Class BitKey.Big

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<BitKey>, Iterable<Integer>, BitKey
Enclosing interface:

public static class BitKey.Big extends BitKey.AbstractBitKey
Implementation of BitKey with more than 64 bits. Similar to BitSet, but does not require dynamic resizing.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • set

      public void set(int pos)
      Description copied from interface: BitKey
      Sets the bit at the specified index to true.
    • get

      public boolean get(int pos)
      Description copied from interface: BitKey
      Returns the value of the bit with the specified index. The value is true if the bit with the index bitIndex is currently set in this BitKey; otherwise, the result is false.
    • clear

      public void clear(int pos)
      Description copied from interface: BitKey
      Sets the bit specified by the index to false.
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Description copied from interface: BitKey
      Sets all of the bits in this BitKey to false.
    • cardinality

      public int cardinality()
      Description copied from interface: BitKey
      Returns the number of bits set.
      Number of bits set
    • or

      public BitKey or(BitKey bitKey)
      Description copied from interface: BitKey
      Or the parameter BitKey with this.
      bitKey - Bit key
    • orNot

      public BitKey orNot(BitKey bitKey)
      Description copied from interface: BitKey
      XOr the parameter BitKey with this.
      bitKey - Bit key
    • and

      public BitKey and(BitKey bitKey)
      Description copied from interface: BitKey
      Returns the boolean AND of this bitkey and the given bitkey.
      bitKey - Bit key
    • andNot

      public BitKey andNot(BitKey bitKey)
      Description copied from interface: BitKey
      Returns a BitKey containing all of the bits in this BitSet whose corresponding bit is NOT set in the specified BitSet.
    • isSuperSetOf

      public boolean isSuperSetOf(BitKey bitKey)
      Description copied from interface: BitKey
      Is every bit set in the parameter bitKey also set in this. If one switches this with the parameter bitKey one gets the equivalent of isSubSetOf.
      bitKey - Bit key
    • intersects

      public boolean intersects(BitKey bitKey)
      Description copied from interface: BitKey
      Returns whether this BitKey has any bits in common with a given BitKey.
    • toBitSet

      public BitSet toBitSet()
      Description copied from interface: BitKey
      Returns a BitSet with the same contents as this BitKey.
    • iterator

      public Iterator<Integer> iterator()
      Description copied from interface: BitKey
      An Iterator over the bit positions. For example, if the BitKey had positions 3 and 4 set, then the Iterator would return the values 3 and then 4. The bit positions returned by the iterator are in the order, from smallest to largest, as they are set in the BitKey.
    • nextSetBit

      public int nextSetBit(int fromIndex)
      Description copied from interface: BitKey
      Returns the index of the first bit that is set to true that occurs on or after the specified starting index. If no such bit exists then -1 is returned. To iterate over the true bits in a BitKey, use the following loop:
       for (int i = bk.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = bk.nextSetBit(i + 1)) {
           // operate on index i here
      fromIndex - the index to start checking from (inclusive)
      the index of the next set bit
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • copy

      public BitKey copy()
      Description copied from interface: BitKey
      Returns a copy of this BitKey.
      copy of BitKey
    • emptyCopy

      public BitKey emptyCopy()
      Description copied from interface: BitKey
      Returns an empty BitKey of the same type. This is the same as calling BitKey.copy() followed by BitKey.clear().
      BitKey of same type
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
      Description copied from interface: BitKey
      Returns true if this BitKey contains no bits that are set to true.
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(BitKey bitKey)