Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.core.util |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.core.util that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
static TransMeta |
TransPreviewFactory.generatePreviewTransformation(VariableSpace parent,
StepMetaInterface oneMeta,
String oneStepname)
static TransMeta |
TransTestFactory.generateTestTransformation(VariableSpace parent,
StepMetaInterface oneMeta,
String oneStepname)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.step |
Fields in org.pentaho.di.trans.step declared as StepMetaInterface | |
StepMetaInterface |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.step that return StepMetaInterface | |
StepMetaInterface |
StepMetaInterface |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.step with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
StepInterface.dispose(StepMetaInterface sii,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Dispose of this step: close files, empty logs, etc. |
void |
BaseStep.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
StepInterface.init(StepMetaInterface stepMetaInterface,
StepDataInterface stepDataInterface)
Initialize and do work where other steps need to wait for... |
boolean |
BaseStep.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
StepInterface.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Perform the equivalent of processing one row. |
boolean |
BaseStep.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
void |
StepMeta.setStepMetaInterface(StepMetaInterface stepMetaInterface)
void |
BaseStep.setStepMetaInterface(StepMetaInterface stepMetaInterface)
void |
StepInterface.stopRunning(StepMetaInterface stepMetaInterface,
StepDataInterface stepDataInterface)
Stop running operations... |
void |
BaseStep.stopRunning(StepMetaInterface stepMetaInterface,
StepDataInterface stepDataInterface)
Perform actions to stop a running step. |
Constructors in org.pentaho.di.trans.step with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
StepMeta(String stepname,
StepMetaInterface stepMetaInterface)
StepMeta(String stepid,
String stepname,
StepMetaInterface stepMetaInterface)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.abort |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.abort that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Meta data for the abort step. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.abort with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
Abort.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Abort.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.accessinput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.accessinput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.accessinput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
AccessInput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
AccessInput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
AccessInput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.accessoutput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.accessoutput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.accessoutput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
AccessOutput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
AccessOutput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
AccessOutput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.addsequence |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.addsequence that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Meta data for the Add Sequence step. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.addsequence with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
AddSequence.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
AddSequence.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
AddSequence.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.addxml |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.addxml that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
This class knows how to handle the MetaData for the XML output step |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.addxml with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
AddXML.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
AddXML.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
AddXML.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.aggregaterows |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.aggregaterows that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.aggregaterows with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
AggregateRows.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
AggregateRows.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.analyticquery |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.analyticquery that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.analyticquery with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
AnalyticQuery.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
AnalyticQuery.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.append |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.append that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.append with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
Append.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Append.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.autodoc |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.autodoc that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.autodoc with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
AutoDoc.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.blockingstep |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.blockingstep that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.blockingstep with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
BlockingStep.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
BlockingStep.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
BlockingStep.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.blockuntilstepsfinish |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.blockuntilstepsfinish that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.blockuntilstepsfinish with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
BlockUntilStepsFinish.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
BlockUntilStepsFinish.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.calculator |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.calculator that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Contains the meta-data for the Calculator step: calculates predefined formula's |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.calculator with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
Calculator.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Calculator.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.changefileencoding |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.changefileencoding that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.changefileencoding with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
ChangeFileEncoding.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ChangeFileEncoding.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ChangeFileEncoding.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.checksum |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.checksum that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.checksum with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
CheckSum.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
CheckSum.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.clonerow |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.clonerow that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.clonerow with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
CloneRow.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
CloneRow.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.closure |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.closure that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.closure with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
ClosureGenerator.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ClosureGenerator.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.columnexists |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.columnexists that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.columnexists with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
ColumnExists.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ColumnExists.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ColumnExists.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.combinationlookup |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.combinationlookup that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.combinationlookup with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
CombinationLookup.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
CombinationLookup.init(StepMetaInterface sii,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
CombinationLookup.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.concatfields |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.concatfields that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.concatfields with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
ConcatFields.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ConcatFields.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ConcatFields.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.constant |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.constant that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.constant with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
Constant.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Constant.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.creditcardvalidator |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.creditcardvalidator that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.creditcardvalidator with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
CreditCardValidator.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
CreditCardValidator.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
CreditCardValidator.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.csvinput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.csvinput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.csvinput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
CsvInput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
CsvInput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
CsvInput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.cubeinput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.cubeinput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.cubeinput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
CubeInput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
CubeInput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
CubeInput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.cubeoutput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.cubeoutput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.cubeoutput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
CubeOutput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
CubeOutput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
CubeOutput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.databasejoin |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.databasejoin that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.databasejoin with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
DatabaseJoin.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
DatabaseJoin.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
DatabaseJoin.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
void |
DatabaseJoin.stopRunning(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Stop the running query |
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.databaselookup |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.databaselookup that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.databaselookup with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
DatabaseLookup.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
DatabaseLookup.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
DatabaseLookup.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
void |
DatabaseLookup.stopRunning(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Stop the running query |
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.datagrid |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.datagrid that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.datagrid with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
DataGrid.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.dbproc |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.dbproc that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.dbproc with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
DBProc.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
DBProc.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
DBProc.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.delay |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.delay that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.delay with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
Delay.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Delay.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.delete |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.delete that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
This class takes care of deleting values in a table using a certain condition and values for input. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.delete with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
Delete.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Delete.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Delete.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.denormaliser |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.denormaliser that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
The Denormaliser transformation step meta-data |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.denormaliser with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
Denormaliser.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Denormaliser.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.detectemptystream |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.detectemptystream that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.detectemptystream with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
DetectEmptyStream.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
DetectEmptyStream.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.detectlastrow |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.detectlastrow that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.detectlastrow with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
DetectLastRow.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
DetectLastRow.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
DetectLastRow.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.dimensionlookup |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.dimensionlookup that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.dimensionlookup with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
DimensionLookup.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
DimensionLookup.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
DimensionLookup.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.dummytrans |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.dummytrans that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.dummytrans with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
DummyTrans.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.dynamicsqlrow |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.dynamicsqlrow that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.dynamicsqlrow with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
DynamicSQLRow.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
DynamicSQLRow.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
DynamicSQLRow.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
void |
DynamicSQLRow.stopRunning(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Stop the running query |
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.edi2xml |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.edi2xml that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.edi2xml with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
Edi2Xml.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Edi2Xml.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Edi2Xml.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.elasticsearchbulk |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.elasticsearchbulk that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.elasticsearchbulk with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
ElasticSearchBulk.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ElasticSearchBulk.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ElasticSearchBulk.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.excelinput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.excelinput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Meta data for the Excel step. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.excelinput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
ExcelInput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ExcelInput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ExcelInput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.exceloutput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.exceloutput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Metadata of the Excel Output step. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.exceloutput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
ExcelOutput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ExcelOutput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ExcelOutput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.excelwriter |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.excelwriter that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.excelwriter with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
ExcelWriterStep.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
transformation run end |
boolean |
ExcelWriterStep.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
transformation run initialize, may create the output file if specified by user options |
boolean |
ExcelWriterStep.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.execprocess |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.execprocess that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.execprocess with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
ExecProcess.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ExecProcess.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ExecProcess.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.execsqlrow |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.execsqlrow that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Contains meta-data to execute arbitrary SQL from a specified field. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.execsqlrow with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
ExecSQLRow.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ExecSQLRow.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ExecSQLRow.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
void |
ExecSQLRow.stopRunning(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Stop the running query |
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.fieldschangesequence |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.fieldschangesequence that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.fieldschangesequence with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
FieldsChangeSequence.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
FieldsChangeSequence.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
FieldsChangeSequence.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.fieldsplitter |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.fieldsplitter that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Example1: |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.fieldsplitter with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
FieldSplitter.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
FieldSplitter.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.fileexists |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.fileexists that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.fileexists with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
FileExists.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
FileExists.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
FileExists.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.filelocked |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.filelocked that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Check if a file is locked * |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.filelocked with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
FileLocked.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
FileLocked.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
FileLocked.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.filesfromresult |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.filesfromresult that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.filesfromresult with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
FilesFromResult.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
FilesFromResult.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.filestoresult |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.filestoresult that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.filestoresult with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
FilesToResult.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
FilesToResult.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.filterrows |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.filterrows that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.filterrows with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
FilterRows.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
FilterRows.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.fixedinput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.fixedinput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.fixedinput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
FixedInput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
FixedInput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
FixedInput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.flattener |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.flattener that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
The flattener step meta-data |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.flattener with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
Flattener.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Flattener.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.formula |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.formula that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Contains the meta-data for the Formula step: calculates ad-hoc formula's Powered by Pentaho's "libformula" Created on 22-feb-2007 |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.formula with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
Formula.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Formula.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.fuzzymatch |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.fuzzymatch that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.fuzzymatch with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
FuzzyMatch.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
FuzzyMatch.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
FuzzyMatch.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.getfilenames |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.getfilenames that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.getfilenames with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
GetFileNames.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
GetFileNames.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
GetFileNames.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.getfilesrowscount |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.getfilesrowscount that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.getfilesrowscount with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
GetFilesRowsCount.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
GetFilesRowsCount.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
GetFilesRowsCount.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.getpreviousrowfield |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.getpreviousrowfield that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
This class takes care of the meta data for the GetPreviousRowField step. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.getpreviousrowfield with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
GetPreviousRowField.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
GetPreviousRowField.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
GetPreviousRowField.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.getrepositorynames |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.getrepositorynames that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.getrepositorynames with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
GetRepositoryNames.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
GetRepositoryNames.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.getslavesequence |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.getslavesequence that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Meta data for the Add Sequence step. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.getslavesequence with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
GetSlaveSequence.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
GetSlaveSequence.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.getsubfolders |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.getsubfolders that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.getsubfolders with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
GetSubFolders.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
GetSubFolders.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
GetSubFolders.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.gettablenames |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.gettablenames that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.gettablenames with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
GetTableNames.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
GetTableNames.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
GetTableNames.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.getvariable |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.getvariable that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.getvariable with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
GetVariable.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
GetVariable.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
GetVariable.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.getxmldata |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.getxmldata that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Store run-time data on the getXMLData step. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.getxmldata with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
GetXMLData.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
GetXMLData.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
GetXMLData.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.googleanalytics |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.googleanalytics that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.googleanalytics with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
GaInputStep.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
GaInputStep.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
GaInputStep.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.gpbulkloader |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.gpbulkloader that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Created on 20-feb-2007 |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.gpbulkloader with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
GPBulkLoader.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
GPBulkLoader.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
GPBulkLoader.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.groupby |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.groupby that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Created on 02-jun-2003 |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.groupby with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
GroupBy.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
GroupBy.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
GroupBy.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.http |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.http that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.http with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
HTTP.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
HTTP.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
HTTP.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.httppost |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.httppost that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.httppost with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
HTTPPOST.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
HTTPPOST.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
HTTPPOST.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.ifnull |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.ifnull that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.ifnull with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
IfNull.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
IfNull.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.infobrightoutput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.infobrightoutput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Metadata for the Infobright loader. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.infobrightoutput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
InfobrightLoader.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
InfobrightLoader.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Initialize and do work where other steps need to wait for... |
boolean |
InfobrightLoader.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Perform the equivalent of processing one row. |
void |
InfobrightLoader.stopRunning(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Perform actions to stop a running step. |
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.injector |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.injector that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Metadata class to allow a java program to inject rows of data into a transformation. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.injector with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
Injector.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.insertupdate |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.insertupdate that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.insertupdate with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
InsertUpdate.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
InsertUpdate.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
InsertUpdate.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.ivwloader |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.ivwloader that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Metadata for the VectorWise bulk loader. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.ivwloader with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
IngresVectorwiseLoader.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
IngresVectorwiseLoader.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
IngresVectorwiseLoader.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.janino |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.janino that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Contains the meta-data for the Formula step: calculates ad-hoc formula's Powered by Pentaho's "libformula" Created on 22-feb-2007 |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.janino with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
Janino.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Janino.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.javafilter |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.javafilter that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Contains the meta-data for the java filter step: calculates conditions using Janino Created on 30-oct-2009 |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.javafilter with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
JavaFilter.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
JavaFilter.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.joinrows |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.joinrows that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.joinrows with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
JoinRows.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
JoinRows.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.jsoninput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.jsoninput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Store run-time data on the JsonInput step. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.jsoninput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
JsonInput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
JsonInput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
JsonInput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.jsonoutput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.jsonoutput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
This class knows how to handle the MetaData for the Json output step |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.jsonoutput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
JsonOutput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
JsonOutput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
JsonOutput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.ldapinput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.ldapinput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.ldapinput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
LDAPInput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
LDAPInput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
LDAPInput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.ldapoutput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.ldapoutput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.ldapoutput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
LDAPOutput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
LDAPOutput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
LDAPOutput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.ldifinput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.ldifinput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.ldifinput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
LDIFInput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
LDIFInput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
LDIFInput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.loadfileinput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.loadfileinput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.loadfileinput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
LoadFileInput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
LoadFileInput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
LoadFileInput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.luciddbbulkloader |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.luciddbbulkloader that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Here are the steps that we need to take to make streaming loading possible for LucidDB: Prerequisites: - Make sure we run on a server version >= 0.7.5 - Create an empty FIFO directory The following steps are carried out by the step at runtime: - In the FIFO directory, create a FIFO file called {tableName}.csv (using mkfifo, LINUX ONLY FOLKS!) - Create a target table using standard Kettle SQL generation - Create a fifo server (with a certain name) on LucidDB |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.luciddbbulkloader with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
LucidDBBulkLoader.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
LucidDBBulkLoader.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
LucidDBBulkLoader.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.luciddbstreamingloader |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.luciddbstreamingloader that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Description: Hold data for LucidDB Streaming loader dialog/UI |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.luciddbstreamingloader with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
LucidDBStreamingLoader.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
LucidDBStreamingLoader.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
LucidDBStreamingLoader.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
void |
LucidDBStreamingLoader.stopRunning(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mail |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mail that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Send mail step. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mail with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
Mail.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Mail.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Mail.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mailinput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mailinput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mailinput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
MailInput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
MailInput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
MailInput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mailvalidator |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mailvalidator that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mailvalidator with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
MailValidator.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
MailValidator.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
MailValidator.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mapping |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mapping that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Meta-data for the Mapping step: contains name of the (sub-)transformation to execute |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mapping with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
Mapping.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Mapping.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Mapping.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Process a single row. |
void |
Mapping.stopRunning(StepMetaInterface stepMetaInterface,
StepDataInterface stepDataInterface)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mappinginput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mappinginput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mappinginput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
MappingInput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
MappingInput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mappingoutput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mappingoutput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mappingoutput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
MappingOutput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
MappingOutput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.memgroupby |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.memgroupby that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Created on 02-jun-2003 |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.memgroupby with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
MemoryGroupBy.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
MemoryGroupBy.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mergejoin |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mergejoin that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mergejoin with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
MergeJoin.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
MergeJoin.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mergerows |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mergerows that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mergerows with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
MergeRows.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
MergeRows.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.metainject |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.metainject that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.metainject with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
MetaInject.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
MetaInject.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mondrianinput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mondrianinput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mondrianinput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
MondrianInput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
MondrianInput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
MondrianInput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.monetdbagilemart |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.monetdbagilemart that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.monetdbagilemart with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
MonetDBAgileMart.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.monetdbbulkloader |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.monetdbbulkloader that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Created on 20-feb-2007 |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.monetdbbulkloader with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
MonetDBBulkLoader.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
MonetDBBulkLoader.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
MonetDBBulkLoader.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.multimerge |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.multimerge that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.multimerge with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
MultiMergeJoin.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
MultiMergeJoin.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mysqlbulkloader |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mysqlbulkloader that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Here are the steps that we need to take to make streaming loading possible for MySQL: The following steps are carried out by the step at runtime: - create a unique FIFO file (using mkfifo, LINUX ONLY FOLKS!) - Create a target table using standard Kettle SQL generation - Execute the LOAD DATA SQL Command to bulk load in a separate SQL thread in the background: - Write to the FIFO file - At the end, close the output stream to the FIFO file * At the end, remove the FIFO file Created on 24-oct-2007 |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mysqlbulkloader with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
MySQLBulkLoader.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
MySQLBulkLoader.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
MySQLBulkLoader.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.normaliser |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.normaliser that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.normaliser with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
Normaliser.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Normaliser.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.nullif |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.nullif that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.nullif with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
NullIf.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
NullIf.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
NullIf.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.numberrange |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.numberrange that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Configuration for the NumberRangePlugin |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.numberrange with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
NumberRange.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
NumberRange.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
NumberRange.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Column number where the input value is stored |
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.olapinput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.olapinput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.olapinput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
OlapInput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
OlapInput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
OlapInput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.orabulkloader |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.orabulkloader that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Created on 20-feb-2007 |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.orabulkloader with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
OraBulkLoader.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
OraBulkLoader.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
OraBulkLoader.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.parallelgzipcsv |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.parallelgzipcsv that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.parallelgzipcsv with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
ParGzipCsvInput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ParGzipCsvInput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ParGzipCsvInput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.pentahoreporting |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.pentahoreporting that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.pentahoreporting with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
PentahoReportingOutput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.pgbulkloader |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.pgbulkloader that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Created on 20-feb-2007 |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.pgbulkloader with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
PGBulkLoader.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
PGBulkLoader.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.prioritizestreams |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.prioritizestreams that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.prioritizestreams with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
PrioritizeStreams.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
PrioritizeStreams.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
PrioritizeStreams.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.processfiles |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.processfiles that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.processfiles with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
ProcessFiles.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ProcessFiles.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ProcessFiles.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.propertyinput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.propertyinput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.propertyinput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
PropertyInput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
PropertyInput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
PropertyInput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.propertyoutput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.propertyoutput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Output rows to Properties file and create a file. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.propertyoutput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
PropertyOutput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
PropertyOutput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
PropertyOutput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.randomccnumber |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.randomccnumber that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Generate random credit card number. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.randomccnumber with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
RandomCCNumberGenerator.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
RandomCCNumberGenerator.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
RandomCCNumberGenerator.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.randomvalue |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.randomvalue that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Created on 08-07-2008 |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.randomvalue with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
RandomValue.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
RandomValue.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
RandomValue.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.regexeval |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.regexeval that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.regexeval with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
RegexEval.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
RegexEval.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
RegexEval.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.replacestring |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.replacestring that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.replacestring with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
ReplaceString.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ReplaceString.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ReplaceString.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.reservoirsampling |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.reservoirsampling that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Contains the meta data for the ReservoirSampling step. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.reservoirsampling with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
ReservoirSampling.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Initialize the step. |
boolean |
ReservoirSampling.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Process an incoming row of data. |
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.rest |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.rest that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.rest with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
Rest.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Rest.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Rest.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.rowgenerator |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.rowgenerator that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.rowgenerator with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
RowGenerator.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
RowGenerator.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.rowsfromresult |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.rowsfromresult that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.rowsfromresult with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
RowsFromResult.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.rowstoresult |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.rowstoresult that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.rowstoresult with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
RowsToResult.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
RowsToResult.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.rssinput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.rssinput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.rssinput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
RssInput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
RssInput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
RssInput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.rssoutput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.rssoutput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Output rows to RSS feed and create a file. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.rssoutput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
RssOutput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
RssOutput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
RssOutput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.rules |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.rules that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
This Transformation Step allows a user to execute a rule set against an individual rule or a collection of rules. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.rules with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
Rules.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Rules.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Rules.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.salesforcedelete |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.salesforcedelete that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.salesforcedelete with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
SalesforceDelete.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SalesforceDelete.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SalesforceDelete.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.salesforceinput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.salesforceinput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.salesforceinput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
SalesforceInput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SalesforceInput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SalesforceInput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.salesforceinsert |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.salesforceinsert that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.salesforceinsert with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
SalesforceInsert.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SalesforceInsert.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SalesforceInsert.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.salesforceupdate |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.salesforceupdate that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.salesforceupdate with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
SalesforceUpdate.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SalesforceUpdate.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SalesforceUpdate.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.salesforceupsert |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.salesforceupsert that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.salesforceupsert with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
SalesforceUpsert.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SalesforceUpsert.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SalesforceUpsert.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.samplerows |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.samplerows that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.samplerows with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
SampleRows.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SampleRows.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sapinput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sapinput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sapinput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
SapInput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SapInput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SapInput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sasinput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sasinput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sasinput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
SasInput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
void |
SasInput.stopRunning(StepMetaInterface stepMetaInterface,
StepDataInterface stepDataInterface)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.script |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.script that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.scriptvalues_mod |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.scriptvalues_mod that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.scriptvalues_mod with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
ScriptValuesMod.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
void |
ScriptValuesModDummy.dispose(StepMetaInterface sii,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ScriptValuesMod.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ScriptValuesModDummy.init(StepMetaInterface stepMetaInterface,
StepDataInterface stepDataInterface)
boolean |
ScriptValuesMod.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ScriptValuesModDummy.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
void |
ScriptValuesModDummy.stopRunning(StepMetaInterface stepMetaInterface,
StepDataInterface stepDataInterface)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.selectvalues |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.selectvalues that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Meta Data class for the Select Values Step. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.selectvalues with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
SelectValues.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SelectValues.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.setvalueconstant |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.setvalueconstant that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.setvalueconstant with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
SetValueConstant.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SetValueConstant.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.setvaluefield |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.setvaluefield that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.setvaluefield with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
SetValueField.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SetValueField.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SetValueField.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.setvariable |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.setvariable that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Sets environment variables based on content in certain fields of a single input row. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.setvariable with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
SetVariable.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SetVariable.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SetVariable.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.singlethreader |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.singlethreader that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Meta-data for the Mapping step: contains name of the (sub-)transformation to execute |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.singlethreader with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
SingleThreader.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SingleThreader.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SingleThreader.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Process rows in batches of N rows. |
void |
SingleThreader.stopRunning(StepMetaInterface stepMetaInterface,
StepDataInterface stepDataInterface)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.socketreader |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.socketreader that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.socketreader with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
SocketReader.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SocketReader.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SocketReader.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.socketwriter |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.socketwriter that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.socketwriter with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
SocketWriter.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SocketWriter.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SocketWriter.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sort |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sort that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sort with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
SortRows.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SortRows.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SortRows.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sortedmerge |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sortedmerge that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sortedmerge with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
SortedMerge.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SortedMerge.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.splitfieldtorows |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.splitfieldtorows that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.splitfieldtorows with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
SplitFieldToRows.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SplitFieldToRows.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sql |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sql that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Contains meta-data to execute arbitrary SQL, optionally each row again. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sql with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
ExecSQL.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ExecSQL.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ExecSQL.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
void |
ExecSQL.stopRunning(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Stop the running query |
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sqlfileoutput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sqlfileoutput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sqlfileoutput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
SQLFileOutput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SQLFileOutput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SQLFileOutput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.ssh |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.ssh that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.ssh with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
SSH.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SSH.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SSH.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.stepmeta |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.stepmeta that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.stepmeta with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
StepMetastructure.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
StepMetastructure.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.stepsmetrics |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.stepsmetrics that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.stepsmetrics with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
StepsMetrics.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
StepsMetrics.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.streamlookup |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.streamlookup that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.streamlookup with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
StreamLookup.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
StreamLookup.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
StreamLookup.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.stringcut |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.stringcut that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.stringcut with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
StringCut.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
StringCut.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
StringCut.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.stringoperations |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.stringoperations that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
This class takes care of the meta data for the StringOperations step. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.stringoperations with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
StringOperations.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
StringOperations.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
StringOperations.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.switchcase |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.switchcase that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.switchcase with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
SwitchCase.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SwitchCase.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.symmetriccrypto.secretkeygenerator |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.symmetriccrypto.secretkeygenerator that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Generate secret key. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.symmetriccrypto.secretkeygenerator with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
SecretKeyGenerator.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SecretKeyGenerator.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SecretKeyGenerator.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.symmetriccrypto.symmetriccryptotrans |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.symmetriccrypto.symmetriccryptotrans that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Symmetric algorithm Executes a SymmetricCryptoTrans on the values in the input stream. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.symmetriccrypto.symmetriccryptotrans with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
SymmetricCryptoTrans.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SymmetricCryptoTrans.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SymmetricCryptoTrans.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.synchronizeaftermerge |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.synchronizeaftermerge that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.synchronizeaftermerge with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
SynchronizeAfterMerge.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SynchronizeAfterMerge.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SynchronizeAfterMerge.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.syslog |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.syslog that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.syslog with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
SyslogMessage.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SyslogMessage.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SyslogMessage.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.systemdata |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.systemdata that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.systemdata with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
SystemData.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SystemData.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
SystemData.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.tableagilemart |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.tableagilemart that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.tableagilemart with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
TableAgileMart.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
TableAgileMart.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.tableexists |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.tableexists that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.tableexists with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
TableExists.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
TableExists.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
TableExists.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.tableinput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.tableinput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.tableinput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
TableInput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
TableInput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
TableInput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
void |
TableInput.stopRunning(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Stop the running query |
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.tableoutput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.tableoutput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Table Output meta data. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.tableoutput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
TableOutput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
TableOutput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
TableOutput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.terafast |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.terafast that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.terafast with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
TeraFast.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Dispose of this step: close files, empty logs, etc. |
boolean |
TeraFast.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Initialize and do work where other steps need to wait for... |
boolean |
TeraFast.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Perform the equivalent of processing one row. |
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.textfileinput |
Subinterfaces of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.textfileinput | |
interface |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.textfileinput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.textfileinput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
TextFileInput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
TextFileInput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
TextFileInput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.textfileoutput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.textfileoutput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.textfileoutput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
TextFileOutput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
TextFileOutput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
TextFileOutput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.uniquerows |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.uniquerows that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.uniquerows with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
UniqueRows.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
UniqueRows.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.uniquerowsbyhashset |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.uniquerowsbyhashset that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.uniquerowsbyhashset with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
UniqueRowsByHashSet.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
UniqueRowsByHashSet.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.univariatestats |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.univariatestats that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Contains the meta-data for the UnivariateStats step: calculates predefined univariate statistics |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.univariatestats with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
UnivariateStats.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Initialize the step. |
boolean |
UnivariateStats.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Process an incoming row of data. |
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.update |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.update that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.update with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
Update.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Update.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Update.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.userdefinedjavaclass |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.userdefinedjavaclass that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.userdefinedjavaclass with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
UserDefinedJavaClass.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
void |
TransformClassBase.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
void |
UserDefinedJavaClass.disposeImpl(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
UserDefinedJavaClass.init(StepMetaInterface stepMetaInterface,
StepDataInterface stepDataInterface)
boolean |
TransformClassBase.init(StepMetaInterface stepMetaInterface,
StepDataInterface stepDataInterface)
boolean |
UserDefinedJavaClass.initImpl(StepMetaInterface stepMetaInterface,
StepDataInterface stepDataInterface)
boolean |
UserDefinedJavaClass.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
abstract boolean |
TransformClassBase.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
void |
UserDefinedJavaClass.stopRunning(StepMetaInterface stepMetaInterface,
StepDataInterface stepDataInterface)
void |
TransformClassBase.stopRunning(StepMetaInterface stepMetaInterface,
StepDataInterface stepDataInterface)
void |
UserDefinedJavaClass.stopRunningImpl(StepMetaInterface stepMetaInterface,
StepDataInterface stepDataInterface)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.validator |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.validator that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Contains the meta-data for the Validator step: calculates predefined formula's Created on 08-sep-2005 |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.validator with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
Validator.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Validator.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.valuemapper |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.valuemapper that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Maps String values of a certain field to new values Created on 03-apr-2006 |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.valuemapper with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
ValueMapper.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ValueMapper.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
ValueMapper.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.webserviceavailable |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.webserviceavailable that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.webserviceavailable with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
WebServiceAvailable.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
WebServiceAvailable.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
WebServiceAvailable.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.webservices |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.webservices that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.webservices with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
WebService.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
WebService.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
WebService.processRow(StepMetaInterface metaInterface,
StepDataInterface dataInterface)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.writetolog |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.writetolog that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.writetolog with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
boolean |
WriteToLog.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
WriteToLog.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xbaseinput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xbaseinput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xbaseinput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
XBaseInput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
XBaseInput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
XBaseInput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xmlinput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xmlinput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xmlinput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
XMLInput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
XMLInput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
XMLInput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xmlinputsax |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xmlinputsax that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xmlinputsax with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
XMLInputSax.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
XMLInputSax.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
XMLInputSax.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xmlinputstream |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xmlinputstream that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xmlinputstream with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
XMLInputStream.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
XMLInputStream.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
XMLInputStream.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xmljoin |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xmljoin that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
This class knows how to handle the MetaData for the XML join step |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xmljoin with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
XMLJoin.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
XMLJoin.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
XMLJoin.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xmloutput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xmloutput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
This class knows how to handle the MetaData for the XML output step |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xmloutput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
XMLOutput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
XMLOutput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
XMLOutput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xsdvalidator |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xsdvalidator that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xsdvalidator with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
XsdValidator.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
XsdValidator.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
XsdValidator.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xslt |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xslt that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xslt with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
Xslt.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Xslt.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
Xslt.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.yamlinput |
Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.yamlinput that implement StepMetaInterface | |
class |
Store run-time data on the YamlInput step. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.yamlinput with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
YamlInput.dispose(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
YamlInput.init(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
boolean |
YamlInput.processRow(StepMetaInterface smi,
StepDataInterface sdi)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.ui.spoon |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.ui.spoon with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
StepDialogInterface |
Spoon.getStepEntryDialog(StepMetaInterface stepMeta,
TransMeta transMeta,
String stepName)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.ui.spoon.delegates |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.ui.spoon.delegates with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
StepDialogInterface |
SpoonJobDelegate.getStepEntryDialog(StepMetaInterface stepMeta,
TransMeta transMeta,
String stepName)
StepDialogInterface |
SpoonStepsDelegate.getStepEntryDialog(StepMetaInterface stepMeta,
TransMeta transMeta,
String stepName)
Uses of StepMetaInterface in org.pentaho.di.ui.trans.step |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.ui.trans.step with parameters of type StepMetaInterface | |
void |
BaseStepDialog.setShellImage(Shell shell,
StepMetaInterface stepMetaInterface)
Sets the shell image. |
void |
BaseStepXulDialog.setShellImage(Shell shell,
StepMetaInterface stepMetaInterface)