Uses of Class

Packages that use KettleDatabaseException
org.pentaho.di.core.database Contains all the different database dialects as well as the DatabaseMeta class (definition) and the Database class (execution) 
org.pentaho.di.core.exception This package contains a set of Exceptions used in Kettle. 
org.pentaho.di.trans This package contains the classes needed to define and execute transformations. 

Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.core.database

Subclasses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.core.database
 class DataSourceNamingException
          This class provides a wrapper around NamingException or other exceptions that may occur when trying to get a data source by name.

Methods in org.pentaho.di.core.database that throw KettleDatabaseException
 boolean Database.absolute(ResultSet rs, int position)
 void Database.afterLast(ResultSet rs)
 RowMetaAndData Database.callProcedure(String[] arg, String[] argdir, int[] argtype, String resultname, int resulttype)
 void Database.cancelQuery()
          Cancel the open/running queries on the database connection
 void Database.cancelStatement(Statement statement)
          Cancel an open/running SQL statement
 boolean Database.checkColumnExists(String columnname, String tablename)
          See if the column specified exists by reading
 boolean BaseDatabaseMeta.checkIndexExists(Database database, String schemaName, String tableName, String[] idx_fields)
          Verifies on the specified database connection if an index exists on the fields with the specified name.
 boolean DatabaseInterface.checkIndexExists(Database database, String schemaName, String tableName, String[] idxFields)
          Verifies on the specified database connection if an index exists on the fields with the specified name.
 boolean Exasol4DatabaseMeta.checkIndexExists(Database database, String schemaName, String tableName, String[] idx_fields)
          Verifies on the specified database connection if an index exists on the fields with the specified name.
 boolean MSSQLServerDatabaseMeta.checkIndexExists(Database database, String schemaName, String tableName, String[] idx_fields)
          Verifies on the specified database connection if an index exists on the fields with the specified name.
 boolean MSAccessDatabaseMeta.checkIndexExists(Database database, String schemaName, String tableName, String[] idx_fields)
          Verifies on the specified database connection if an index exists on the fields with the specified name.
 boolean OracleDatabaseMeta.checkIndexExists(Database database, String schemaName, String tableName, String[] idx_fields)
          Verifies on the specified database connection if an index exists on the fields with the specified name.
 boolean Database.checkIndexExists(String tableName, String[] idx_fields)
          Check if an index on certain fields in a table exists.
 boolean Database.checkIndexExists(String schemaName, String tableName, String[] idx_fields)
          Check if an index on certain fields in a table exists.
 boolean Database.checkSequenceExists(String sequenceName)
          Check whether the sequence exists, Oracle only!
 boolean Database.checkSequenceExists(String schemaName, String sequenceName)
          Check whether the sequence exists, Oracle only!
 boolean Database.checkTableExists(String tablename)
          See if the table specified exists by reading
 void Database.clearBatch(PreparedStatement preparedStatement)
 void Database.clearInsertBatch()
 void Database.closeConnectionOnly()
          Only for unique connections usage, typically you use disconnect() to disconnect() from the database.
 void Database.closeInsert()
 void Database.closeLookup()
 void Database.closePreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps)
 void Database.closeProcedureStatement()
 void Database.closeQuery(ResultSet res)
 void Database.closeUpdate()
 void Database.commit()
          Perform a commit the connection if this is supported by the database
 void Database.commit(boolean force)
 void Database.connect()
          Open the database connection.
 void Database.connect(String partitionId)
          Open the database connection.
 void Database.connect(String group, String partitionId)
 void Database.emptyAndCommit(PreparedStatement ps, boolean batch)
          Close the passed prepared statement.
 void Database.emptyAndCommit(PreparedStatement ps, boolean batch, int batchCounter)
          Close the prepared statement of the insert statement.
 Result Database.execStatement(String sql)
          Execute an SQL statement on the database connection (has to be open)
 Result Database.execStatement(String rawsql, RowMetaInterface params, Object[] data)
 Result Database.execStatements(String script)
          Execute a series of SQL statements, separated by ; We are already connected...
 void Database.first(ResultSet rs)
 String Database.getAlterTableStatement(String tableName, RowMetaInterface fields, String tk, boolean use_autoinc, String pk, boolean semicolon)
 String[] Database.getCatalogs()
 String DatabaseFactory.getConnectionTestReport(DatabaseMeta databaseMeta)
 String DatabaseFactoryInterface.getConnectionTestReport(DatabaseMeta databaseMeta)
 void DatabaseMetaInformation.getData(LoggingObjectInterface parentLoggingObject, ProgressMonitorListener monitor)
static DatabaseInterface DatabaseMeta.getDatabaseInterface(String databaseType)
          Search for the right type of DatabaseInterface object and clone it.
 DatabaseMetaData Database.getDatabaseMetaData()
 String Database.getDDL(String tablename, RowMetaInterface fields)
 String Database.getDDL(String tablename, RowMetaInterface fields, String tk, boolean use_autoinc, String pk)
 String Database.getDDL(String tableName, RowMetaInterface fields, String tk, boolean use_autoinc, String pk, boolean semicolon)
 String Database.getDDLCreationTable(String tableName, RowMetaInterface fields)
          Return SQL CREATION statement for a Table
 String Database.getDDLTruncateTable(String schema, String tablename)
          Return SQL TRUNCATE statement for a Table
 List<Object[]> Database.getFirstRows(String table_name, int limit)
 List<Object[]> Database.getFirstRows(String table_name, int limit, ProgressMonitorListener monitor)
          Get the first rows from a table (for preview)
 RowMetaAndData Database.getGeneratedKeys(PreparedStatement ps)
 Object[] Database.getLastLogDate(String logtable, String name, boolean job, LogStatus status)
 Object[] Database.getLookup()
 Object[] Database.getLookup(boolean failOnMultipleResults)
 Object[] Database.getLookup(PreparedStatement ps)
 Object[] Database.getLookup(PreparedStatement ps, boolean failOnMultipleResults)
 Long BaseDatabaseMeta.getNextBatchId(DatabaseMeta dbm, Database ldb, String schemaName, String tableName, String fieldName)
 Long DatabaseInterface.getNextBatchId(DatabaseMeta dbm, Database ldb, String schemaName, String tableName, String fieldName)
          Get the next Batch ID from the logging tables.
 Long DatabaseMeta.getNextBatchId(Database ldb, String schemaName, String tableName, String fieldName)
 Long BaseDatabaseMeta.getNextBatchIdUsingAutoIncSQL(String autoIncSQL, DatabaseMeta dbm, Database ldb)
 Long BaseDatabaseMeta.getNextBatchIdUsingLockTables(DatabaseMeta dbm, Database ldb, String schemaName, String tableName, String fieldName)
 Long MSSQLServerDatabaseMeta.getNextBatchIdUsingLockTables(DatabaseMeta dbm, Database ldb, String schemaName, String tableName, String fieldName)
 Long BaseDatabaseMeta.getNextBatchIdUsingSequence(String sequenceName, String schemaName, DatabaseMeta dbm, Database ldb)
 Long Database.getNextSequenceValue(String sequenceName, String keyfield)
 Long Database.getNextSequenceValue(String schemaName, String sequenceName, String keyfield)
 Long Database.getNextValue(Hashtable<String,Counter> counters, String tableName, String val_key)
 Long Database.getNextValue(Hashtable<String,Counter> counters, String schemaName, String tableName, String val_key)
 RowMetaAndData Database.getOneRow(String sql)
          Execute a query and return at most one row from the resultset
 RowMetaAndData Database.getOneRow(String sql, RowMetaInterface param, Object[] data)
 String[] Database.getPrimaryKeyColumnNames(String tablename)
          Return primary key column names ...
 String[] Database.getProcedures()
 RowMetaInterface Database.getQueryFields(String sql, boolean param)
 RowMetaInterface Database.getQueryFields(String sql, boolean param, RowMetaInterface inform, Object[] data)
 Object[] Database.getRow(ResultSet rs)
          Get a row from the resultset.
 Object[] Database.getRow(ResultSet rs, boolean lazyConversion)
          Get a row from the resultset.
 Object[] Database.getRow(ResultSet rs, ResultSetMetaData dummy, RowMetaInterface rowInfo)
          Get a row from the resultset.
 List<Object[]> Database.getRows(ResultSet rset, int limit, ProgressMonitorListener monitor)
          Reads the result of a ResultSet into an ArrayList
 List<Object[]> Database.getRows(String sql, int limit)
          Reads the result of an SQL query into an ArrayList
 List<Object[]> Database.getRows(String sql, int limit, ProgressMonitorListener monitor)
          Reads the result of an SQL query into an ArrayList
 String[] Database.getSchemas()
 String[] Database.getSequences()
          Return all sequence names from connection
 String Database.getSQLOutput(String schemaName, String tableName, RowMetaInterface fields, Object[] r, String dateFormat)
          Return SQL statement (INSERT INTO TableName ...
 Map<String,Collection<String>> Database.getSynonymMap()
 Map<String,Collection<String>> Database.getSynonymMap(String schemanamein)
 String[] Database.getSynonyms()
 String[] Database.getSynonyms(boolean includeSchema)
 String[] Database.getSynonyms(String schemanamein, boolean includeSchema)
 RowMetaInterface Database.getTableFields(String tablename)
 Map<String,Collection<String>> Database.getTableMap()
 Map<String,Collection<String>> Database.getTableMap(String schemanamein)
 String[] Database.getTablenames()
 String[] Database.getTablenames(boolean includeSchema)
 String[] Database.getTablenames(String schemanamein, boolean includeSchema)
 String[] Database.getTableTypes()
 String DatabaseMeta.getURL()
 String DatabaseMeta.getURL(String partitionId)
 String DatabaseInterface.getURL(String hostname, String port, String databaseName)
 String Exasol4DatabaseMeta.getURL(String hostname, String port, String databaseName)
 String OracleDatabaseMeta.getURL(String hostname, String port, String databaseName)
 String NeoviewDatabaseMeta.getURL(String hostname, String port, String databaseName)
 Object BaseDatabaseMeta.getValueFromResultSet(ResultSet rs, ValueMetaInterface val, int i)
          This method allows a database dialect to convert database specific data types to Kettle data types.
 Object DatabaseInterface.getValueFromResultSet(ResultSet resultSet, ValueMetaInterface valueMeta, int index)
          This method allows a database dialect to convert database specific data types to Kettle data types.
 Object DatabaseMeta.getValueFromResultSet(ResultSet rs, ValueMetaInterface val, int i)
 Object NeoviewDatabaseMeta.getValueFromResultSet(ResultSet rs, ValueMetaInterface val, int i)
          This method allows a database dialect to convert database specific data types to Kettle data types.
 Map<String,Collection<String>> Database.getViewMap()
 Map<String,Collection<String>> Database.getViewMap(String schemanamein)
 String[] Database.getViews()
 String[] Database.getViews(boolean includeSchema)
 String[] Database.getViews(String schemanamein, boolean includeSchema)
 void Database.insertFinished(boolean batch)
 void Database.insertFinished(PreparedStatement ps, boolean batch)
          Deprecated. use emptyAndCommit() instead (pass in the number of rows left in the batch)
 void Database.insertRow()
 void Database.insertRow(boolean batch)
 void Database.insertRow(PreparedStatement ps)
 boolean Database.insertRow(PreparedStatement ps, boolean batch)
          Insert a row into the database using a prepared statement that has all values set.
 boolean Database.insertRow(PreparedStatement ps, boolean batch, boolean handleCommit)
          Insert a row into the database using a prepared statement that has all values set.
 void Database.insertRow(String tableName, RowMetaInterface fields, Object[] data)
 void Database.insertRow(String schemaName, String tableName, RowMetaInterface fields, Object[] data)
 void Database.lockTables(String[] tableNames)
          Lock a tables in the database for write operations
 void Database.normalConnect(String partitionId)
          Open the database connection.
 ResultSet Database.openQuery(PreparedStatement ps, RowMetaInterface params, Object[] data)
 ResultSet Database.openQuery(String sql)
 ResultSet Database.openQuery(String sql, RowMetaInterface params, Object[] data)
          Open a query on the database with a set of parameters stored in a Kettle Row
 ResultSet Database.openQuery(String sql, RowMetaInterface params, Object[] data, int fetch_mode)
 ResultSet Database.openQuery(String sql, RowMetaInterface params, Object[] data, int fetch_mode, boolean lazyConversion)
 void Database.prepareInsert(RowMetaInterface rowMeta, String tableName)
          Prepare inserting values into a table, using the fields & values in a Row
 void Database.prepareInsert(RowMetaInterface rowMeta, String schemaName, String tableName)
          Prepare inserting values into a table, using the fields & values in a Row
 PreparedStatement Database.prepareSQL(String sql)
          Prepare a statement to be executed on the database.
 PreparedStatement Database.prepareSQL(String sql, boolean returnKeys)
          Prepare a statement to be executed on the database.
 boolean Database.relative(ResultSet rs, int rows)
 void Database.releaseSavepoint(Savepoint savepoint)
 void Database.rollback()
 void Database.rollback(boolean force)
 void Database.rollback(Savepoint savepoint)
 void Database.setAutoCommit(boolean useAutoCommit)
 void Database.setLookup(String table, String[] codes, String[] condition, String[] gets, String[] rename, String orderby)
 void Database.setLookup(String tableName, String[] codes, String[] condition, String[] gets, String[] rename, String orderby, boolean checkForMultipleResults)
 void Database.setLookup(String schema, String table, String[] codes, String[] condition, String[] gets, String[] rename, String orderby)
 void Database.setLookup(String schemaName, String tableName, String[] codes, String[] condition, String[] gets, String[] rename, String orderby, boolean checkForMultipleResults)
 void Database.setProcLookup(String proc, String[] arg, String[] argdir, int[] argtype, String returnvalue, int returntype)
 void Database.setProcValues(RowMetaInterface rowMeta, Object[] data, int[] argnrs, String[] argdir, boolean result)
 Savepoint Database.setSavepoint()
 Savepoint Database.setSavepoint(String savePointName)
 void Database.setValue(PreparedStatement ps, ValueMetaInterface v, Object object, int pos)
 void Database.setValues(RowMetaAndData row)
 void Database.setValues(RowMetaAndData row, PreparedStatement ps)
 void Database.setValues(RowMetaInterface rowMeta, Object[] data)
 void Database.setValues(RowMetaInterface rowMeta, Object[] data, PreparedStatement ps)
 void Database.setValues(RowMetaInterface rowMeta, Object[] data, PreparedStatement ps, int ignoreThisValueIndex)
          Sets the values of the preparedStatement pstmt.
 void Database.setValuesInsert(RowMetaAndData row)
 void Database.setValuesInsert(RowMetaInterface rowMeta, Object[] data)
 void Database.setValuesLookup(RowMetaInterface rowMeta, Object[] data)
 void Database.setValuesUpdate(RowMetaInterface rowMeta, Object[] data)
 void Database.truncateTable(String tablename)
 void Database.truncateTable(String schema, String tablename)
 void Database.unlockTables(String[] tableNames)
          Unlock certain tables in the database for write operations
 void Database.updateRow()

Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.core.exception

Subclasses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.core.exception
 class KettleDatabaseBatchException
          This exception is used by the Database class.
 class KettleDependencyException
          This exception is used by the Database class.

Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.repository.kdr.delegates

Methods in org.pentaho.di.repository.kdr.delegates that throw KettleDatabaseException
 Collection<RowMetaAndData> KettleDatabaseRepositoryDatabaseDelegate.getDatabaseAttributes()
 Collection<RowMetaAndData> KettleDatabaseRepositoryConnectionDelegate.getDatabaseAttributes(ObjectId id_database)
 RowMetaAndData KettleDatabaseRepositoryConnectionDelegate.getOneRow(String sql)
 RowMetaAndData KettleDatabaseRepositoryConnectionDelegate.getOneRow(String sql, RowMetaInterface rowMeta, Object[] rowData)
 RowMetaInterface KettleDatabaseRepositoryConnectionDelegate.getReturnRowMeta()
 List<Object[]> KettleDatabaseRepositoryConnectionDelegate.getRows(String sql, int limit)

Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.trans

Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans that throw KettleDatabaseException
 void TransMeta.cancelQueries()
          Cancels queries opened for checking & fieldprediction.

Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.trans.step

Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.step that throw KettleDatabaseException
 void StepMetaInterface.cancelQueries()
          Call this to cancel trailing database queries (too long running, etc)
 void BaseStepMeta.cancelQueries()
          Call this to cancel trailing database queries (too long running, etc)

Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.combinationlookup

Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.combinationlookup that throw KettleDatabaseException
 Long CombinationLookup.combiInsert(RowMetaInterface rowMeta, Object[] row, Long val_key, Long val_crc)
          This inserts new record into a junk dimension
 void CombinationLookup.setCombiLookup(RowMetaInterface inputRowMeta)
          CombinationLookup table: dimension table keys[]: which dim-fields do we use to look up key? retval: name of the key to return

Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.delete

Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.delete that throw KettleDatabaseException
 void Delete.prepareDelete(RowMetaInterface rowMeta)

Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.dimensionlookup

Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.dimensionlookup that throw KettleDatabaseException
 void DimensionLookup.dimPunchThrough(RowMetaInterface rowMeta, Object[] row)
 void DimensionLookup.dimUpdate(RowMetaInterface rowMeta, Object[] row, Long dimkey, Date valueDate)

Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.insertupdate

Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.insertupdate that throw KettleDatabaseException
 void InsertUpdate.prepareUpdate(RowMetaInterface rowMeta)
 void InsertUpdate.setLookup(RowMetaInterface rowMeta)

Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mondrianinput

Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.mondrianinput that throw KettleDatabaseException
 void MondrianHelper.createFlattenedOutput()
          Retrieve the rows from the opened query.
 void MondrianHelper.createRectangularOutput()
          Outputs one row per tuple on the rows axis.
 void MondrianHelper.openQuery()

Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.olapinput

Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.olapinput that throw KettleDatabaseException
 void OlapHelper.close()
 void OlapHelper.createRectangularOutput()
          Outputs one row per tuple on the rows axis.

Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sapinput.mock

Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sapinput.mock that throw KettleDatabaseException
 String SAPConnectionFactoryMock.getConnectionTestReport(DatabaseMeta databaseMeta)
          The SAP connection to test, links to the TEST button in the database dialog.

Uses of KettleDatabaseException in

Methods in that throw KettleDatabaseException
 String SAPConnectionFactory.getConnectionTestReport(DatabaseMeta databaseMeta)
          The SAP connection to test

Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.synchronizeaftermerge

Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.synchronizeaftermerge that throw KettleDatabaseException
 String SynchronizeAfterMerge.getDeleteStatement(RowMetaInterface rowMeta)
 String SynchronizeAfterMerge.getLookupStatement(RowMetaInterface rowMeta)
 String SynchronizeAfterMerge.getUpdateStatement(RowMetaInterface rowMeta)

Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.update

Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.update that throw KettleDatabaseException
 void Update.prepareUpdate(RowMetaInterface rowMeta)
 void Update.setLookup(RowMetaInterface rowMeta)

Uses of KettleDatabaseException in org.pentaho.di.ui.repository

Methods in org.pentaho.di.ui.repository that throw KettleDatabaseException
static void RepositoryDirectoryUI.getTreeWithNames(TreeItem ti, Repository rep, Color dircolor, int sortPosition, boolean includeDeleted, boolean ascending, boolean getTransformations, boolean getJobs, RepositoryDirectoryInterface dir, String filterString, Pattern pattern)
          Set the name of this directory on a TreeItem.