Uses of Package
Packages that use mondrian.olap
Provides compiled expressions.
Provides implementation classes for compiled expressions.
Utilities for internationalization and localization.
Defines a parse tree for MDX expressions.
Mondrian's core package, this defines connections and the catalog metamodel,
and allows you to execute queries.
Defines the set of MDX built-in functions.
Defines MDX extension functions.
Type system for MDX expessions.
olap4j driver for the Mondrian OLAP engine.
Provides a set a classes for logging the process of a task.
Implements the data access layer for the olap package.
Manages a cache of aggregates containing cell values.
Defines a 'matcher' which scans the schema to find candidate aggregate tables.
Database-independent library for generating SQL.
Augments the Mondrian engine with server functionality.
Contains the server-provider interfaces (SPIs) which user-defined
extensions to Mondrian should implement.
Provides implementations of SPIs defined in the
package.Text user interface for Mondrian.
Mondrian utilities.
Provides a tag library for embedding MDX queries in JSP pages.
Implements the XML for Analysis API.
Classes in mondrian.olap used by mondrian.calcClassDescriptionA
represents a dimension of a cube.AnEvaluator
holds the context necessary to evaluate an expression.AnExp
is an MDX expression.AHierarchy
is a set of members, organized into levels.AMember
is a 'point' on a dimension of a cube.Parameter to a Query.Provides context necessary to resolve identifiers to objects, function calls to specific functions. -
Classes in mondrian.olap used by mondrian.calc.implClassDescriptionA
represents a dimension of a cube.AnEvaluator
holds the context necessary to evaluate an expression.AnExp
is an MDX expression.Holds information necessary to add an expression to the expression result cache (seeEvaluator.getCachedResult(ExpCacheDescriptor)
is a set of members, organized into levels.AMember
is a 'point' on a dimension of a cube.Parameter to a Query.Provides context necessary to resolve identifiers to objects, function calls to specific functions. -
Classes in mondrian.olap used by mondrian.i18n
Classes in mondrian.olap used by mondrian.mdxClassDescriptionA
represents a dimension of a cube.AnEvaluator
holds the context necessary to evaluate an expression.Interface for evaluating a particular named set.AnExp
is an MDX expression.Skeleton implementation ofExp
is a clause in an MDX query which defines a Set or a Member.AFunCall
is a function applied to a list of operands.Definition of an MDX function.AHierarchy
is a set of members, organized into levels.Multi-part identifier.Represents a constant value, such as a string or number, in a parse tree.AMember
is a 'point' on a dimension of a cube.A named set of members or tuples.Parameter to a Query.Query
is an MDX query.An axis in an MDX query.Component of an MDX query (derived classes include Query, Axis, Exp, Level).Enumerated values describing the syntax of an expression.Provides context necessary to resolve identifiers to objects, function calls to specific functions. -
Classes in mondrian.olap used by mondrian.olapClassDescription
enumerates the allowable access rights.Describes an aggregation operator, such as "sum" or "count".An element that has annotations.User-defined property on a metadata element.AAxis
is a component of aResult
describes the allowable values for an axis code.API for controlling the contents of the cell cache and the member cache.a region of cells in the cell cacheAn operation to be applied to the member cache.A specification of a set of members in the member cache.Category
enumerates the possible expression types.ACell
is an item in the grid of aResult
.Connection to a multi-dimensional database.Cube.ADimension
represents a dimension of a cube.Enumerates the types of dimensions.Drill through statement.EnumeratedValues
is a helper class for declaring a set of symbolic constants which have names, ordinals, and possibly descriptions.BasicValue
is an obvious implementation ofEnumeratedValues.Value
represents a member of an enumerated type.AnEvaluator
holds the context necessary to evaluate an expression.Interface for evaluating a particular named set.Interface for generically evaluating a set.AnExp
is an MDX expression.Skeleton implementation ofExp
interface.Holds information necessary to add an expression to the expression result cache (seeEvaluator.getCachedResult(ExpCacheDescriptor)
).Explain statement.AFormula
is a clause in an MDX query which defines a Set or a Member.Definition of an MDX function.List of all MDX functions.Builder that assists with the construction of a function table by providing callbacks to define functions.AHierarchy
is a set of members, organized into levels.Multi-part identifier.Component in a compound identifier that describes the name of an object.Component in a compound identifier.Deprecated.Represents a constant value, such as a string or number, in a parse tree.MatchType
enumerates the allowable match modes when searching for a member based on its unique name.AMember
is a 'point' on a dimension of a cube.MemberBase
is a partial implementation ofMember
.Member property or solve order specification.The name of the column mapping from base fact table foreign key to aggregate table foreign key.Member property.A definition of an aggregate table for a base fact table.User-defined property value.Holder for an array of Annotation elementsProperty of a calculated member defined against a cube.Plugin that formats the values of cells.Specifies the transitive closure of a parent-child hierarchy.Column definition for an inline table.Holder for an array of ColumnDef elementsDefinition of a cube.A CubeDimension is either a usage of a Dimension ('shared dimension', in MSOLAP parlance), or a 'private dimension'.Grants (or denies) this role access to a cube.List of base cubes used by the virtual cube.A Dimension is a collection of hierarchies.Grants (or denies) this role access to a dimension.Abstract type just in order to avoid duplication.A collection of SQL expressions, one per dialect.Defines a hierarchy.Grants (or denies) this role access to a hierarchy.Dialect-specific table optimization hints.Plugin that formats members.Grants (or denies) this role access to a member.Not usedDefines a named set which can be used in queries in the same way as a set defined using a WITH SET clause.A Parameter defines a schema parameter.Member property.Plugin that formats properties.A table, inline table or viewA table or a joinA role defines an access-control profile.User name or member group name.Usage of a Role in a union Role.Row definition for an inline table.Holder for an array of Row elementsA schema is a collection of cubes and virtual cubes.Grants (or denies) this role access to this schema.Script fragment to implement an SPI such as user-defined function, member formatter, cell formatter.Body of a Role definition which defines a Role to be the union of several Roles.A UserDefinedFunction is a function which extends the MDX language.Column value for an inline table.A collection of SQL statements, one per dialect.A VirtualCube is a set of dimensions and measures gleaned from other cubes.A VirtualCubeDimension is a usage of a Dimension in a VirtualCube.A VirtualCubeMeasure is a usage of a Measure in a VirtualCube.Instances of this class are thrown for all exceptions that Mondrian generates through as a result of known error conditions.Configuration properties that determine the behavior of a mondrian instance.MondrianProperties
contains the properties which determine the behavior of a mondrian instance.Represents a place that properties can be read from, and remembers the timestamp that we last read them.Interface by which to control an instance of Mondrian.Description of the version of the server.A named set of members or tuples.Naming context within which elements are defined.Allows expressions to be evaluated native, e.g.AnOlapElement
is a catalog object (dimension, hierarchy, level, member).OlapElementBase
is an abstract base class for implementations ofOlapElement
.Parameter to a Query.Scope where a parameter is defined.APosition
is an item on anAxis
is the definition of a member property.Query
is an MDX query.An axis in an MDX query.SubtotalVisibility
enumerates the allowed values of whether subtotals are visible.Component of an MDX query (derived classes include Query, Axis, Exp, Level).Provides hooks for recording timing information of components of Query execution.AResult
is the result of running an MDX query.Abstract base class for exceptions that indicate some limit was exceeded.Exception that indicates a compiler could not implement an expression in any of the result styles requested by the client.ARole
is a collection of access rights to cubes, permissions, and so forth.Represents the access that a role has to whole particular hierarchy.Represents the access that a role has to a particular hierarchy.Enumeration of the policies by which a cell is calculated if children of a member are not accessible.Default implementation of theRole
interface.Lexical analyzer for MDX.ASchema
is a collection of cubes, shared dimensions, and roles.Strategies for applying solve order, exposed via the propertyMondrianProperties.SolveOrderMode
.Enumerated values describing the syntax of an expression.Information about memory usage.PropertyList
is an order-preserving list of key-value pairs.AComparator
implementation which can deal correctly withRolapUtil.sqlNullValue
.Provides context necessary to resolve identifiers to objects, function calls to specific functions. -
Classes in mondrian.olap used by mondrian.olap.funClassDescription
enumerates the allowable access rights.An element that has annotations.Cube.ADimension
represents a dimension of a cube.AnEvaluator
holds the context necessary to evaluate an expression.AnExp
is an MDX expression.Definition of an MDX function.List of all MDX functions.Builder that assists with the construction of a function table by providing callbacks to define functions.AHierarchy
is a set of members, organized into levels.AMember
is a 'point' on a dimension of a cube.MemberBase
is a partial implementation ofMember
is a catalog object (dimension, hierarchy, level, member).OlapElementBase
is an abstract base class for implementations ofOlapElement
.Enumerated values describing the syntax of an expression.Utility functions used throughout mondrian.Provides context necessary to resolve identifiers to objects, function calls to specific functions. -
Classes in mondrian.olap used by
Classes in mondrian.olap used by
Classes in mondrian.olap used by mondrian.olap.typeClassDescriptionCube.A
represents a dimension of a cube.AHierarchy
is a set of members, organized into levels.AMember
is a 'point' on a dimension of a cube. -
Classes in mondrian.olap used by mondrian.olap4jClassDescriptionA
is a set of members, organized into levels.A named set of members or tuples.AnOlapElement
is a catalog object (dimension, hierarchy, level, member). -
Classes in mondrian.olap used by mondrian.parserClassDescriptionDrill through statement.An
is an MDX expression.Explain statement.AFormula
is a clause in an MDX query which defines a Set or a Member.List of all MDX functions.Multi-part identifier.Identifier segment representing a key, possibly composite.Component in a compound identifier that describes the name of an object.Component in a compound identifier.Represents a constant value, such as a string or number, in a parse tree.Member property or solve order specification.Query
is an MDX query.An axis in an MDX query.Component of an MDX query (derived classes include Query, Axis, Exp, Level). -
Classes in mondrian.olap used by mondrian.recorderClassDescriptionInstances of this class are thrown for all exceptions that Mondrian generates through as a result of known error conditions.
Classes in mondrian.olap used by mondrian.resourceClassDescriptionException which indicates that a Cube is invalid because there is a hierarchy with no members.Instances of this class are thrown for all exceptions that Mondrian generates through as a result of known error conditions.Exception which indicates that native evaluation of a function was enabled but not supported, and
was set toERROR
.Exception which indicates that a query was canceled by an end-user.Exception which indicates that a query executed for longer than its allowed time and was automatically canceled.Exception which indicates some resource limit was exceeded. -
Classes in mondrian.olap used by mondrian.rolapClassDescription
enumerates the allowable access rights.Describes an aggregation operator, such as "sum" or "count".An element that has annotations.User-defined property on a metadata element.AAxis
is a component of aResult
.API for controlling the contents of the cell cache and the member cache.a region of cells in the cell cacheAn operation to be applied to the member cache.A specification of a set of members in the member cache.ACell
is an item in the grid of aResult
.Connection to a multi-dimensional database.ConnectionBase
implements some of the methods inConnection
is an abstract implementation ofCube
represents a dimension of a cube.Abstract implementation for aDimension
.Enumerates the types of dimensions.EnumeratedValues
is a helper class for declaring a set of symbolic constants which have names, ordinals, and possibly descriptions.BasicValue
is an obvious implementation ofEnumeratedValues.Value
represents a member of an enumerated type.AnEvaluator
holds the context necessary to evaluate an expression.Interface for evaluating a particular named set.Interface for generically evaluating a set.AnExp
is an MDX expression.Holds information necessary to add an expression to the expression result cache (seeEvaluator.getCachedResult(ExpCacheDescriptor)
is a clause in an MDX query which defines a Set or a Member.Definition of an MDX function.List of all MDX functions.AHierarchy
is a set of members, organized into levels.Skeleton implementation forHierarchy
.Component in a compound identifier that describes the name of an object.Component in a compound identifier.Skeleton implementation ofLevel
enumerates the allowable match modes when searching for a member based on its unique name.AMember
is a 'point' on a dimension of a cube.MemberBase
is a partial implementation ofMember
.Holder for an array of Annotation elementsSpecifies the transitive closure of a parent-child hierarchy.A CubeDimension is either a usage of a Dimension ('shared dimension', in MSOLAP parlance), or a 'private dimension'.List of base cubes used by the virtual cube.Defines a hierarchy.A table, inline table or viewA table or a joinA schema is a collection of cubes and virtual cubes.Interface by which to control an instance of Mondrian.A named set of members or tuples.Naming context within which elements are defined.Exception which indicates that native evaluation of a function was enabled but not supported, andMondrianProperties.AlertNativeEvaluationUnsupported
was set toERROR
.Allows expressions to be evaluated native, e.g.AnOlapElement
is a catalog object (dimension, hierarchy, level, member).OlapElementBase
is an abstract base class for implementations ofOlapElement
.Parameter to a Query.Scope where a parameter is defined.APosition
is an item on anAxis
is the definition of a member property.Query
is an MDX query.An axis in an MDX query.Component of an MDX query (derived classes include Query, Axis, Exp, Level).Provides hooks for recording timing information of components of Query execution.AResult
is the result of running an MDX query.Skeleton implementation ofResult
is a collection of access rights to cubes, permissions, and so forth.ASchema
is a collection of cubes, shared dimensions, and roles.PropertyList
is an order-preserving list of key-value pairs. -
Classes in mondrian.olap used by mondrian.rolap.aggClassDescriptionDescribes an aggregation operator, such as "sum" or "count".API for controlling the contents of the cell cache and the member cache.a region of cells in the cell cacheInterface by which to control an instance of Mondrian.An
is a catalog object (dimension, hierarchy, level, member). -
Classes in mondrian.olap used by mondrian.rolap.aggmatcherClassDescriptionThe name of the column mapping from base fact table foreign key to aggregate table foreign key.Member property.Definition of a cube.A table, inline table or view
is an order-preserving list of key-value pairs. -
Classes in mondrian.olap used by mondrian.rolap.formatClassDescriptionAbstract type just in order to avoid duplication.Script fragment to implement an SPI such as user-defined function, member formatter, cell formatter.
Classes in mondrian.olap used by mondrian.rolap.sqlClassDescriptionAn
holds the context necessary to evaluate an expression.AnExp
is an MDX expression.Definition of an MDX function.A table or a join -
Classes in mondrian.olap used by mondrian.serverClassDescriptionInstances of this class are thrown for all exceptions that Mondrian generates through as a result of known error conditions.Interface by which to control an instance of Mondrian.Description of the version of the server.
is an MDX query.Provides hooks for recording timing information of components of Query execution. -
Classes in mondrian.olap used by mondrian.spiClassDescriptionAn
holds the context necessary to evaluate an expression.AMember
is a 'point' on a dimension of a cube.Provides hooks for recording timing information of components of Query execution.Enumerated values describing the syntax of an expression.PropertyList
is an order-preserving list of key-value pairs. -
Classes in mondrian.olap used by mondrian.spi.impl
Classes in mondrian.olap used by mondrian.tuiClassDescriptionConnection to a multi-dimensional database.Cube.Parameter to a Query.
is an MDX query.AResult
is the result of running an MDX query.ARole
is a collection of access rights to cubes, permissions, and so forth. -
Classes in mondrian.olap used by mondrian.udf
Classes in mondrian.olap used by mondrian.utilClassDescriptionCube.A
is a set of members, organized into levels.AMember
is a 'point' on a dimension of a cube.Instances of this class are thrown for all exceptions that Mondrian generates through as a result of known error conditions.Information about memory usage. -
Classes in mondrian.olap used by mondrian.web.taglib
Classes in mondrian.olap used by mondrian.xmlaClassDescriptionInstances of this class are thrown for all exceptions that Mondrian generates through as a result of known error conditions.
Classes in mondrian.olap used by mondrian.xmla.impl
before mondrian-4.0.