Uses of Class
Packages that use JdbcDialectImpl
Uses of JdbcDialectImpl in mondrian.spi.impl
Subclasses of JdbcDialectImpl in mondrian.spi.implModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Implementation ofDialect
for the Microsoft Access database (also called the JET Engine).class
Implementation ofDialect
for the IBM DB2 database.class
Implementation ofDialect
for old versions of the IBM DB2/AS400 database.class
Implementation ofDialect
for the Apache Derby database.class
Implementation ofDialect
for the Firebird database.class
This is the Mondrian dialect for Google BigQuery.class
Implementation ofDialect
for the GreenplumSQL database.class
Implementation ofDialect
for the Hive database.class
Implementation ofDialect
for the Hsqldb database.class
Dialect for Cloudera's Impala DB.class
Implementation ofDialect
for the Infobright database.class
Implementation ofDialect
for the Informix database.class
Implementation ofDialect
for the Ingres database.class
Implementation ofDialect
for the Interbase database.class
Implementation ofDialect
for the LucidDB database.class
Implementation ofDialect
for the Microsoft SQL Server database.class
Implementation ofDialect
for the MonetDB database.class
Implementation ofDialect
for the MySQL database.class
Implementation ofDialect
for the Neoview database.class
Implementation ofDialect
for the Netezza database.class
Implementation ofDialect
for the NuoDB database.class
Implementation ofDialect
for the Oracle database.class
Implementation ofDialect
for the PostgreSQL database.class
User: cboyden Date: 2/8/13class
Implementation ofDialect
for the SQLstream streaming SQL system.class
Implementation ofDialect
for the Sybase database.class
Implementation ofDialect
for the Teradata database.class
Implementation ofDialect
for the Vertica database.class
Implementation ofDialect
for the Vertica database.Constructor parameters in mondrian.spi.impl with type arguments of type JdbcDialectImplModifierConstructorDescriptionJdbcDialectFactory
(Class<? extends JdbcDialectImpl> dialectClass, Dialect.DatabaseProduct databaseProduct) Creates a JdbcDialectFactory.