Class JdbcDialectImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AccessDialect, Db2Dialect, DerbyDialect, FirebirdDialect, GoogleBigQueryDialect, HiveDialect, HsqldbDialect, InformixDialect, IngresDialect, InterbaseDialect, LucidDbDialect, MicrosoftSqlServerDialect, MonetDbDialect, MySqlDialect, NeoviewDialect, NuoDbDialect, OracleDialect, PdiDataServiceDialect, PostgreSqlDialect, SnowflakeDialect, SybaseDialect, TeradataDialect, VerticaDialect

public class JdbcDialectImpl extends Object implements Dialect
Implementation of Dialect based on a JDBC connection and metadata.

If you are writing a class for a specific database dialect, we recommend that you use this as a base class, so your dialect class will be forwards-compatible. If methods are added to Dialect in future revisions, default implementations of those methods will be added to this class.

Mondrian uses JdbcDialectImpl as a fallback if it cannot find a more specific dialect. JdbcDialectImpl reads properties from the JDBC driver's metadata, so can deduce some of the dialect's behavior.

Oct 10, 2008
  • Field Details

    • productVersion

      protected final String productVersion
      Product version per JDBC driver.
    • permitsSelectNotInGroupBy

      protected boolean permitsSelectNotInGroupBy
      Indicates whether the database allows selection of columns not listed in the group by clause.
    • databaseProduct

      protected final Dialect.DatabaseProduct databaseProduct
      Major database product (or null if product is not a common one)
  • Constructor Details

    • JdbcDialectImpl

      public JdbcDialectImpl(Connection connection) throws SQLException
      Creates a JdbcDialectImpl.

      To prevent connection leaks, this constructor does not hold a reference to the connection after the call returns. It makes a copy of everything useful during the call. Derived classes must do the same.

      connection - Connection
      SQLException - on error
    • JdbcDialectImpl

      public JdbcDialectImpl()
  • Method Details

    • getDatabaseProduct

      public Dialect.DatabaseProduct getDatabaseProduct()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns the database for this Dialect, or Dialect.DatabaseProduct.UNKNOWN if the database is not a common database.
      Specified by:
      getDatabaseProduct in interface Dialect
    • appendHintsAfterFromClause

      public void appendHintsAfterFromClause(StringBuilder buf, Map<String,String> hints)
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Assembles and returns a string containing any hints that should be appended after the FROM clause in a SELECT statement, based on any hints provided. Any unrecognized or unsupported hints will be ignored.
      Specified by:
      appendHintsAfterFromClause in interface Dialect
      buf - The Stringbuffer to which the dialect-specific syntax for any relevant table hints may be appended. Must not be null.
      hints - A map of table hints provided in the schema definition
    • allowsDialectSharing

      public boolean allowsDialectSharing()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns whether this Dialect object can be used for all connections from the same data source.

      The default implementation returns true, and this allows dialects to be cached and reused in environments where connections are allocated from a pool based on the same data source.

      Data sources are deemed 'equal' by the same criteria used by Java collections, namely the Object.equals(Object) and Object.hashCode() methods.

      Specified by:
      allowsDialectSharing in interface Dialect
      Whether this dialect can be used for other connections created from the same data source
      See Also:
    • deduceMaxColumnNameLength

      protected int deduceMaxColumnNameLength(DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData)
    • deduceReadOnly

      protected boolean deduceReadOnly(DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData)
    • deduceProductName

      protected String deduceProductName(DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData)
    • deduceIdentifierQuoteString

      protected String deduceIdentifierQuoteString(DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData)
    • deduceProductVersion

      protected String deduceProductVersion(DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData)
    • deduceSupportedResultSetStyles

      protected Set<List<Integer>> deduceSupportedResultSetStyles(DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData)
    • deduceSupportsSelectNotInGroupBy

      protected boolean deduceSupportsSelectNotInGroupBy(Connection conn) throws SQLException

      Detects whether the database is configured to permit queries that include columns in the SELECT that are not also in the GROUP BY. MySQL is an example of one that does, though this is configurable.

      The expectation is that this will not change while Mondrian is running, though some databases (MySQL) allow changing it on the fly.

      conn - The database connection
      Whether the feature is enabled.
      SQLException - on error
    • toUpper

      public String toUpper(String expr)
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Converts an expression to upper case.

      For example, for MySQL, toUpper("") returns "UPPER(".

      Specified by:
      toUpper in interface Dialect
      expr - SQL expression
      SQL syntax that converts expr into upper case.
    • caseWhenElse

      public String caseWhenElse(String cond, String thenExpr, String elseExpr)
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Generates a conditional statement in this dialect's syntax.

      For example, caseWhenElse("b", "1", "0") returns "case when b then 1 else 0 end" on Oracle, "Iif(b, 1, 0)" on Access.

      Specified by:
      caseWhenElse in interface Dialect
      cond - Predicate expression
      thenExpr - Expression if condition is true
      elseExpr - Expression if condition is false
      Conditional expression
    • quoteIdentifier

      public String quoteIdentifier(String val)
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Encloses an identifier in quotation marks appropriate for this Dialect.

      For example, quoteIdentifier("emp") yields a string containing "emp" in Oracle, and a string containing [emp] in Access.

      Specified by:
      quoteIdentifier in interface Dialect
      val - Identifier
      Quoted identifier
    • quoteIdentifier

      public void quoteIdentifier(String val, StringBuilder buf)
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Appends to a buffer an identifier, quoted appropriately for this Dialect.
      Specified by:
      quoteIdentifier in interface Dialect
      val - identifier to quote (must not be null).
      buf - Buffer
    • quoteIdentifier

      public String quoteIdentifier(String qual, String name)
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Encloses an identifier in quotation marks appropriate for the current SQL dialect. For example, in Oracle, where the identifiers are quoted using double-quotes, quoteIdentifier("schema","table") yields a string containing "schema"."table".
      Specified by:
      quoteIdentifier in interface Dialect
      qual - Qualifier. If it is not null, "qual". is prepended.
      name - Name to be quoted.
      Quoted identifier
    • quoteIdentifier

      public void quoteIdentifier(StringBuilder buf, String... names)
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Appends to a buffer a list of identifiers, quoted appropriately for this Dialect.

      Names in the list may be null, but there must be at least one non-null name in the list.

      Specified by:
      quoteIdentifier in interface Dialect
      buf - Buffer
      names - List of names to be quoted
    • getQuoteIdentifierString

      public String getQuoteIdentifierString()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns the character which is used to quote identifiers, or null if quoting is not supported.
      Specified by:
      getQuoteIdentifierString in interface Dialect
      identifier quote
    • quoteStringLiteral

      public void quoteStringLiteral(StringBuilder buf, String s)
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Appends to a buffer a single-quoted SQL string.

      For example, in the default dialect, quoteStringLiteral(buf, "Can't") appends "'Can''t'" to buf.

      Specified by:
      quoteStringLiteral in interface Dialect
      buf - Buffer to append to
      s - Literal
    • quoteNumericLiteral

      public void quoteNumericLiteral(StringBuilder buf, String value)
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Appends to a buffer a numeric literal.

      In the default dialect, numeric literals are printed as is.

      Specified by:
      quoteNumericLiteral in interface Dialect
      buf - Buffer to append to
      value - Literal
    • quoteBooleanLiteral

      public void quoteBooleanLiteral(StringBuilder buf, String value)
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Appends to a buffer a boolean literal.

      In the default dialect, boolean literals are printed as is.

      Specified by:
      quoteBooleanLiteral in interface Dialect
      buf - Buffer to append to
      value - Literal
    • quoteDateLiteral

      public void quoteDateLiteral(StringBuilder buf, String value)
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Appends to a buffer a date literal.

      For example, in the default dialect, quoteStringLiteral(buf, "1969-03-17") appends DATE '1969-03-17'.

      Specified by:
      quoteDateLiteral in interface Dialect
      buf - Buffer to append to
      value - Literal
    • quoteDateLiteral

      protected void quoteDateLiteral(StringBuilder buf, String value, Date date)
      buf - Buffer to append to
      value - Value as string
      date - Value as date
    • quoteTimeLiteral

      public void quoteTimeLiteral(StringBuilder buf, String value)
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Appends to a buffer a time literal.

      For example, in the default dialect, quoteStringLiteral(buf, "12:34:56") appends TIME '12:34:56'.

      Specified by:
      quoteTimeLiteral in interface Dialect
      buf - Buffer to append to
      value - Literal
    • quoteTimestampLiteral

      public void quoteTimestampLiteral(StringBuilder buf, String value)
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Appends to a buffer a timestamp literal.

      For example, in the default dialect, quoteStringLiteral(buf, "1969-03-17 12:34:56") appends TIMESTAMP '1969-03-17 12:34:56'.

      Specified by:
      quoteTimestampLiteral in interface Dialect
      buf - Buffer to append to
      value - Literal
    • quoteTimestampLiteral

      protected void quoteTimestampLiteral(StringBuilder buf, String value, Timestamp timestamp)
    • requiresAliasForFromQuery

      public boolean requiresAliasForFromQuery()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns whether this Dialect requires subqueries in the FROM clause to have an alias.
      Specified by:
      requiresAliasForFromQuery in interface Dialect
      whether dialewct requires subqueries to have an alias
      See Also:
    • allowsAs

      public boolean allowsAs()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns whether the SQL dialect allows "AS" in the FROM clause. If so, "SELECT * FROM t AS alias" is a valid query.
      Specified by:
      allowsAs in interface Dialect
      whether dialect allows AS in FROM clause
    • allowsFromQuery

      public boolean allowsFromQuery()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns whether this Dialect allows a subquery in the from clause, for example
      Specified by:
      allowsFromQuery in interface Dialect
      whether Dialect allows subquery in FROM clause
      See Also:
    • allowsCompoundCountDistinct

      public boolean allowsCompoundCountDistinct()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns whether this Dialect allows multiple arguments to the COUNT(DISTINCT ...) aggregate function, for example
      Specified by:
      allowsCompoundCountDistinct in interface Dialect
      whether Dialect allows multiple arguments to COUNT DISTINCT
      See Also:
    • allowsCountDistinct

      public boolean allowsCountDistinct()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns whether this Dialect supports distinct aggregations.

      For example, Access does not allow

      select count(distinct x) from t
      Specified by:
      allowsCountDistinct in interface Dialect
      whether Dialect allows COUNT DISTINCT
    • allowsMultipleCountDistinct

      public boolean allowsMultipleCountDistinct()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns whether this Dialect supports more than one distinct aggregation in the same query.

      In Derby 10.1,

      select couunt(distinct x) from t
      is OK, but
      select couunt(distinct x), count(distinct y) from t
      gives "Multiple DISTINCT aggregates are not supported at this time."
      Specified by:
      allowsMultipleCountDistinct in interface Dialect
      whether this Dialect supports more than one distinct aggregation in the same query
    • allowsMultipleDistinctSqlMeasures

      public boolean allowsMultipleDistinctSqlMeasures()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns whether this Dialect has performant support of distinct SQL measures in the same query.
      Specified by:
      allowsMultipleDistinctSqlMeasures in interface Dialect
      whether this dialect supports multiple count(distinct subquery) measures in one query.
    • allowsCountDistinctWithOtherAggs

      public boolean allowsCountDistinctWithOtherAggs()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns whether this Dialect supports distinct aggregations with other aggregations in the same query. This may be enabled for performance reasons (Vertica)
      Specified by:
      allowsCountDistinctWithOtherAggs in interface Dialect
      whether this Dialect supports more than one distinct aggregation in the same query
    • generateInline

      public String generateInline(List<String> columnNames, List<String> columnTypes, List<String[]> valueList)
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Generates a SQL statement to represent an inline dataset.

      For example, for Oracle, generates

       SELECT 1 AS FOO, 'a' AS BAR FROM dual
       UNION ALL
       SELECT 2 AS FOO, 'b' AS BAR FROM dual

      For ANSI SQL, generates:

       VALUES (1, 'a'), (2, 'b')
      Specified by:
      generateInline in interface Dialect
      columnNames - List of column names
      columnTypes - List of column types ("String" or "Numeric")
      valueList - List of rows values
      SQL string
    • generateInlineGeneric

      protected String generateInlineGeneric(List<String> columnNames, List<String> columnTypes, List<String[]> valueList, String fromClause, boolean cast)
      Generic algorithm to generate inline values list, using an optional FROM clause, specified by the caller of this method, appropriate to the dialect of SQL.
      columnNames - Column names
      columnTypes - Column types
      valueList - List rows
      fromClause - FROM clause, or null
      cast - Whether to cast the values in the first row
      Expression that returns the given values
    • generateInlineForAnsi

      public String generateInlineForAnsi(String alias, List<String> columnNames, List<String> columnTypes, List<String[]> valueList, boolean cast)
      Generates inline values list using ANSI 'VALUES' syntax. For example,
      SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1, 'a'), (2, 'b')) AS t(x, y)

      If NULL values are present, we use a CAST to ensure that they have the same type as other columns:

      SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1, 'a'), (2, CASE(NULL AS VARCHAR(1)))) AS t(x, y)

      This syntax is known to work on Derby, but not Oracle 10 or Access.

      alias - Table alias
      columnNames - Column names
      columnTypes - Column types
      valueList - List rows
      cast - Whether to generate casts
      Expression that returns the given values
    • needsExponent

      public boolean needsExponent(Object value, String valueString)
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      If Double values need to include additional exponent in its string represenation. This is to make sure that Double literals will be interpreted as doubles by LucidDB.
      Specified by:
      needsExponent in interface Dialect
      value - Double value to generate string for
      valueString - java string representation for this value.
      whether an additional exponent "E0" needs to be appended
    • quote

      public void quote(StringBuilder buf, Object value, Dialect.Datatype datatype)
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Appends to a buffer a value quoted for its type.
      Specified by:
      quote in interface Dialect
      buf - Buffer to append to
      value - Value
      datatype - Datatype of value
    • allowsDdl

      public boolean allowsDdl()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns whether this dialect supports common SQL Data Definition Language (DDL) statements such as CREATE TABLE and DROP INDEX.

      Access seems to allow DDL iff the .mdb file is writeable.

      Specified by:
      allowsDdl in interface Dialect
      whether this Dialect supports DDL
      See Also:
    • generateOrderItem

      public String generateOrderItem(String expr, boolean nullable, boolean ascending, boolean collateNullsLast)
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Generates an item for an ORDER BY clause, sorting in the required direction, and ensuring that NULL values collate either before or after all non-NULL values, depending on the collateNullsLast parameter.
      Specified by:
      generateOrderItem in interface Dialect
      expr - Expression
      nullable - Whether expression may have NULL values
      ascending - Whether to sort expression ascending
      collateNullsLast - Whether the null values should be sorted first or last.
      Expression modified so that NULL values collate last
    • generateOrderByNulls

      protected String generateOrderByNulls(String expr, boolean ascending, boolean collateNullsLast)
      Generates SQL to force null values to collate last.

      This default implementation makes use of the ANSI SQL 1999 CASE-WHEN-THEN-ELSE in conjunction with IS NULL syntax. The resulting SQL will look something like this:


      You can override this method for a particular database to use something more efficient, like ISNULL().

      ANSI SQL provides the syntax "ASC/DESC NULLS LAST" and "ASC/DESC NULLS FIRST". If your database supports the ANSI syntax, implement this method by calling generateOrderByNullsAnsi(java.lang.String, boolean, boolean).

      This method is only called from generateOrderItem(String, boolean, boolean, boolean). Some dialects override that method and therefore never call this method.

      expr - Expression.
      ascending - Whether ascending.
      collateNullsLast - Whether nulls should appear first or last.
      Expression to force null values to collate last or first.
    • generateOrderByNullsAnsi

      protected final String generateOrderByNullsAnsi(String expr, boolean ascending, boolean collateNullsLast)
      Implementation for the generateOrderByNulls(java.lang.String, boolean, boolean) method that uses the ANSI syntax "expr direction NULLS LAST" and "expr direction NULLS FIRST".
      expr - Expression
      ascending - Whether ascending
      collateNullsLast - Whether nulls should appear first or last.
      Expression "expr direction NULLS LAST"
    • supportsGroupByExpressions

      public boolean supportsGroupByExpressions()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns whether this Dialect supports expressions in the GROUP BY clause. Derby/Cloudscape and Infobright do not.
      Specified by:
      supportsGroupByExpressions in interface Dialect
      Whether this Dialect allows expressions in the GROUP BY clause
    • allowsSelectNotInGroupBy

      public boolean allowsSelectNotInGroupBy()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns whether the database currently permits queries to include in the SELECT clause expressions that are not listed in the GROUP BY clause. The SQL standard allows this if the database can deduce that the expression is functionally dependent on columns in the GROUP BY clause.

      For example, SELECT empno, first_name || ' ' || last_name FROM emps GROUP BY empno is valid because empno is the primary key of the emps table, and therefore all columns are dependent on it. For a given value of empno, first_name || ' ' || last_name has a unique value.

      Most databases do not, MySQL is an example of one that does (if the functioality is enabled).

      Specified by:
      allowsSelectNotInGroupBy in interface Dialect
      Whether this Dialect allows SELECT clauses to contain columns that are not in the GROUP BY clause
    • allowsJoinOn

      public boolean allowsJoinOn()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns whether this dialect supports "ANSI-style JOIN syntax", FROM leftTable JOIN rightTable ON conditon.
      Specified by:
      allowsJoinOn in interface Dialect
      Whether this dialect supports FROM-JOIN-ON syntax.
    • supportsGroupingSets

      public boolean supportsGroupingSets()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns whether this Dialect allows the GROUPING SETS construct in the GROUP BY clause. Currently Greenplum, IBM DB2, Oracle, and Teradata.
      Specified by:
      supportsGroupingSets in interface Dialect
      Whether this Dialect allows GROUPING SETS clause
    • supportsUnlimitedValueList

      public boolean supportsUnlimitedValueList()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns whether this Dialect places no limit on the number of rows which can appear as elements of an IN or VALUES expression.
      Specified by:
      supportsUnlimitedValueList in interface Dialect
      whether value list length is unlimited
    • requiresGroupByAlias

      public boolean requiresGroupByAlias()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns true if this Dialect can include expressions in the GROUP BY clause only by adding an expression to the SELECT clause and using its alias.

      For example, in such a dialect,

      SELECT x, x FROM t GROUP BY x
      would be illegal, but
      SELECT x AS a, x AS b FROM t ORDER BY a, b
      would be legal.

      Infobright is the only such dialect.

      Specified by:
      requiresGroupByAlias in interface Dialect
      Whether this Dialect can include expressions in the GROUP BY clause only by adding an expression to the SELECT clause and using its alias
    • requiresOrderByAlias

      public boolean requiresOrderByAlias()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns true if this Dialect can include expressions in the ORDER BY clause only by adding an expression to the SELECT clause and using its alias.

      For example, in such a dialect,

      SELECT x FROM t ORDER BY x + y
      would be illegal, but
      SELECT x, x + y AS z FROM t ORDER BY z
      would be legal.

      MySQL, DB2 and Ingres are examples of such dialects.

      Specified by:
      requiresOrderByAlias in interface Dialect
      Whether this Dialect can include expressions in the ORDER BY clause only by adding an expression to the SELECT clause and using its alias
    • requiresHavingAlias

      public boolean requiresHavingAlias()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns true if this Dialect can include expressions in the HAVING clause only by adding an expression to the SELECT clause and using its alias.

      For example, in such a dialect,

      would be illegal, but
      SELECT CONCAT(x) as foo FROM t HAVING foo LIKE "%"
      would be legal.

      MySQL is an example of such dialects.

      Specified by:
      requiresHavingAlias in interface Dialect
      Whether this Dialect can include expressions in the HAVING clause only by adding an expression to the SELECT clause and using its alias
    • allowsOrderByAlias

      public boolean allowsOrderByAlias()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns true if aliases defined in the SELECT clause can be used as expressions in the ORDER BY clause.

      For example, in such a dialect,

      SELECT x, x + y AS z FROM t ORDER BY z
      would be legal.

      MySQL, DB2 and Ingres are examples of dialects where this is true; Access is a dialect where this is false.

      Specified by:
      allowsOrderByAlias in interface Dialect
      Whether aliases defined in the SELECT clause can be used as expressions in the ORDER BY clause.
    • requiresUnionOrderByOrdinal

      public boolean requiresUnionOrderByOrdinal()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns true if this dialect allows only integers in the ORDER BY clause of a UNION (or other set operation) query.

      For example, SELECT x, y + z FROM t
      SELECT x, y + z FROM t
      ORDER BY 1, 2
      is allowed but SELECT x, y, z FROM t
      SELECT x, y, z FROM t
      ORDER BY x
      is not.

      Teradata is an example of a dialect with this restriction.

      Specified by:
      requiresUnionOrderByOrdinal in interface Dialect
      whether this dialect allows only integers in the ORDER BY clause of a UNION (or other set operation) query
    • requiresUnionOrderByExprToBeInSelectClause

      public boolean requiresUnionOrderByExprToBeInSelectClause()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns true if this dialect allows an expression in the ORDER BY clause of a UNION (or other set operation) query only if it occurs in the SELECT clause.

      For example, SELECT x, y + z FROM t
      SELECT x, y + z FROM t
      ORDER BY y + z
      is allowed but SELECT x, y, z FROM t
      SELECT x, y, z FROM t
      ORDER BY y + z
      SELECT x, y, z FROM t ORDER BY y + z is not.

      Access is an example of a dialect with this restriction.

      Specified by:
      requiresUnionOrderByExprToBeInSelectClause in interface Dialect
      whether this dialect allows an expression in the ORDER BY clause of a UNION (or other set operation) query only if it occurs in the SELECT clause
    • supportsMultiValueInExpr

      public boolean supportsMultiValueInExpr()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns true if this dialect supports multi-value IN expressions. E.g., WHERE (col1, col2) IN ((val1a, val2a), (val1b, val2b))
      Specified by:
      supportsMultiValueInExpr in interface Dialect
      true if the dialect supports multi-value IN expressions
    • supportsResultSetConcurrency

      public boolean supportsResultSetConcurrency(int type, int concurrency)
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns whether this Dialect supports the given concurrency type in combination with the given result set type.

      The result is similar to DatabaseMetaData.supportsResultSetConcurrency(int, int), except that the JdbcOdbc bridge in JDK 1.6 overstates its abilities. See bug 1690406.

      Specified by:
      supportsResultSetConcurrency in interface Dialect
      type - defined in ResultSet
      concurrency - type defined in ResultSet
      true if so; false otherwise
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getMaxColumnNameLength

      public int getMaxColumnNameLength()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns the maximum length of the name of a database column or query alias allowed by this dialect.
      Specified by:
      getMaxColumnNameLength in interface Dialect
      maximum number of characters in a column name
      See Also:
    • allowsRegularExpressionInWhereClause

      public boolean allowsRegularExpressionInWhereClause()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Informs Mondrian if the dialect supports regular expressions when creating the 'where' or the 'having' clause.
      Specified by:
      allowsRegularExpressionInWhereClause in interface Dialect
      True if regular expressions are supported.
    • generateCountExpression

      public String generateCountExpression(String exp)
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Some databases, like Greenplum, don't include nulls as part of the results of a COUNT sql call. This allows dialects to wrap the count expression in something before it is used in the query.
      Specified by:
      generateCountExpression in interface Dialect
      exp - The expression to wrap.
      A valid expression to use for a count operation.
    • generateRegularExpression

      public String generateRegularExpression(String source, String javaRegExp)
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Must generate a String representing a regular expression match operation between a string literal and a Java regular expression. The string literal might be a column identifier or some other identifier, but the implementation must presume that it is already escaped and fit for use. The regular expression is not escaped and must be adapted to the proper dialect rules.

      Postgres / Greenplum example:

      generateRegularExpression( "'foodmart'.'customer_name'", "(?i).*oo.*") -> 'foodmart'.'customer_name' ~ "(?i).*oo.*"

      Oracle example:

      generateRegularExpression( "'foodmart'.'customer_name'", ".*oo.*") -> REGEXP_LIKE('foodmart'.'customer_name', ".*oo.*")

      Dialects are allowed to return null if the dialect cannot convert that particular regular expression into something that the database would support.

      Specified by:
      generateRegularExpression in interface Dialect
      source - A String identifying the column to match against.
      javaRegExp - A Java regular expression to match against.
      A dialect specific matching operation, or null if the dialect cannot convert that particular regular expression into something that the database would support.
    • getStatisticsProviders

      public List<StatisticsProvider> getStatisticsProviders()
      Description copied from interface: Dialect
      Returns a list of statistics providers for this dialect.

      The default implementation looks for the value of the property mondrian.statistics.providers.PRODUCT where product is the current dialect's product name (for example "MYSQL"). If that property has no value, looks at the property mondrian.statistics.providers. The property value should be a comma-separated list of names of classes that implement the StatisticsProvider interface. For each statistic required, Mondrian will call the method each statistics provider in turn, until one of them returns a non-negative value.

      Specified by:
      getStatisticsProviders in interface Dialect
    • getType

      public SqlStatement.Type getType(ResultSetMetaData metaData, int columnIndex) throws SQLException
      Description copied from interface: Dialect

      Chooses the most appropriate type for accessing the values of a column in a result set for a dialect.

      Dialect-specific nuances involving type representation should be encapsulated in implementing methods. For example, if a dialect has implicit rules involving scale or precision, they should be handled within this method so the client can simply retrieve the "best fit" SqlStatement.Type for the column.

      Specified by:
      getType in interface Dialect
      metaData - Results set metadata
      columnIndex - Column ordinal (0-based)
      the most appropriate SqlStatement.Type for the column
    • computeStatisticsProviders

      protected List<StatisticsProvider> computeStatisticsProviders()
    • getProduct

      public static Dialect.DatabaseProduct getProduct(String productName, String productVersion)
      Converts a product name and version (per the JDBC driver) into a product enumeration.
      productName - Product name
      productVersion - Product version
      database product
    • isDatabase

      protected static boolean isDatabase(Dialect.DatabaseProduct databaseProduct, Connection connection)
      Helper method to determine if a connection would work with a given database product. This can be used to differenciate between databases which use the same driver as others.

      It will first try to use DatabaseMetaData.getDatabaseProductName() and match the name of Dialect.DatabaseProduct passed as an argument.

      If that fails, it will try to execute select version(); and obtains some information directly from the server.

      databaseProduct - Database product instance
      connection - SQL connection
      true if a match was found. false otherwise.
    • extractEmbeddedFlags

      public String extractEmbeddedFlags(String javaRegex, String[][] mapping, StringBuilder dialectFlags)
      Helper method to extract and map Java regular expression embedded flags expressions to dialect specific flags. All dialects will map the case insensitive expression (?i) to i. However, Vertica maps the dotall flag (?s) to n. For example, on Vertica, a regular expression like: "(?is).*Hello World.*" will return: ".*Hello World.*" with dialect flags: "in"
      origExp - Java regular expression
      mapping - 2D String array of supported Java flags that can be mapped to a dialect specific flag.
      dialectFlags - Returns the dialect specific flags in the input regular expression.
      Regular expression with the Java flags removed.