Package org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.states.process

Interface Summary
AdvanceHandler This handler does the same as the ReportState.advance() method, but does not create a new state object all the time.

Class Summary
BeginCrosstabColumnAxisHandler Todo: Document Me
BeginCrosstabFactHandler Todo: Document Me
BeginCrosstabHandler Todo: Document Me
BeginCrosstabOtherAxisHandler Todo: Document Me
BeginCrosstabRowAxisHandler Todo: Document Me
BeginDetailsHandler Creation-Date: 03.07.2007, 13:57:49
BeginGroupHandler Creation-Date: 03.07.2007, 13:57:49
BeginReportHandler Creation-Date: 03.07.2007, 13:05:16
EndCrosstabColumnAxisHandler Todo: Document Me
EndCrosstabFactHandler Todo: Document Me
EndCrosstabHandler Todo: Document Me
EndCrosstabOtherAxisHandler Todo: Document Me
EndCrosstabRowAxisHandler Todo: Document Me
EndDetailsHandler Creation-Date: 03.07.2007, 13:57:49
EndGroupHandler Creation-Date: 03.07.2007, 13:57:49
EndReportHandler Creation-Date: 03.07.2007, 13:57:49
EndSubReportHandler Creation-Date: 04.07.2007, 19:00:19
InlineSubreportProcessor Todo: Document Me
JoinCrosstabFactHandler Todo: Document Me
JoinDetailsHandler This delays the actual test on whether the current detail-group should be finished until the subreports have been processed.
JoinEndCrosstabColumnAxisHandler Todo: Document Me
JoinEndCrosstabHandler This delays the actual test on whether the current detail-group should be finished until the subreports have been processed.
JoinEndCrosstabOtherAxisHandler Todo: Document Me
JoinEndCrosstabRowAxisHandler Todo: Document Me
JoinEndGroupHandler This delays the actual test on whether the current detail-group should be finished until the subreports have been processed.
PendingPagesHandler This handler deferrs the event progression by one "advance" call, so that we can hopefully clean up the pages and generate some page-events.
ProcessCrosstabFactHandler Todo: Document Me
ProcessDetailsHandler Creation-Date: 03.07.2007, 13:57:49
ReportDoneHandler Creation-Date: 03.07.2007, 13:57:49
ReportFooterHandler Creation-Date: 03.07.2007, 13:57:49
ReportHeaderHandler Creation-Date: 03.07.2007, 13:36:56
RestartOnNewPageHandler This handler deferrs the event progression by one "advance" call, so that we can hopefully clean up the pages and generate some page-events.
SubReportProcessType Todo: Document me!

Date: 23.07.2009 Time: 14:47:31