Uses of Package

Packages that use mondrian.olap
Provides compiled expressions.
Provides implementation classes for compiled expressions.
Utilities for internationalization and localization.
Defines a parse tree for MDX expressions.
Mondrian's core package, this defines connections and the catalog metamodel, and allows you to execute queries.
Defines the set of MDX built-in functions.
Defines MDX extension functions.
Type system for MDX expessions.
olap4j driver for the Mondrian OLAP engine.
Provides a set a classes for logging the process of a task.
Implements the data access layer for the olap package.
Manages a cache of aggregates containing cell values.
Defines a 'matcher' which scans the schema to find candidate aggregate tables.
Database-independent library for generating SQL.
Augments the Mondrian engine with server functionality.
Contains the server-provider interfaces (SPIs) which user-defined extensions to Mondrian should implement.
Provides implementations of SPIs defined in the mondrian.spi package.
Text user interface for Mondrian.
Mondrian utilities.
Provides a tag library for embedding MDX queries in JSP pages.
Implements the XML for Analysis API.