Interface StepMetaInterface

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbortMeta, AbstractStepMeta, AccessInputMeta, AccessOutputMeta, AddSequenceMeta, AddXMLMeta, AggregateRowsMeta, AnalyticQueryMeta, AppendMeta, AutoDocMeta, BlockingStepMeta, BlockUntilStepsFinishMeta, CalculatorMeta, ChangeFileEncodingMeta, CheckSumMeta, CloneRowMeta, ClosureGeneratorMeta, ColumnExistsMeta, CombinationLookupMeta, ConcatFieldsMeta, ConstantMeta, CreditCardValidatorMeta, CsvInputMeta, CubeInputMeta, CubeOutputMeta, DatabaseJoinMeta, DatabaseLookupMeta, DataGridMeta, DBProcMeta, DelayMeta, DeleteMeta, DenormaliserMeta, DetectEmptyStreamMeta, DetectLastRowMeta, DimensionLookupMeta, DummyTransMeta, DynamicSQLRowMeta, Edi2XmlMeta, ElasticSearchBulkMeta, ExcelInputMeta, ExcelOutputMeta, ExcelWriterStepMeta, ExecProcessMeta, ExecSQLMeta, ExecSQLRowMeta, FieldsChangeSequenceMeta, FieldSplitterMeta, FileExistsMeta, FileLockedMeta, FilesFromResultMeta, FilesToResultMeta, FilterRowsMeta, FixedInputMeta, FlattenerMeta, FormulaMeta, FuzzyMatchMeta, GaInputStepMeta, GetFileNamesMeta, GetFilesRowsCountMeta, GetPreviousRowFieldMeta, GetRepositoryNamesMeta, GetSlaveSequenceMeta, GetSubFoldersMeta, GetTableNamesMeta, GetVariableMeta, GetXMLDataMeta, GPBulkLoaderMeta, GroupByMeta, HTTPMeta, HTTPPOSTMeta, IfNullMeta, InfobrightLoaderMeta, IngresVectorwiseLoaderMeta, InjectorMeta, InsertUpdateMeta, JaninoMeta, JavaFilterMeta, JoinRowsMeta, JsonInputMeta, JsonOutputMeta, LDAPInputMeta, LDAPOutputMeta, LDIFInputMeta, LoadFileInputMeta, LucidDBBulkLoaderMeta, LucidDBStreamingLoaderMeta, MailInputMeta, MailMeta, MailValidatorMeta, MappingInputMeta, MappingMeta, MappingOutputMeta, MemoryGroupByMeta, MergeJoinMeta, MergeRowsMeta, MetaInjectMeta, MondrianInputMeta, MonetDBAgileMartMeta, MonetDBBulkLoaderMeta, MultiMergeJoinMeta, MySQLBulkLoaderMeta, NormaliserMeta, NullIfMeta, NumberRangeMeta, OlapInputMeta, OraBulkLoaderMeta, ParGzipCsvInputMeta, PentahoReportingOutputMeta, PGBulkLoaderMeta, PrioritizeStreamsMeta, ProcessFilesMeta, PropertyInputMeta, PropertyOutputMeta, RandomCCNumberGeneratorMeta, RandomValueMeta, RegexEvalMeta, ReplaceStringMeta, ReservoirSamplingMeta, RestMeta, RowGeneratorMeta, RowsFromResultMeta, RowsToResultMeta, RssInputMeta, RssOutputMeta, RulesMeta, SalesforceDeleteMeta, SalesforceInputMeta, SalesforceInsertMeta, SalesforceUpdateMeta, SalesforceUpsertMeta, SampleRowsMeta, SapInputMeta, SasInputMeta, ScriptMeta, ScriptValuesMetaMod, SecretKeyGeneratorMeta, SelectValuesMeta, SetValueConstantMeta, SetValueFieldMeta, SetVariableMeta, SingleThreaderMeta, SocketReaderMeta, SocketWriterMeta, SortedMergeMeta, SortRowsMeta, SplitFieldToRowsMeta, SQLFileOutputMeta, SSHMeta, StepMetastructureMeta, StepsMetricsMeta, StreamLookupMeta, StringCutMeta, StringOperationsMeta, SwitchCaseMeta, SymmetricCryptoTransMeta, SynchronizeAfterMergeMeta, SyslogMessageMeta, SystemDataMeta, TableAgileMartMeta, TableExistsMeta, TableInputMeta, TableOutputMeta, TeraFastMeta, TextFileInputMeta, TextFileOutputMeta, UniqueRowsByHashSetMeta, UniqueRowsMeta, UnivariateStatsMeta, UpdateMeta, UserDefinedJavaClassMeta, ValidatorMeta, ValueMapperMeta, WebServiceAvailableMeta, WebServiceMeta, WriteToLogMeta, XBaseInputMeta, XMLInputMeta, XMLInputSaxMeta, XMLInputStreamMeta, XMLJoinMeta, XMLOutputMeta, XsdValidatorMeta, XsltMeta, YamlInputMeta

public interface StepMetaInterface

This interface allows custom steps to talk to Kettle. The StepMetaInterface is the main Java interface that a plugin implements. The responsibilities of the implementing class are listed below:


Method Summary
 void analyseImpact(List<DatabaseImpact> impact, TransMeta transMeta, StepMeta stepMeta, RowMetaInterface prev, String[] input, String[] output, RowMetaInterface info)
          Each step must be able to report on the impact it has on a database, table field, etc.
 void cancelQueries()
          Call this to cancel trailing database queries (too long running, etc)
 void check(List<CheckResultInterface> remarks, TransMeta transMeta, StepMeta stepMeta, RowMetaInterface prev, String[] input, String[] output, RowMetaInterface info)
          Checks the settings of this step and puts the findings in a remarks List.
 Object clone()
          Make an exact copy of this step, make sure to explicitly copy Collections etc.
 boolean excludeFromCopyDistributeVerification()
          This method is added to exclude certain steps from copy/distribute checking.
 boolean excludeFromRowLayoutVerification()
          This method is added to exclude certain steps from layout checking.
 String exportResources(VariableSpace space, Map<String,ResourceDefinition> definitions, ResourceNamingInterface resourceNamingInterface, Repository repository)
 String getDialogClassName()
          Get the name of the class that implements the dialog for this job entry JobEntryBase provides a default
 void getFields(RowMetaInterface inputRowMeta, String name, RowMetaInterface[] info, StepMeta nextStep, VariableSpace space)
          Get the fields that are emitted by this step
 List<StreamInterface> getOptionalStreams()
 StepMeta getParentStepMeta()
 RowMetaInterface getRequiredFields(VariableSpace space)
          The natural way of data flow in a transformation is source-to-target.
 List<ResourceReference> getResourceDependencies(TransMeta transMeta, StepMeta stepMeta)
          Get a list of all the resource dependencies that the step is depending on.
 SQLStatement getSQLStatements(TransMeta transMeta, StepMeta stepMeta, RowMetaInterface prev)
          Standard method to return an SQLStatement object with SQL statements that the step needs in order to work correctly.
 StepInterface getStep(StepMeta stepMeta, StepDataInterface stepDataInterface, int copyNr, TransMeta transMeta, Trans trans)
          Get the executing step, needed by Trans to launch a step.
 StepDataInterface getStepData()
          Get a new instance of the appropriate data class.
 StepIOMetaInterface getStepIOMeta()
          Returns the Input/Output metadata for this step.
 StepMetaInjectionInterface getStepMetaInjectionInterface()
 TransMeta.TransformationType[] getSupportedTransformationTypes()
 RowMetaInterface getTableFields()
 Map<String,String> getUsedArguments()
          Default a step doesn't use any arguments.
 DatabaseMeta[] getUsedDatabaseConnections()
          This method returns all the database connections that are used by the step.
 String[] getUsedLibraries()
 String getXML()
          Get the XML that represents the values in this step
 void handleStreamSelection(StreamInterface stream)
          When an optional stream is selected, this method is called to handled the ETL metadata implications of that.
 boolean hasRepositoryReferences()
 void loadXML(Node stepnode, List<DatabaseMeta> databases, Map<String,Counter> counters)
          Load the values for this step from an XML Node
 void lookupRepositoryReferences(Repository repository)
          Look up the references after import
 void readRep(Repository rep, ObjectId id_step, List<DatabaseMeta> databases, Map<String,Counter> counters)
          Read the steps information from a Kettle repository
 void resetStepIoMeta()
          For steps that handle dynamic input (info) or output (target) streams, it is useful to be able to force the recreate the StepIoMeta definition.
 void saveRep(Repository rep, ObjectId id_transformation, ObjectId id_step)
          Save the steps data into a Kettle repository
 void searchInfoAndTargetSteps(List<StepMeta> steps)
          Change step names into step objects to allow them to be name-changed etc.
 void setDefault()
          Set default values
 void setParentStepMeta(StepMeta parentStepMeta)
          Provide original lineage for this metadata object
 boolean supportsErrorHandling()

Method Detail


void setDefault()
Set default values


void getFields(RowMetaInterface inputRowMeta,
               String name,
               RowMetaInterface[] info,
               StepMeta nextStep,
               VariableSpace space)
               throws KettleStepException
Get the fields that are emitted by this step

inputRowMeta - The fields that are entering the step. These are changed to reflect the output metadata.
name - The name of the step to be used as origin
info - The input rows metadata that enters the step through the specified channels in the same order as in method getInfoSteps(). The step metadata can then choose what to do with it: ignore it or not. Interesting is also that in case of database lookups, the layout of the target database table is put in info[0]
nextStep - if this is a non-null value, it's the next step in the transformation. The one who's asking, the step where the data is targetted towards.
space - TODO
KettleStepException - when an error occurred searching for the fields.


String getXML()
              throws KettleException
Get the XML that represents the values in this step

the XML that represents the metadata in this step
KettleException - in case there is a conversion or XML encoding error


void loadXML(Node stepnode,
             List<DatabaseMeta> databases,
             Map<String,Counter> counters)
             throws KettleXMLException
Load the values for this step from an XML Node

stepnode - the Node to get the info from
databases - The available list of databases to reference to
counters - Counters to reference.
KettleXMLException - When an unexpected XML error occurred. (malformed etc.)


void saveRep(Repository rep,
             ObjectId id_transformation,
             ObjectId id_step)
             throws KettleException
Save the steps data into a Kettle repository

rep - The Kettle repository to save to
id_transformation - The transformation ID
id_step - The step ID
KettleException - When an unexpected error occurred (database, network, etc)


void readRep(Repository rep,
             ObjectId id_step,
             List<DatabaseMeta> databases,
             Map<String,Counter> counters)
             throws KettleException
Read the steps information from a Kettle repository

rep - The repository to read from
id_step - The step ID
databases - The databases to reference
counters - The counters to reference
KettleException - When an unexpected error occurred (database, network, etc)


void check(List<CheckResultInterface> remarks,
           TransMeta transMeta,
           StepMeta stepMeta,
           RowMetaInterface prev,
           String[] input,
           String[] output,
           RowMetaInterface info)
Checks the settings of this step and puts the findings in a remarks List.

remarks - The list to put the remarks in @see org.pentaho.di.core.CheckResult
stepMeta - The stepMeta to help checking
prev - The fields coming from the previous step
input - The input step names
output - The output step names
info - The fields that are used as information by the step


Object clone()
Make an exact copy of this step, make sure to explicitly copy Collections etc.

an exact copy of this step


RowMetaInterface getTableFields()
The fields used by this step, this is being used for the Impact analyses.


boolean excludeFromRowLayoutVerification()
This method is added to exclude certain steps from layout checking.



boolean excludeFromCopyDistributeVerification()
This method is added to exclude certain steps from copy/distribute checking.



String getDialogClassName()
Get the name of the class that implements the dialog for this job entry JobEntryBase provides a default


StepInterface getStep(StepMeta stepMeta,
                      StepDataInterface stepDataInterface,
                      int copyNr,
                      TransMeta transMeta,
                      Trans trans)
Get the executing step, needed by Trans to launch a step.

stepMeta - The step info
stepDataInterface - the step data interface linked to this step. Here the step can store temporary data, database connections, etc.
copyNr - The copy nr to get
transMeta - The transformation info
trans - The launching transformation


StepDataInterface getStepData()
Get a new instance of the appropriate data class. This data class implements the StepDataInterface. It basically contains the persisting data that needs to live on, even if a worker thread is terminated.

The appropriate StepDataInterface class.


void analyseImpact(List<DatabaseImpact> impact,
                   TransMeta transMeta,
                   StepMeta stepMeta,
                   RowMetaInterface prev,
                   String[] input,
                   String[] output,
                   RowMetaInterface info)
                   throws KettleStepException
Each step must be able to report on the impact it has on a database, table field, etc.

impact - The list of impacts @see org.pentaho.di.transMeta.DatabaseImpact
transMeta - The transformation information
stepMeta - The step information
prev - The fields entering this step
input - The previous step names
output - The output step names
info - The fields used as information by this step


SQLStatement getSQLStatements(TransMeta transMeta,
                              StepMeta stepMeta,
                              RowMetaInterface prev)
                              throws KettleStepException
Standard method to return an SQLStatement object with SQL statements that the step needs in order to work correctly. This can mean "create table", "create index" statements but also "alter table ... add/drop/modify" statements.

transMeta - TransInfo object containing the complete transformation
stepMeta - StepMeta object containing the complete step
prev - Row containing meta-data for the input fields (no data)
The SQL Statements for this step. If nothing has to be done, the SQLStatement.getSQL() == null. @see SQLStatement


void cancelQueries()
                   throws KettleDatabaseException
Call this to cancel trailing database queries (too long running, etc)



Map<String,String> getUsedArguments()
Default a step doesn't use any arguments. Implement this to notify the GUI that a window has to be displayed BEFORE launching a transformation. You can also use this to specify certain Environment variable values.

A Map of argument values. (name and optionally a default value) Put 10 values in the map for the possible 10 arguments.


RowMetaInterface getRequiredFields(VariableSpace space)
                                   throws KettleException
The natural way of data flow in a transformation is source-to-target. However, this makes mapping to target tables difficult to do. To help out here, we supply information to the transformation meta-data model about which fields are required for a step. This allows us to automate certain tasks like the mapping to pre-defined tables. The Table Output step in this case will output the fields in the target table using this method.

space - the variable space to reference
the required fields for this steps metadata.
KettleException - in case the required fields can't be determined.


DatabaseMeta[] getUsedDatabaseConnections()
This method returns all the database connections that are used by the step.

an array of database connections meta-data. Return an empty array if no connections are used.


String[] getUsedLibraries()
the libraries that this step or plugin uses.


boolean supportsErrorHandling()
true if this step supports error "reporting" on rows: the ability to send rows to a certain target step.


List<ResourceReference> getResourceDependencies(TransMeta transMeta,
                                                StepMeta stepMeta)
Get a list of all the resource dependencies that the step is depending on.

transMeta -
stepMeta -
a list of all the resource dependencies that the step is depending on


String exportResources(VariableSpace space,
                       Map<String,ResourceDefinition> definitions,
                       ResourceNamingInterface resourceNamingInterface,
                       Repository repository)
                       throws KettleException
space - the variable space to use
definitions -
resourceNamingInterface -
repository - The repository to optionally load other resources from (to be converted to XML)
the filename of the exported resource


StepMeta getParentStepMeta()
The StepMeta object to which this metadata class belongs. With this, we can see to which transformation metadata (etc) this metadata pertains to. (hierarchy)


void setParentStepMeta(StepMeta parentStepMeta)
Provide original lineage for this metadata object

parentStepMeta - the parent step metadata container object


StepIOMetaInterface getStepIOMeta()
Returns the Input/Output metadata for this step.


List<StreamInterface> getOptionalStreams()
The list of optional input streams. It allows the user to select from a list of possible actions like "New target step"


void handleStreamSelection(StreamInterface stream)
When an optional stream is selected, this method is called to handled the ETL metadata implications of that.

stream - The optional stream to handle.


void resetStepIoMeta()
For steps that handle dynamic input (info) or output (target) streams, it is useful to be able to force the recreate the StepIoMeta definition. By default this definition is cached.


void searchInfoAndTargetSteps(List<StepMeta> steps)
Change step names into step objects to allow them to be name-changed etc.

steps - the steps to reference


StepMetaInjectionInterface getStepMetaInjectionInterface()
Optional interface that allows an external program to inject step metadata in a standardized fasion. This method will return null if the interface is not available for this step.


TransMeta.TransformationType[] getSupportedTransformationTypes()
The supported transformation types that this step supports.


boolean hasRepositoryReferences()
True if the job entry defines one or more references to a repository object.


void lookupRepositoryReferences(Repository repository)
                                throws KettleException
Look up the references after import

repository - the repository to reference.