingMeta |
Contains the meta data for the ReservoirSampling step.
ResolvableResource |
This interface represents a resource that contains data elements with variables, relative paths etc
that have to be resolved before this resource could be used.
ResourceDefinition |
ResourceEntry |
ResourceEntry.ResourceType |
ResourceExportInterface |
The classes implementing this interface allow their used resources to be exported.
ResourceHolderInterface |
ResourceNamingInterface |
ResourceNamingInterface.FileNamingType |
ResourceReference |
ResourceUtil |
ResourceXmlPropertyEmitterInterface |
Rest |
RestData |
RestMeta |
ReturnIndicator |
RowAdapter |
RowAdapter is an adapter class for receiving row events.
RowDataInputMapper |
This class renamed fields in rows before passing them to the row producer specified
RowDistributionInterface |
RowDistributionPlugin |
This annotation signals to the plugin system that the class is a row distribution plugin.
RowDistributionPluginType |
This class represents the row distribution plugin type.
RowForumulaContext |
RowGenerator |
Generates a number of (empty or the same) rows
RowGeneratorData |
RowGeneratorMeta |
RowHandler |
Defines methods used for handling row data within steps.
RowListener |
RowListener is a listener interface for receiving row events.
RowMetaUtils |
RowOutputDataMapper |
This class takes care of mapping output data from the mapping step back to the parent transformation, renaming
columns mainly.
RowProducer |
Allows you to "Inject" rows into a step.
RowSetRow |
RowsFromResult |
Reads results from a previous transformation in a Job
RowsFromResultData |
RowsFromResultMeta |
RowsToResult |
Writes results to a next transformation in a Job
RowsToResultData |
RowsToResultMeta |
RowTempFile |
Keeps track of which temporary file a row is coming from
RunJobServlet |
RunThread |
RunTransServlet |
SampleRows |
Sample rows.
SampleRowsData |
SampleRowsMeta |
SasInput |
Reads data from a SAS file in SAS7BAT format.
SasInputData |
Provides data for the XBaseInput step.
SasInputField |
This defines a selected list of fields from the input files including
SasInputHelper |
This file helps us to read a SAS7BAT file
SasInputMeta |
Scale |
Script |
Executes a JavaScript on the values in the input stream.
ScriptAddClasses |
ScriptAddedFunctions |
ScriptData |
ScriptDummy |
Dummy class used for test().
ScriptInterface |
Interface to make the real ScriptValueMod and ScriptValueModDummy similar.
ScriptMeta |
ScriptValuesAddClasses |
ScriptValuesAddedFunctions |
ScriptValuesMetaMod |
ScriptValuesMod |
Executes a JavaScript on the values in the input stream.
ScriptValuesModData |
ScriptValuesModDummy |
Dummy class used for test().
ScriptValuesScript |
ScriptValuesScript |
SearchEnabledFolderIterator |
SecretKeyGenerator |
Generate secret key.
SecretKeyGeneratorData |
Generate secret key.
SecretKeyGeneratorMeta |
Generate secret key.
SecureDataFTPConnection |
SecureFTPConnection changed to force data channel encryption for implicit TLS/SSL connections with crypted data.
SelectMetadataChange |
SelectValues |
Select, re-order, remove or change the meta-data of the fields in the inputstreams.
SelectValuesAttr |
TODO: move this to XML somewhere...
SelectValuesData |
SelectValuesMeta |
Meta Data class for the Select Values Step.
SelectValuesMeta.SelectField |
Sensitive |
SequenceResourceNaming |
With this resource naming scheme we try to keep the original filename.
SerializationHelper |
Deprecated. |
ServerStatus |
SessionResult |
SetValueConstant |
Replace Field value by a constant value.
SetValueConstantData |
SetValueConstantMeta |
SetValueConstantMeta.Field |
SetValueField |
Set value field with another value field.
SetValueFieldData |
SetValueFieldMeta |
SetVariable |
Convert Values in a certain fields to other values
SetVariableData |
SetVariableMeta |
Sets environment variables based on content in certain fields of a single input row.
SFTPClient |
Send file to SFTP host.
SFTPPutData |
Send file to SFTP host.
SFTPPutMeta |
Send file to SFTP host.
SharedObjects |
Based on a piece of XML, this factory will give back a list of objects.
SharedObjectsMetaStore |
Deprecated. |
SimpleMapping |
Execute a mapping: a re-usuable transformation
SimpleMappingData |
SimpleMappingMeta |
Meta-data for the Mapping step: contains name of the (sub-)transformation to execute
SimpleResourceNaming |
SingleByteCrLfMatcher |
SingleBytePatternMatcher |
SingleThreadedTransExecutor |
SingleThreader |
Execute a mapping: a re-usuable transformation
SingleThreaderData |
SingleThreaderMeta |
Meta-data for the Mapping step: contains name of the (sub-)transformation to execute
SlaveSequence |
SlaveServer |
SlaveServerConfig |
SlaveServerDetection |
This class is what describes the information that we keep when we detect a slave server in the cloud / cluster.
It contains the slave server information as well as the time it was last seen alive,
whether it is still alive, etc.
SlaveServerDetection.SlaveRelationShip |
SlaveServerJobStatus |
SlaveServerStatus |
SlaveServerTransStatus |
SlaveStepCopyPartitionDistribution |
This class keeps track of which step copy in which transformation is responsible for handling a certain partition nr.
SnapAllignDistribute |
SnappyCompressionInputStream |
SnappyCompressionOutputStream |
SnappyCompressionProvider |
SniffStepServlet |
SocketPortAllocation |
SocketReader |
Read data from a TCP/IP socket supplied by SocketWriter.
SocketReaderData |
SocketReaderMeta |
SocketRepository |
This singleton keeps a repository of all the server sockets.
SocketRepositoryEntry |
This entry contains a server socket as well as detailed about the process that is using it.
SocketWriter |
Write data to a TCP/IP socket read by SocketReader.
SocketWriterData |
SocketWriterMeta |
SortedMerge |
Do nothing.
SortedMergeData |
SortedMergeMeta |
SortRows |
Sort the rows in the input-streams based on certain criteria
SortRowsData |
SortRowsMeta |
SplitFieldToRows |
SplitFieldToRowsData |
SplitFieldToRowsMeta |
SpoonFactory |
SpoonInterface |
SQLFileOutput |
Writes rows to a sql file.
SQLFileOutputData |
SQLFileOutputMeta |
Write commands to SSH *
SSHData |
SSHMeta |
SslConfiguration |
StartExecutionTransServlet |
StartJobServlet |
StartTransServlet |
Step |
An alternate way of defining steps.
StepAdapter |
StepAttributesInterface |
StepDataInterface |
This defines the basic interface for the data used by a thread.
StepDebugMeta |
This class is used to define debugging meta data for a certain step.
StepDefinition |
StepDialogFragmentType |
This class represents the step dialog fragment type.
StepDialogInterface |
This interface is used to launch Step Dialogs.
StepErrorMeta |
This class contains the metadata to handle proper error handling on a step level.
StepInitThread |
StepInjectionMetaEntry |
This is a single metadata attribute for step metadata injection.
StepInjectionMetaEntrySet |
A set of step injection metadata entries.
StepInjectionUtil |
StepInterface |
The interface that any transformation step or plugin needs to implement.
StepIOMeta |
StepIOMetaInterface |
StepListener |
This listener informs the audience of the various states of a step.
StepLogTable |
This class describes a step logging table
StepLogTable.ID |
StepMeta |
This class contains everything that is needed to define a step.
StepMetaChangeListenerInterface |
StepMetaDataCombi |
StepMetaDataPlugin |
StepMetaExtractionInterface |
This interface allows an external program to inject metadata using a standard flat set of metadata attributes.
StepMetaInjectionEntryInterface |
StepMetaInjectionEnumEntry |
StepMetaInjectionInterface |
StepMetaInterface |
This interface allows custom steps to talk to Kettle.
StepMetaProps |
A slim representation of StepMetaInterface properties, used as a
way to leverage alternative serialization strategies (e.g.
StepMetastructure |
Return the structure of the stream
StepMetastructureData |
StepMetastructureMeta |
StepOption |
StepPartitioningMeta |
StepPerformanceSnapShot |
StepPluginType |
This class represents the step plugin type.
StepsMetrics |
Ouptu step metrics
StepsMetricsData |
StepsMetricsMeta |
StepStatus |
StepWithMappingMeta |
This class is supposed to use in steps where the mapping to sub transformations takes place
StopCarteServlet |
StopCarteServlet.DelayedExecutor |
StopJobServlet |
StopTransServlet |
Stream |
StreamIcon |
StreamInterface |
StreamInterface.StreamType |
StreamLookup |
Looks up information by first reading data into a hash table (in memory)
TODO: add warning with conflicting types OR modify the lookup values to the input row type.
StreamLookupData |
StreamLookupMeta |
StreamSource<R> |
Defines a source of streaming data.
StreamWindow<I,O> |
A StreamWindow governs buffering and sending rows to a sub-transformation.
StringCut |
Cut strings.
StringCutData |
StringCutMeta |
StringListPluginProperty |
StringOperations |
Apply certain operations too string.
StringOperationsData |
Apply certain operations too string.
StringOperationsMeta |
This class takes care of the meta data for the StringOperations step.
StringPluginProperty |
StringSearcher |
StringSearchResult |
SubComponentExecutionAdapter |
SubComponentExecutionListener |
SubtransExecutor |
Will run the given sub-transformation with the rows passed to execute
SwingDirectGC |
SwingGC |
SwingGUIResource |
SwingSvgImageUtil |
Class for loading images from SVG, PNG, or other bitmap formats.
SwitchCase |
Filters input rows base on conditions.
SwitchCaseData |
SwitchCaseMeta |
SwitchCaseTarget |
Utility class that contains the case value, the target step name and the resolved target step
SymmetricCrypto |
Symmetric algorithm
SymmetricCryptoInterface |
Symmetric algorithm
SymmetricCryptoMeta |
Symmetric algorithm
SymmetricCryptoTrans |
Symmetric algorithm Executes a SymmetricCryptoTrans on the values in the input stream.
SymmetricCryptoTransData |
Symmetric algorithm Executes a SymmetricCryptoTrans on the values in the input stream.
SymmetricCryptoTransMeta |
Symmetric algorithm Executes a SymmetricCryptoTrans on the values in the input stream.
SynchronizeAfterMerge |
Performs an insert/update/delete depending on the value of a field.
SynchronizeAfterMergeData |
Performs an insert/update/delete depending on the value of a field.
SynchronizeAfterMergeMeta |
SyslogDefs |
This defines settings for Syslog.
SyslogException |
This exception is throws when and error is found in a Syslog sending process.
SyslogMessage |
Write message to SyslogMessage *
SyslogMessageData |
SyslogMessageMeta |
SystemData |
Get information from the System or the supervising transformation.
SystemDataData |
SystemDataMeta |
SystemDataMetaFunction |
SystemDataMetaInjectionTypeConverter |
SystemDataTypes |
TableCompare |
TableCompareData |
TableCompareMeta |
TableExists |
Check if a table exists in a Database *
TableExistsData |
TableExistsMeta |
TableInput |
Reads information from a database table by using freehand SQL
TableInputData |
TableInputMeta |
TableManager |
An interface for transformation steps that manage loading data into a database table (or other storage system).
TableOutput |
Writes rows to a database table.
TableOutputData |
Storage class for table output step.
TableOutputMeta |
Table Output meta data.
TableOutputMetaInjection |
Deprecated. |
TableOutputMetaInjection.Entry |
TargetStepDefinition |
TextFileField |
Describes a single field in a text file
TextFileFilter |
TextFileFilter |
TextFileFilterProcessor |
Processor of Filters.
TextFileFilterProcessor |
TextFileInput |
Read all sorts of text files, convert them to rows and writes these to one or more output streams.
TextFileInput |
TextFileInputData |
TextFileInputData |
TextFileInputField |
TextFileInputMeta |
TextFileInputMeta |
TextFileInputMeta.Content |
TextFileInputMetaInjection |
TextFileInputReader |
Reader for one text file.
TextFileInputUtils |
Some common methods for text file parsing.
TextFileLine |
TextFileLine |
TextFileOutput |
Converts input rows to text and then writes this text to one or more files.
TextFileOutputData |
TextFileOutputLegacy |
TextFileOutputLegacyMeta |
TextFileOutputMeta |
TopLevelResource |
This describes the top level resource after an export
Trans |
This class represents the information and operations associated with the concept of a Transformation.
TransAction |
This class store undo and redo information...
TransAdapter |
Utility class to allow only certain methods of TransListener to be overridden.
TransConfiguration |
TransDataLineage |
This class will help calculate and contain the data lineage for all values in the transformation.
What we will get is a List of ValueLineage objects for all the values steps in the transformation.
Each of these ValueLineage objects contains a list of all the steps it passed through.
As such, it's a hierarchical view of the transformation.
This view will allow us to see immediately where a certain value is being manipulated.
TransDebugMeta |
For a certain transformation, we want to be able to insert break-points into a transformation.
TransDebugMetaWrapper |
TransDependency |
TransExecutionConfiguration |
TransExecutor |
Execute a transformation for every input row, set parameters.
TransExecutorData |
TransExecutorMeta |
Meta-data for the Trans Executor step.
TransExecutorParameters |
The job to be executed in the transformation can receive parameters.
TransformationHasANoteImportRule |
TransformationHasDescriptionImportRule |
TransformationHasNoDisabledHopsImportRule |
TransformationHasTransLogConfiguredImportRule |
This rule verifies that a transformation contains a certain transformation log table configuration.
TransformationMap |
This is a map between the transformation name and the (running/waiting/finished) transformation.
TransformationResource |
TransformationStatus |
TransformClassBase |
TransformClassBase.Fields |
TransHopMeta |
Defines a link between 2 steps in a transformation
TransListener |
TransLogTable |
This class describes a transformation logging table
TransLogTable.ID |
The client executing the transformation
TransMeta |
This class defines information about a transformation and offers methods to save and load it from XML or a PDI
database repository, as well as methods to alter a transformation by adding/removing databases, steps, hops, etc.
TransMeta.TransformationType |
The TransformationType enum describes the various types of transformations in terms of execution, including Normal,
Serial Single-Threaded, and Single-Threaded.
TransMetaFactory |
TransMetaFactoryImpl |
TransPainter |
TransPainterExtension |
TransPainterFlyoutExtension |
TransPreviewFactory |
TransProfileFactory |
Helper class to generate profiling transformations...
TransSplitter |
This class takes care of the separation of the original transformation into pieces that run on the different slave
servers in the clusters used.
TransStepUtil |
TransStoppedListener |
TrimTypeConverter |
Converter for trim types.
TripleDESSymmetricCrypto |
Symmetric algorithm
TypeFieldDefinition |
UndoInterface |
UniqueRows |
Removes the same consequetive rows from the input stream(s).
UniqueRowsByHashSet |
UniqueRowsByHashSetData |
UniqueRowsByHashSetMeta |
UniqueRowsData |
UniqueRowsMeta |
UnivariateStats |
Calculate univariate statistics based on one column of the input data.
UnivariateStatsData |
Holds temporary data and has routines for computing derived statistics.
UnivariateStatsMeta |
Contains the meta-data for the UnivariateStats step: calculates predefined univariate statistics
UnivariateStatsMetaFunction |
Holds meta information about one univariate stats calculation: source field name and what derived values are to be
UnnamedFieldsMapping |
Update |
Update data in a database table, does NOT ever perform an insert.
UpdateData |
UpdateMeta |
UsageParameter |
UserDefinedJavaClass |
UserDefinedJavaClassData |
UserDefinedJavaClassDef |
UserDefinedJavaClassDef.ClassType |
UserDefinedJavaClassMeta |
UserDefinedJavaClassMeta.ElementNames |
UserDefinedJavaClassMeta.FieldInfo |
UserInfo |
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationProvider |
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationProvider.UsernamePasswordAuthenticationProviderType |
UUIDResourceNaming |
Validation |
Validation.DataTypeConverter |
Validator |
Calculate new field values using pre-defined functions.
ValidatorContext |
ValidatorData |
ValidatorMessages |
Utility class for getting formatted strings from validator resource bundle.
ValidatorMeta |
Contains the meta-data for the Validator step: calculates predefined formula's
Created on 08-sep-2005
ValueLineage |
This class contains value lineage information.
That means that we will have information on where and how a certain value is originating, being manipulated etc.
ValueMapper |
Convert Values in a certain fields to other values
ValueMapperData |
ValueMapperMeta |
Maps String values of a certain field to new values
Created on 03-apr-2006
WebServer |
WebServerShutdownHook |
WebService |
WebServiceAvailable |
Check if a webservice is available *
WebServiceAvailableData |
WebServiceAvailableMeta |
WebServiceData |
WebServiceField |
WebServiceMeta |
WriteToLog |
Write data to log.
WriteToLogData |
WriteToLogMeta |
Wsdl |
Wsdl abstraction.
WsdlComplexTypes |
Represents a map of all named complex types in the WSDL.
WsdlOperation |
WSDL operation abstraction.
WsdlOperation.SOAPBindingStyle |
SOAP Binding style enumeration.
WsdlOperation.SOAPBindingUse |
SOAP Binding use enumeration.
WsdlOperation.SOAPParameterStyle |
Parameter style enumeration.
WsdlOperationContainer |
WsdlOpFault |
Wsdl operation fault abstraction.
WsdlOpFaultList |
WsdlOpFaultList represents the list of parameters for a WSDL operaton.
WsdlOpParameter |
WSDL operation parameter abstraction.
WsdlOpParameter.ParameterMode |
WsdlOpParameterContainer |
WsdlOpParameterList |
WsdlOpParameterList represents the list of parameters for an operation.
WsdlOpReturnType |
Represents the return value for a WSDL operation.
WsdlParamContainer |
WsdlTypes |
WsdlTypes provides utilities for getting information about the <types> section of the WSDL.
XBase |
Handles file reading from XBase (DBF) type of files.
XBaseInput |
Reads data from an XBase (dBase, foxpro, ...) file.
XBaseInputData |
Provides data for the XBaseInput step.
XBaseInputMeta |
XsdType |
ZIPCompressionInputStream |
ZIPCompressionOutputStream |
ZIPCompressionProvider |
ZipFile |
Zip file *
ZipFileData |
ZipFileMeta |
ZipService |
Simple class to handle zip file operations.
ZipServiceKettle |
Simple class to handle zip file operations.