Uses of Interface
Packages that use SchemaReader
Mondrian's core package, this defines connections and the catalog metamodel,
and allows you to execute queries.
Defines the set of MDX built-in functions.
Implements the data access layer for the olap package.
Augments the Mondrian engine with server functionality.
Mondrian utilities.
Uses of SchemaReader in mondrian.olap
Classes in mondrian.olap that implement SchemaReaderModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
by delegating all methods to an underlyingSchemaReader
.Fields in mondrian.olap declared as SchemaReaderModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected final SchemaReader
Methods in mondrian.olap that return SchemaReaderModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionConnection.getSchemaReader()
Returns a schema reader with access control appropriate to the current role.Cube.getSchemaReader
(Role role) Returns aSchemaReader
for which this cube is the context for lookup up members.Evaluator.getSchemaReader()
Returns aSchemaReader
appropriate for the current access-control context.Query.getSchemaReader
(boolean accessControlled) Returns a schema reader.Schema.getSchemaReader()
Creates aSchemaReader
without any access control.Validator.getSchemaReader()
Returns the schema reader with which to resolve names of MDX objects (dimensions, hierarchies, levels, members, named sets).DelegatingSchemaReader.withLocus()
Returns a schema reader that automatically assigns a locus to each operation.DelegatingSchemaReader.withoutAccessControl()
Returns a similar schema reader that has no access control.Methods in mondrian.olap with parameters of type SchemaReaderModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionUtil.addLevelCalculatedMembers
(SchemaReader reader, Level level, List<Member> members) static Member
(SchemaReader reader, Member parent, Level level) returns the first descendant on the level underneath parent.static int
(SchemaReader reader, Member member) Finds the zero based ordinal of a Member among its siblings.static Exp
(Query q, SchemaReader schemaReader, List<Id.Segment> segments, boolean allowProp) Converts an identifier into an expression by resolving its parts into an OLAP object (dimension, hierarchy, level or member) within the context of a query.CubeBase.lookupChild
(SchemaReader schemaReader, Id.Segment s, MatchType matchType) DimensionBase.lookupChild
(SchemaReader schemaReader, Id.Segment s, MatchType matchType) HierarchyBase.lookupChild
(SchemaReader schemaReader, Id.Segment s, MatchType matchType) LevelBase.lookupChild
(SchemaReader schemaReader, Id.Segment s, MatchType matchType) MemberBase.lookupChild
(SchemaReader schemaReader, Id.Segment childName, MatchType matchType) OlapElement.lookupChild
(SchemaReader schemaReader, Id.Segment s, MatchType matchType) Looks up a child element, returning null if it does not exist.Query.ScopedNamedSet.lookupChild
(SchemaReader schemaReader, Id.Segment s, MatchType matchType) SetBase.lookupChild
(SchemaReader schemaReader, Id.Segment s, MatchType matchType) static OlapElement
(SchemaReader schemaReader, OlapElement parent, List<Id.Segment> names, boolean failIfNotFound, int category) static OlapElement
(SchemaReader schemaReader, OlapElement parent, List<Id.Segment> names, boolean failIfNotFound, int category, MatchType matchType) Resolves a name such as '[Products].[Product Department].[Produce]' by resolving the components ('Products', and so forth) one at a time.static Member
(SchemaReader reader, Hierarchy hierarchy, Id.NameSegment memberName) static Member
(SchemaReader reader, Hierarchy hierarchy, Id.NameSegment memberName, MatchType matchType) Finds a root member of a hierarchy with a given name.Constructors in mondrian.olap with parameters of type SchemaReaderModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(SchemaReader schemaReader) Creates a DelegatingSchemaReader. -
Uses of SchemaReader in
Methods in with parameters of type SchemaReaderModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic TupleList
(TupleList tuples, SchemaReader reader, Cube baseCubeForMeasure) In distinct Count aggregation, if tuple list is a result m.children * n.children then it can be optimized to m * n -
Uses of SchemaReader in mondrian.rolap
Subinterfaces of SchemaReader in mondrian.rolapModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptionstatic interface
Classes in mondrian.rolap that implement SchemaReaderModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
allows you to read schema objects while observing the access-control profile specified by a given role.Methods in mondrian.rolap that return SchemaReaderModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionRolapConnection.getSchemaReader()
Returns the schema reader which enforces the appropriate access-control context.RolapCube.getSchemaReader
(Role role) final SchemaReader
static SchemaReader
(RolapConnection connection, SchemaReader schemaReader) Wraps a schema reader in a proxy so that each call to schema reader has a locus for profiling purposes.RolapSchemaReader.withLocus()
Methods in mondrian.rolap with parameters of type SchemaReaderModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionRolapMemberBase.getAllMembers
(SchemaReader schemaReader, Hierarchy hierarchy) Returns a list of member lists where the first member list is the root members while the last member array is the leaf members.static int
(SchemaReader schemaReader, Hierarchy hierarchy) static Map<Level,
List<RolapMember>> SqlConstraintUtils.getRoleConstraintMembers
(SchemaReader schemaReader, Member[] members) static SchemaReader
(RolapConnection connection, SchemaReader schemaReader) Wraps a schema reader in a proxy so that each call to schema reader has a locus for profiling purposes.DelegatingRolapMember.lookupChild
(SchemaReader schemaReader, Id.Segment s, MatchType matchType) RolapCube.lookupChild
(SchemaReader schemaReader, Id.Segment s) RolapCube.lookupChild
(SchemaReader schemaReader, Id.Segment s, MatchType matchType) RolapCubeMember.lookupChild
(SchemaReader schemaReader, Id.Segment childName, MatchType matchType) RolapLevel.lookupChild
(SchemaReader schemaReader, Id.Segment name) RolapLevel.lookupChild
(SchemaReader schemaReader, Id.Segment name, MatchType matchType) static void
(SchemaReader schemaReader, Member seedMember) Sets member ordinal values using a Bottom-up/Top-down algorithm.Constructors in mondrian.rolap with parameters of type SchemaReaderModifierConstructorDescriptionSetEvaluator
(CrossJoinArg[] args, SchemaReader schemaReader, TupleConstraint constraint) -
Uses of SchemaReader in mondrian.server
Methods in mondrian.server that return SchemaReaderModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionStatement.getSchemaReader()
Returns this statement's schema reader.StatementImpl.getSchemaReader()
Uses of SchemaReader in mondrian.util
Constructors in mondrian.util with parameters of type SchemaReaderModifierConstructorDescriptionMemberListBuilder
(SchemaReader schemaReader, Cube cube, Hierarchy hierarchy) TupleBuilder
(SchemaReader schemaReader, Cube cube, List<Hierarchy> hierarchyList) TupleListBuilder
(SchemaReader schemaReader, Cube cube, List<Hierarchy> hierarchyList)