Packages that use KettleDatabaseException | |
org.pentaho.di.core.database | Contains all the different database dialects as well as the DatabaseMeta class (definition) and the Database class (execution) |
org.pentaho.di.core.exception | This package contains a set of Exceptions used in Kettle. |
org.pentaho.di.repository.kdr.delegates | |
org.pentaho.di.trans | This package contains the classes needed to define and execute transformations. |
org.pentaho.di.trans.step | |
org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.combinationlookup | |
org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.delete | |
org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.dimensionlookup | |
org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.insertupdate | |
org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mondrianinput | |
org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.olapinput | |
org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sapinput.mock | |
org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sapinput.sap | |
org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.synchronizeaftermerge | |
org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.update | |
org.pentaho.di.ui.repository |
Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.core.database |
Subclasses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.core.database | |
class |
This class provides a wrapper around NamingException or other exceptions that may occur when trying to get a data source by name. |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.core.database that throw KettleDatabaseException | |
boolean |
Database.absolute(ResultSet rs,
int position)
void |
Database.afterLast(ResultSet rs)
RowMetaAndData |
Database.callProcedure(String[] arg,
String[] argdir,
int[] argtype,
String resultname,
int resulttype)
void |
Cancel the open/running queries on the database connection |
void |
Database.cancelStatement(Statement statement)
Cancel an open/running SQL statement |
boolean |
Database.checkColumnExists(String columnname,
String tablename)
See if the column specified exists by reading |
boolean |
BaseDatabaseMeta.checkIndexExists(Database database,
String schemaName,
String tableName,
String[] idx_fields)
Verifies on the specified database connection if an index exists on the fields with the specified name. |
boolean |
DatabaseInterface.checkIndexExists(Database database,
String schemaName,
String tableName,
String[] idxFields)
Verifies on the specified database connection if an index exists on the fields with the specified name. |
boolean |
Exasol4DatabaseMeta.checkIndexExists(Database database,
String schemaName,
String tableName,
String[] idx_fields)
Verifies on the specified database connection if an index exists on the fields with the specified name. |
boolean |
MSSQLServerDatabaseMeta.checkIndexExists(Database database,
String schemaName,
String tableName,
String[] idx_fields)
Verifies on the specified database connection if an index exists on the fields with the specified name. |
boolean |
MSAccessDatabaseMeta.checkIndexExists(Database database,
String schemaName,
String tableName,
String[] idx_fields)
Verifies on the specified database connection if an index exists on the fields with the specified name. |
boolean |
OracleDatabaseMeta.checkIndexExists(Database database,
String schemaName,
String tableName,
String[] idx_fields)
Verifies on the specified database connection if an index exists on the fields with the specified name. |
boolean |
Database.checkIndexExists(String tableName,
String[] idx_fields)
Check if an index on certain fields in a table exists. |
boolean |
Database.checkIndexExists(String schemaName,
String tableName,
String[] idx_fields)
Check if an index on certain fields in a table exists. |
boolean |
Database.checkSequenceExists(String sequenceName)
Check whether the sequence exists, Oracle only! |
boolean |
Database.checkSequenceExists(String schemaName,
String sequenceName)
Check whether the sequence exists, Oracle only! |
boolean |
Database.checkTableExists(String tablename)
See if the table specified exists by reading |
void |
Database.clearBatch(PreparedStatement preparedStatement)
void |
Deprecated. |
void |
Only for unique connections usage, typically you use disconnect() to disconnect() from the database. |
void |
void |
void |
Database.closePreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps)
void |
void |
Database.closeQuery(ResultSet res)
void |
void |
Perform a commit the connection if this is supported by the database |
void |
Database.commit(boolean force)
void |
Open the database connection. |
void |
Database.connect(String partitionId)
Open the database connection. |
void |
Database.connect(String group,
String partitionId)
void |
Database.emptyAndCommit(PreparedStatement ps,
boolean batch)
Close the passed prepared statement. |
void |
Database.emptyAndCommit(PreparedStatement ps,
boolean batch,
int batchCounter)
Close the prepared statement of the insert statement. |
Result |
Database.execStatement(String sql)
Execute an SQL statement on the database connection (has to be open) |
Result |
Database.execStatement(String rawsql,
RowMetaInterface params,
Object[] data)
Result |
Database.execStatements(String script)
Execute a series of SQL statements, separated by ; We are already connected... |
void |
Database.first(ResultSet rs)
String |
Database.getAlterTableStatement(String tableName,
RowMetaInterface fields,
String tk,
boolean use_autoinc,
String pk,
boolean semicolon)
String[] |
String |
DatabaseFactory.getConnectionTestReport(DatabaseMeta databaseMeta)
String |
DatabaseFactoryInterface.getConnectionTestReport(DatabaseMeta databaseMeta)
void |
DatabaseMetaInformation.getData(LoggingObjectInterface parentLoggingObject,
ProgressMonitorListener monitor)
static DatabaseInterface |
DatabaseMeta.getDatabaseInterface(String databaseType)
Search for the right type of DatabaseInterface object and clone it. |
DatabaseMetaData |
String |
Database.getDDL(String tablename,
RowMetaInterface fields)
String |
Database.getDDL(String tablename,
RowMetaInterface fields,
String tk,
boolean use_autoinc,
String pk)
String |
Database.getDDL(String tableName,
RowMetaInterface fields,
String tk,
boolean use_autoinc,
String pk,
boolean semicolon)
String |
Database.getDDLCreationTable(String tableName,
RowMetaInterface fields)
Return SQL CREATION statement for a Table |
String |
Database.getDDLTruncateTable(String schema,
String tablename)
Return SQL TRUNCATE statement for a Table |
List<Object[]> |
Database.getFirstRows(String table_name,
int limit)
List<Object[]> |
Database.getFirstRows(String table_name,
int limit,
ProgressMonitorListener monitor)
Get the first rows from a table (for preview) |
RowMetaAndData |
Database.getGeneratedKeys(PreparedStatement ps)
Object[] |
Database.getLastLogDate(String logtable,
String name,
boolean job,
LogStatus status)
Object[] |
Object[] |
Database.getLookup(boolean failOnMultipleResults)
Object[] |
Database.getLookup(PreparedStatement ps)
Object[] |
Database.getLookup(PreparedStatement ps,
boolean failOnMultipleResults)
Long |
BaseDatabaseMeta.getNextBatchId(DatabaseMeta dbm,
Database ldb,
String schemaName,
String tableName,
String fieldName)
Long |
DatabaseInterface.getNextBatchId(DatabaseMeta dbm,
Database ldb,
String schemaName,
String tableName,
String fieldName)
Get the next Batch ID from the logging tables. |
Long |
DatabaseMeta.getNextBatchId(Database ldb,
String schemaName,
String tableName,
String fieldName)
Long |
BaseDatabaseMeta.getNextBatchIdUsingAutoIncSQL(String autoIncSQL,
DatabaseMeta dbm,
Database ldb)
Long |
BaseDatabaseMeta.getNextBatchIdUsingLockTables(DatabaseMeta dbm,
Database ldb,
String schemaName,
String tableName,
String fieldName)
Long |
MSSQLServerDatabaseMeta.getNextBatchIdUsingLockTables(DatabaseMeta dbm,
Database ldb,
String schemaName,
String tableName,
String fieldName)
Long |
BaseDatabaseMeta.getNextBatchIdUsingSequence(String sequenceName,
String schemaName,
DatabaseMeta dbm,
Database ldb)
Long |
Database.getNextSequenceValue(String sequenceName,
String keyfield)
Long |
Database.getNextSequenceValue(String schemaName,
String sequenceName,
String keyfield)
Long |
Database.getNextValue(Hashtable<String,Counter> counters,
String tableName,
String val_key)
Long |
Database.getNextValue(Hashtable<String,Counter> counters,
String schemaName,
String tableName,
String val_key)
RowMetaAndData |
Database.getOneRow(String sql)
Execute a query and return at most one row from the resultset |
RowMetaAndData |
Database.getOneRow(String sql,
RowMetaInterface param,
Object[] data)
String[] |
Database.getPrimaryKeyColumnNames(String tablename)
Return primary key column names ... |
String[] |
RowMetaInterface |
Database.getQueryFields(String sql,
boolean param)
RowMetaInterface |
Database.getQueryFields(String sql,
boolean param,
RowMetaInterface inform,
Object[] data)
Object[] |
Database.getRow(ResultSet rs)
Get a row from the resultset. |
Object[] |
Database.getRow(ResultSet rs,
boolean lazyConversion)
Get a row from the resultset. |
Object[] |
Database.getRow(ResultSet rs,
ResultSetMetaData dummy,
RowMetaInterface rowInfo)
Get a row from the resultset. |
List<Object[]> |
Database.getRows(ResultSet rset,
int limit,
ProgressMonitorListener monitor)
Reads the result of a ResultSet into an ArrayList |
List<Object[]> |
Database.getRows(String sql,
int limit)
Reads the result of an SQL query into an ArrayList |
List<Object[]> |
Database.getRows(String sql,
int limit,
ProgressMonitorListener monitor)
Reads the result of an SQL query into an ArrayList |
String[] |
String[] |
Return all sequence names from connection |
String |
Database.getSQLOutput(String schemaName,
String tableName,
RowMetaInterface fields,
Object[] r,
String dateFormat)
Return SQL statement (INSERT INTO TableName ... |
Map<String,Collection<String>> |
Map<String,Collection<String>> |
Database.getSynonymMap(String schemanamein)
String[] |
String[] |
Database.getSynonyms(boolean includeSchema)
String[] |
Database.getSynonyms(String schemanamein,
boolean includeSchema)
RowMetaInterface |
Database.getTableFields(String tablename)
Map<String,Collection<String>> |
Map<String,Collection<String>> |
Database.getTableMap(String schemanamein)
String[] |
String[] |
Database.getTablenames(boolean includeSchema)
String[] |
Database.getTablenames(String schemanamein,
boolean includeSchema)
String[] |
String |
String |
DatabaseMeta.getURL(String partitionId)
String |
DatabaseInterface.getURL(String hostname,
String port,
String databaseName)
String |
Exasol4DatabaseMeta.getURL(String hostname,
String port,
String databaseName)
String |
OracleDatabaseMeta.getURL(String hostname,
String port,
String databaseName)
String |
NeoviewDatabaseMeta.getURL(String hostname,
String port,
String databaseName)
Object |
BaseDatabaseMeta.getValueFromResultSet(ResultSet rs,
ValueMetaInterface val,
int i)
This method allows a database dialect to convert database specific data types to Kettle data types. |
Object |
DatabaseInterface.getValueFromResultSet(ResultSet resultSet,
ValueMetaInterface valueMeta,
int index)
This method allows a database dialect to convert database specific data types to Kettle data types. |
Object |
DatabaseMeta.getValueFromResultSet(ResultSet rs,
ValueMetaInterface val,
int i)
Object |
NeoviewDatabaseMeta.getValueFromResultSet(ResultSet rs,
ValueMetaInterface val,
int i)
This method allows a database dialect to convert database specific data types to Kettle data types. |
Map<String,Collection<String>> |
Map<String,Collection<String>> |
Database.getViewMap(String schemanamein)
String[] |
String[] |
Database.getViews(boolean includeSchema)
String[] |
Database.getViews(String schemanamein,
boolean includeSchema)
void |
Database.insertFinished(boolean batch)
void |
Database.insertFinished(PreparedStatement ps,
boolean batch)
Deprecated. use emptyAndCommit() instead (pass in the number of rows left in the batch) |
void |
void |
Database.insertRow(boolean batch)
void |
Database.insertRow(PreparedStatement ps)
boolean |
Database.insertRow(PreparedStatement ps,
boolean batch)
Insert a row into the database using a prepared statement that has all values set. |
boolean |
Database.insertRow(PreparedStatement ps,
boolean batch,
boolean handleCommit)
Insert a row into the database using a prepared statement that has all values set. |
void |
Database.insertRow(String tableName,
RowMetaInterface fields,
Object[] data)
void |
Database.insertRow(String schemaName,
String tableName,
RowMetaInterface fields,
Object[] data)
void |
Database.lockTables(String[] tableNames)
Lock a tables in the database for write operations |
void |
Database.normalConnect(String partitionId)
Open the database connection. |
ResultSet |
Database.openQuery(PreparedStatement ps,
RowMetaInterface params,
Object[] data)
ResultSet |
Database.openQuery(String sql)
ResultSet |
Database.openQuery(String sql,
RowMetaInterface params,
Object[] data)
Open a query on the database with a set of parameters stored in a Kettle Row |
ResultSet |
Database.openQuery(String sql,
RowMetaInterface params,
Object[] data,
int fetch_mode)
ResultSet |
Database.openQuery(String sql,
RowMetaInterface params,
Object[] data,
int fetch_mode,
boolean lazyConversion)
void |
Database.prepareInsert(RowMetaInterface rowMeta,
String tableName)
Prepare inserting values into a table, using the fields & values in a Row |
void |
Database.prepareInsert(RowMetaInterface rowMeta,
String schemaName,
String tableName)
Prepare inserting values into a table, using the fields & values in a Row |
PreparedStatement |
Database.prepareSQL(String sql)
Prepare a statement to be executed on the database. |
PreparedStatement |
Database.prepareSQL(String sql,
boolean returnKeys)
Prepare a statement to be executed on the database. |
boolean |
Database.relative(ResultSet rs,
int rows)
void |
Database.releaseSavepoint(Savepoint savepoint)
void |
void |
Database.rollback(boolean force)
void |
Database.rollback(Savepoint savepoint)
void |
Database.setAutoCommit(boolean useAutoCommit)
void |
Database.setLookup(String table,
String[] codes,
String[] condition,
String[] gets,
String[] rename,
String orderby)
void |
Database.setLookup(String tableName,
String[] codes,
String[] condition,
String[] gets,
String[] rename,
String orderby,
boolean checkForMultipleResults)
void |
Database.setLookup(String schema,
String table,
String[] codes,
String[] condition,
String[] gets,
String[] rename,
String orderby)
void |
Database.setLookup(String schemaName,
String tableName,
String[] codes,
String[] condition,
String[] gets,
String[] rename,
String orderby,
boolean checkForMultipleResults)
void |
Database.setProcLookup(String proc,
String[] arg,
String[] argdir,
int[] argtype,
String returnvalue,
int returntype)
void |
Database.setProcValues(RowMetaInterface rowMeta,
Object[] data,
int[] argnrs,
String[] argdir,
boolean result)
Savepoint |
Savepoint |
Database.setSavepoint(String savePointName)
void |
Database.setValue(PreparedStatement ps,
ValueMetaInterface v,
Object object,
int pos)
void |
Database.setValues(RowMetaAndData row)
void |
Database.setValues(RowMetaAndData row,
PreparedStatement ps)
void |
Database.setValues(RowMetaInterface rowMeta,
Object[] data)
void |
Database.setValues(RowMetaInterface rowMeta,
Object[] data,
PreparedStatement ps)
void |
Database.setValues(RowMetaInterface rowMeta,
Object[] data,
PreparedStatement ps,
int ignoreThisValueIndex)
Sets the values of the preparedStatement pstmt. |
void |
Database.setValuesInsert(RowMetaAndData row)
void |
Database.setValuesInsert(RowMetaInterface rowMeta,
Object[] data)
void |
Database.setValuesLookup(RowMetaInterface rowMeta,
Object[] data)
void |
Database.setValuesUpdate(RowMetaInterface rowMeta,
Object[] data)
void |
Database.truncateTable(String tablename)
void |
Database.truncateTable(String schema,
String tablename)
void |
Database.unlockTables(String[] tableNames)
Unlock certain tables in the database for write operations |
void |
Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.core.exception |
Subclasses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.core.exception | |
class |
This exception is used by the Database class. |
class |
This exception is used by the Database class. |
Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.repository.kdr.delegates |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.repository.kdr.delegates that throw KettleDatabaseException | |
Collection<RowMetaAndData> |
Collection<RowMetaAndData> |
KettleDatabaseRepositoryConnectionDelegate.getDatabaseAttributes(ObjectId id_database)
RowMetaAndData |
KettleDatabaseRepositoryConnectionDelegate.getOneRow(String sql)
RowMetaAndData |
KettleDatabaseRepositoryConnectionDelegate.getOneRow(String sql,
RowMetaInterface rowMeta,
Object[] rowData)
RowMetaInterface |
List<Object[]> |
KettleDatabaseRepositoryConnectionDelegate.getRows(String sql,
int limit)
Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.trans |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans that throw KettleDatabaseException | |
void |
Cancels queries opened for checking & fieldprediction. |
Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.trans.step |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.step that throw KettleDatabaseException | |
void |
Call this to cancel trailing database queries (too long running, etc) |
void |
Call this to cancel trailing database queries (too long running, etc) |
Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.combinationlookup |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.combinationlookup that throw KettleDatabaseException | |
Long |
CombinationLookup.combiInsert(RowMetaInterface rowMeta,
Object[] row,
Long val_key,
Long val_crc)
This inserts new record into a junk dimension |
void |
CombinationLookup.setCombiLookup(RowMetaInterface inputRowMeta)
CombinationLookup table: dimension table keys[]: which dim-fields do we use to look up key? retval: name of the key to return |
Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.delete |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.delete that throw KettleDatabaseException | |
void |
Delete.prepareDelete(RowMetaInterface rowMeta)
Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.dimensionlookup |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.dimensionlookup that throw KettleDatabaseException | |
void |
DimensionLookup.dimPunchThrough(RowMetaInterface rowMeta,
Object[] row)
void |
DimensionLookup.dimUpdate(RowMetaInterface rowMeta,
Object[] row,
Long dimkey,
Date valueDate)
Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.insertupdate |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.insertupdate that throw KettleDatabaseException | |
void |
InsertUpdate.prepareUpdate(RowMetaInterface rowMeta)
void |
InsertUpdate.setLookup(RowMetaInterface rowMeta)
Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mondrianinput |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mondrianinput that throw KettleDatabaseException | |
void |
Retrieve the rows from the opened query. |
void |
Outputs one row per tuple on the rows axis. |
void |
Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.olapinput |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.olapinput that throw KettleDatabaseException | |
void |
void |
Outputs one row per tuple on the rows axis. |
Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sapinput.mock |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sapinput.mock that throw KettleDatabaseException | |
String |
SAPConnectionFactoryMock.getConnectionTestReport(DatabaseMeta databaseMeta)
The SAP connection to test, links to the TEST button in the database dialog. |
Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sapinput.sap |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sapinput.sap that throw KettleDatabaseException | |
String |
SAPConnectionFactory.getConnectionTestReport(DatabaseMeta databaseMeta)
The SAP connection to test |
Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.synchronizeaftermerge |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.synchronizeaftermerge that throw KettleDatabaseException | |
String |
SynchronizeAfterMerge.getDeleteStatement(RowMetaInterface rowMeta)
String |
SynchronizeAfterMerge.getLookupStatement(RowMetaInterface rowMeta)
String |
SynchronizeAfterMerge.getUpdateStatement(RowMetaInterface rowMeta)
Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.update |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.update that throw KettleDatabaseException | |
void |
Update.prepareUpdate(RowMetaInterface rowMeta)
void |
Update.setLookup(RowMetaInterface rowMeta)
Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.ui.repository |
Methods in org.pentaho.di.ui.repository that throw KettleDatabaseException | |
static void |
RepositoryDirectoryUI.getTreeWithNames(TreeItem ti,
Repository rep,
Color dircolor,
int sortPosition,
boolean includeDeleted,
boolean ascending,
boolean getTransformations,
boolean getJobs,
RepositoryDirectoryInterface dir,
String filterString,
Pattern pattern)
Set the name of this directory on a TreeItem. |