All Classes and Interfaces

The beginnings of a common graph object, used by JobGraph and TransGraph to share common behaviors.
User: gmoran Date: Jan 28, 2013
Takes care of displaying a dialog that will handle the wait while where determining the impact of a transformation on the used databases.
Authentication composite Composite that contains username and password credentials
Created by gmoran on 3/19/14.
Created by bmorrise on 7/9/18.
A base dialog class containing a body and a configurable button panel.
BaseFileStepDialog<T extends org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.file.BaseFileInputMeta<?,?,?>>
Class for apply layout settings to SWT controls.
A simple dialog with a message and button that closes the dialog.
This class provides functionality common to Step Dialogs.
User: gmoran Date: Jan 28, 2013
User: nbaker Date: Jun 7, 2010
A class to manage breadcrumbing so that we know which document/tab/perspective opened a given document.
This is the XulEventHandler for the browse panel of the repository explorer.
Dialog that shows a warning when the Browser Environment is not supported.
Facilitate overriding of the ChangedWarning dialog used by implementors of TabItemInterface
A Widget that combines a Check Box widget with a Variable button that will insert an Environment variable.
Dialog to display the results of a verify operation.
Takes care of displaying a dialog that will handle the wait while checking a transformation...
Dialog that allows you to edit the settings of the cluster schema
Created by bmorrise on 6/28/18.
Used to define the behaviour and the content of a Table column in a TableView object.
Created by bmorrise on 2/6/17.
A Widget that combines a Text widget with a Variable button that will insert an Environment variable.
A common implementation of the BaseStepDialog that creates many of the common UI components.
A convenience implementation of BaseStepMeta that implements StepMetaInterface
Widget that allows you to edit a Condition in a graphical way.
This Adapter class extends the SelectionAdapterFileDialogTextVar but includes (DetermineSelectionOperationOp) Interface to allow the dialog to determine which SelectionOperation (File or Folder) when the widget is selected.
This class is used to define a number of default values for various settings throughout Kettle.
This wizard helps you create a transformation that copies a table from one database to another.
On page one we select the source and target databases...
This wizard page let's you select the table that need to be ripped.
On page one we select the name of the target transformation and the directory.
Shows a wizard that creates a new database connection...
On page one we select the database connection name, the database type and the access type.
On page one we select the username and password.
On page one we select the database connection SAP/R3 specific settings 1) The data tablespace 2) The index tablespace
On page one we set the Informix servername
On page one we select the database connection JDBC settings 1) The servername 2) The port 3) The database name
On page one we specify the OCI TNS connection...
On page one we select the ODBC DSN Name...
On page one we select the database connection Oracle specific settings 1) The data tablespace 2) The index tablespace
A common interface for progress dialogs that import csv data.
A common interface for all step dialogs aware of the csv input format, such as CsvInputDialog and TextFileInputDialog
Dialog that allows you to edit the settings of a database connection.
This class has been adapted to use the XUL version of the DatabaseExplorerDialog instead.
Created by bmorrise on 6/28/18.
This listener is fired off after a delay
A timer where you can attach a timer to.
Displays the delete message box to confirm deletes of multiple steps or job entries
Created by bmorrise on 10/13/16.
Interface used by ConditionSelectionAdapterFileDialogTextVar
Created by bmorrise on 8/17/17.
Dialog for the Dimension Lookup/Update step.
replaced by implementation in the ...steps.fileinput.text package
This class contains code to help you drag data from one part of a GUI to another by using XML as an intermediate step.
Allows the user to edit a list of rows in a TableView.
This dialog allows you to enter a condition in a graphical way.
This dialogs allows you to select a number of items from a list of strings.
Shows a user 2 lists of strings and allows the linkage of values between values in the 2 lists
This dialog allows you to enter a number.
Allows you to set the configurable options for the Kettle environment
A dialog that asks for a password.
Shows a dialog that allows you to select the steps you want to preview by entering a number of rows.
A dialog that sets the printer settings for a Kettle printout.
Allows the user to make a selection from a list of values.
This dialog allows you to enter a (single line) String.
Shows a dialog that allows you to enter values for a number of strings.
Dialog to enter a text.
Dialog to enter a Kettle Value
Dialog to display an error generated by a Kettle Exception.
Created by bmorrise on 10/13/16.
A dialog with options to (re)load all fields, or only add new ones.
Provides a composite containing a TextVar, Variable Icon, and browse button.
Created by bmorrise on 8/17/17.
An image location.
A provider for additional images, to be applied based on path
Will be called whenever files are loaded by this dialog
File information and lookup
Displays all files to overwrite in a list and prompts the user to continue or cancel.
Filter options to file types.
Widget to draw the character of a fixed length text-file in a graphical way.
Created by bmorrise on 9/15/17.
Created by bmorrise on 9/15/17.
FormInput<C extends org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control>
This class defines the fairly generic FormInput.
enumeration of available positioning elements
enumeration of the contained widgets
Takes care of displaying a dialog that will handle the wait while we're finding out what tables, views etc we can reach in the database.
GetFieldsCapableStepDialog<StepMetaType extends org.pentaho.di.trans.step.BaseStepMeta>
An interface providing functionality for any step dialog that has the "get fields" capability.
Created by ddiroma on 8/15/18.
A dialog that allows the user to select the number of data rows to sample, when fetching fields.
Takes care of displaying a dialog that will handle the wait while getting the SQL for a job...
Takes care of displaying a dialog that will handle the wait while we're getting rows for a certain SQL query on a database.
Takes care of displaying a dialog that will handle the wait while we're finding out which fields are output by a certain SQL query on a database.
Takes care of displaying a dialog that will handle the wait while getting the SQL for a transformation...
Takes care of displaying a dialog that will handle the wait while we're getting the number of rows for a certain table in a database.
Created by bmorrise on 6/28/18.
Common functionality expected of all browse controller implementations.
This interface defines a Spoon Login callback.
Input<Txt extends org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control>
UI Support interface to provide list of event handlers and overlay for a given capability or service
Allows you to edit the Job settings.
The class painted with this annotation is providing an additional user-interface in the Job Setting dialog in the form of a new tab.
This plugin allows you to capture additional information concerning job entries.
Created by bmorrise on 7/2/18.
Created by bmorrise on 1/6/17.
This dialog allows you to edit the Delete Files job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the Column Exists job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the Copy Files job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the Copy/Move result filenames job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the Create File job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the Create Folder job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the delay job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the Delete File job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the Delete Files job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the Delete Folders job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the Create Folder job entry settings.
The JobEntryDialog class is responsible for constructing and opening the settings dialog for the job entry.
This dialog allows you to edit the XML valid job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit a JobEntryEval object.
This dialog allows you to edit the eval files metrics job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the Table content evaluation job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the File compare job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the SQL job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the Files exist job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the Create Folder job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the Folders compare job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the SQL job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the job job entry (JobEntryJob)
This dialog allows you to edit the Move Files job entry settings.
Dialog class for the MSSqlBulkLoader.
This dialog allows you to edit the MYSQL Bulk Load To a file entry settings.
Dialog class for the MySqlBulkLoader.
This dialog allows you to edit the Move Files job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the Move Files job entry settings.
This defines a PGP verify job entry.
This dialog allows you to edit the ping job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the SendNagiosPassiveCheck job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the Set variables job entry settings.
Dialog that allows you to enter the settings for a Shell job entry.
This dialog allows you to edit the XML valid job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the SNMPTrap job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the SQL job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit a JobEntry Success object.
This dialog allows you to edit the Syslog job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the Table Exists job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the SQL job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the Telnet job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the transformation job entry (JobEntryTrans)
This dialog allows you to edit the Truncate Tables job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the Unzip job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the Wait For File job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the Wait for SQL job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit the webservice available job entry.
This dialog allows you to edit the Write to file job entry settings.
This dialog allows you to edit a JobEntryWriteToLog object.
This dialog allows you to edit the Zip File job entry settings.
Handles the display of Jobs in Spoon, in a graphical form.
Takes care of displaying a dialog that will handle the wait while saving a job...
JobStepDialog<T extends org.pentaho.di.job.entry.JobEntryInterface>
This dialog is used to edit/enter the name and description of a repository.
Created by bmorrise on 2/26/16.
Allows the user to edit the file.
Created by bmorrise on 2/26/16.
Contains the occurrence of a key in a java source code file
Adds a line of text with a label and a variable to a composite (like a dialog shell)
Creates a label paired with an swt control immediately below it.
Adds a line of text with a label and a variable to a composite (like a dialog shell)
Adds a line of text with a label and a variable to a composite (like a dialog shell)
This class provides color coding for recognized keywords, values, numbers, functions, strings, etc.
This class stores all the messages for a locale for all the used packages...
This is the main XulEventHandler for the dialog.
Class to keep track of which color is a system color (managed by the OS) and which is not.
Class to keep track of which font is a system font (managed by the OS) and which is not.
This class takes care of crawling through the source code
This class contains a messages store: for a certain Locale and for a certain messages package, it keeps all the keys and values.
Shows a pop-up message dialog after the sub-transformation creation.
Dialog to enter a text.
Configuration dialog for the NumberRange
Dialog that allows you to edit the settings of the partition schema
An interface to conceal partitions' obtaining routine.
Created by bmorrise on 6/28/18.
This widget works like PasswordTextVar except it also provides a button that will toggle visibility of the text in the textbox.
Displays an ArrayList of rows in a TableView.
This class handles printing for Kettle.
Output rows to Properties file and create a file.
We use Props to store all kinds of user interactive information such as the selected colors, fonts, positions of windows, etc.
Provider Filter options for providers that are desired to be included.
Dialog to test a regular expression
Search and replace in string.
This dialog displays the content of the repository in a Windows explorer like fashion.
Takes care of displaying a dialog that will handle the wait while we are exporting the complete repository to XML...
Takes care of displaying a dialog that will handle the wait while we are importing a backup file from XML...
Utility class for repository related functions.
The UI class for the ReservoirSampling step
This wizard helps you extract information from tables in one database and pump it into another.
On page one we select the source and target databases...
This wizard page let's you select the tables that need to be ripped.
On page one we select the name of the target job and the directory.
Created by bmorrise on 7/9/18.
Handles simplified resizing weights for a SashForm, storing last known sizes and normalizing them to 100.
Takes care of displaying a dialog that will handle the wait while saving a transformation...
Generate secret key.
XulEventHandler for the Security panel of the repository explorer.
This dialog represents an explorer type of interface on a given database connection.
Created by saslan on 12/18/2014.
This adapter class opens up the VFS file dialog, where the primary goal is to select a file.
enum for dialog selection operations.
Allows the user to make a selection of an Object in the repository
Displays an ArrayList of rows in a TableView and allows you to select one.
Dialog for the Select Values step.
This utility provides methods for synchronization of kettle's shared objects.
SharedObjectSyncUtil.SynchronizationHandler<T extends org.pentaho.di.shared.SharedObjectInterface>
Displays an HTML page.
Dialog to enter a text.
A simple message dialog containing a title, icon, message and a single button (OK by default) that closes the dialog.
Dialog that allows you to edit the settings of the security service connection
Created by bmorrise on 6/28/18.
Instructions on how to use the Sleak tool with a standlaone SWT example: Modify the main method below to launch your application.
Contains the definition of which elements to scan in which XML files in which folder
Read the messages files for the source folders of the specified locale.
Displays the Kettle splash screen
This class handles the main window of the Spoon graphical transformation editor.
This class handles the display of help information like the welcome page and JDBC info in an embedded browser.
Registered implementations will be notified of Spoon startup and shutdown.
A SpoonPerspective is able to modify the look of the application and display it's own UI.
Implementations can be registered with SpoonPerspectives to receive notification of state changes.
Singleton Object controlling SpoonPerspectives.
The spoon perspective implementing this interface implements its own open/save dialogs and logic.
Xul-based Spoon plugin.
SpoonPluginManager is a singleton class which loads all SpoonPlugins from the SPOON_HOME/plugins/spoon directory.
SpoonSlave handles the display of the slave server information in a Spoon tab.
Xul-based Spoon plugin.
Dialog that allows the user to launch SQL statements towards the database.
Dialog to display the results of an SQL generation operation.
Dialog that allows you to edit the step error handling meta-data
Displays the meta-data on the Values in a row as well as the Step origin of the Value.
Created by bmorrise on 6/26/18.
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
Dialog class for the StringOperations step.
Displays a TableView with the possibility to see different data sets per subject.
SWTGC draws on an Image.
Class for loading images from SVG, PNG, or other bitmap formats.
Universal image storage for SWT processing.
Widget to draw the character of a fixed length text-file in a graphical way.
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
Dialog class for table output step.
Widget to display or modify data, displayed in a Table format.
Takes care of displaying a dialog that will handle the wait while we're finding out what tables, views etc we can reach in the database.
replaced by implementation in the ...steps.fileinput.text package
replaced by implementation in the ...steps.fileinput.text package
replaced by implementation in the ...steps.fileinput.text package
replaced by implementation in the ...steps.fileinput.text package
replaced by implementation in the ...steps.fileinput.text package
Created by bmorrise on 9/15/17.
A Widget that combines a Text widget with a Variable button that will insert an Environment variable.
A Widget that combines a TextVar widget with a "Warning" image to the right.
Created by bmorrise on 2/18/16.
Builder class for TopicSelection
Allows you to edit/enter the transformation debugging information
The class painted with this annotation is providing an additional user-interface in the transformation settings dialog in the form of a new tab.
This plugin allows you to capture additional information concerning transformations
This class handles the display of the transformations in a graphical way using icons, arrows, etc.
This class contains and handles all the translations for the keys specified in the Java source code.
Class to allow non-developers to edit translation messages files.
Takes care of displaying a dialog that will handle the wait while loading a transformation...
Takes care of displaying a dialog that will handle the wait while previewing a transformation...
Created by bmorrise on 6/26/18.
This class can be used to define accelerators (actions) to a tree item that just got created.
Created by bmorrise on 5/25/18.
This singleton class remembers whether or not a TreeItem is expanded.
Created by bmorrise on 6/27/18.
Controller to open/close the pane
Manages the panes on a tree tab
Created by bmorrise on 6/27/18.
The UI class for the UnivariateStats transform
Takes care of displaying a dialog that will handle the wait while creating or upgrading a transformation...
Created by bmorrise on 9/15/17.
replaced by implementation in the ...steps.fileinput.text package
This class provides common layout logic to all VFSDetailComposites.
A Widget that combines a Text widget with a "Warning" image to the left.
WidgetBuilder<T extends org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control>
Builder class to simplify creation and layout of SWT controls.
This class stores information about a screen, window, etc.
Created by bmorrise on 3/9/16.
Helper class that filterers information, before exporting meta to xml.
Static class wrapping Spoon's BaseMessages class and Look and Feel bundle.